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Haha xD  cause he is :P  lol....and he is Killua's best friend <3 i will have them meet! Lets get Takis and Killua out in the hall..)

Killua stood and shook away the embarrassment, then looked at him with a normal expression. "lets go...." He headed out of the cafeteria, into the hallway. "we have to make sure the Principal don't find us."


Takis Argyris

Takis nodded, got up, and followed him. "Eh, the principal can honestly kiss my ass," Takis laughed, "I'm adult enough, I suppose. Eighteen is fair enough, so I don't really consider him a superior, or whatever they call it." @IkutoForever2222
"he is a dragon and this school is his territory....i checked him out....not in that way.....but this place....if anyone is on it at night he gets REAL mad..." Killua laughed nervously as he walked. "i mean....i know you are a dragon-ish....too.....but he is almost full blooded"

Tsuna let the boy go and headed out. "take care of him!" He pointed at him before leaving to look for Killua, his best friend who was a lot shorter than himself. Once he found him, he saw him walking with another boy. "Oh?" He walked over and crossed his arms. "ditching me i see...."


Killua puffed out his cheeks at seeing Tsuna. "i-im not ditching you silly....." He blushed and looked at Takis. "this is Takis.....Takis....this is Tsuna....my best friend...."

Tsuna ruffled his friends hair and looked at Takis. He was in normal mode so his eyes were puppy dog brown.

Takis Argyris

Takis nodded over at Killua, and saluted Tsuna, as he usually did when greeting someone. "Pleasure." He said. He wasn't the much in the way of greeting, he didn't like to make it lengthy. @IkutoForever2222
He blushed and hugged him. "well....w-wanna go to the movies?"


Tsuna gave a nod and put Killua in a head lock. "same to you sir....." He looked at Killua and smiled as he struggled, then Killua just zapped him. Tsuna squeaked and let go. "no fair"

Killua laughed. "its plenty fair...."

Tsuna went fire mode and burned him a little, seeing Killua jumped and hold his arm. "now....its fair"

Takis Argyris

Takis chuckled at their fighting. He didn't usually approve of unnecessary fighting or violence, but it was still pretty funny to watch them. "You two seem more like brothers than friends." He chuckled. @IkutoForever2222
Tsuna smiled and put an arm around his friends shoulder. "we have been friends for a long time....so you can say we are like brothers"

Killua nodded and smiled a bit, seeing tsuna was still fire mode, he himself went electric mode, just so he looked cool too. xD

He blushed and hugged him. "well....w-wanna go to the movies?"


Tsuna gave a nod and put Killua in a head lock. "same to you sir....." He looked at Killua and smiled as he struggled, then Killua just zapped him. Tsuna squeaked and let go. "no fair"

Killua laughed. "its plenty fair...."

Tsuna went fire mode and burned him a little, seeing Killua jumped and hold his arm. "now....its fair"


'Sure. Sounds like fun, when do you want to go?' He asked as he started to put the rest of the armor. 
Smoke nodded and started to get up and stretch. 'Do you want to walk or drive or what?' He asked. 'I'll need to go to my dorm and get dressed. It'd be weird for me to go in armor.' He says as he looks at his outfit. 

Takis Argyris

Takis saw the two of them in their elemental forms(Didn't really know anything else to call them. XD), and said, "Fire, Sky... And Earth." As he said earth, he turned into an earth dragon. It wasn't his favorite by far, but he liked that it made him look older and he thought it was fitting.

Takis Argyris

Takis staggered a bit from the tackle, but didn't completely fall. He chuckled, and blew out a small fire on his grass mane. "I suppose it would be... Fitting. Now we need someone to be water." He laughed. @IkutoForever2222
They both let go of him but not each other with puffed out cheeks. "w-we dont know anyone with water power.....but there is a tank side....im sure we could find someone with that power" Killua said and Tsuna nodded. They both grabbed onto Takis and pulled him, heading to that area. "lets go!"

Killua and Tsuna entered the tank side, and literally it was a giant tank, full of water. A boy stood and stared at the water with a small smile.


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