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"....Good, I guess...." he assumed that whatever he said wasn't anything bad since he looked to be alright.  This was one of the only times he was happy that his eye's were closed.Aladdin was glad that he trusted him or appeared to anyway. Honestly it was comfortable having him there. His presence was just relaxing to him for whatever reason.


"Don't worry about it. You probably need more sleep than I anyway and you probably don't stay up as late as I do."  his face went one shade darker but he attempted to recover. He tried to speak more quietly so that he wouldn't startle him or hurt his eardrums since he was so close to him at the moment.

Alright, cool.

Takis Argyris

Takis was walking down the empty hall for performing arts, already sick of most of the people in the school. He heard piano music playing, which calmed him a bit. He looked around, not actually knowing where he really was. Instead of finding an exit, he saw another boy in the hall, a bit more than a foot shorter than himself. He walked over to the boy, and said, "Hey son, you don't happen to know where we are, do you?" @IkutoForever2222
Nai made a small moan sound and cuddled up to him, not responding.


Kai rubbed his head against his neck almost like a cat would do, but he was just snuggling the warmth.

@Kira Times

Killua blinked and looked and him, hands in pocket. "Performing Arts hall....i was fixing electrical problem.....why?"


D-Dammit. It probably wouldn't be possible to get to the color he was right now. He doubted the shade of red he was wasn't even a actual color. that's just how red he thought he looked right now. It felt like his face was on fire right now. He sighed quietly as he wondered to himself why he was acting like this. He wasn't a prude and he never  did mind this stuff. He could make a few guesses on why he was acting so awkward but he had a hard time believing some of his own ideas. They did make sense though....All of this was so confusing.

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Takis Argyris

Takis grunted and kicked at a bit of rubble on the ground. "Can't find my way around this damn place... more confusing than trying to navigate a minefield." He said, looking down at Killua. "How long you've been going here, son?" @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

Takis looked at him with a hint of impression on his face. "Impressive, son," Takis said, looking the boy up and down, "Skipped the whole day and still know your way around... You ever considered joining the army?" Takis didn't ever ask people if they had wanted to join the army, but he could tell that he had good navigation skills. @IkutoForever2222
of course xD )

Nai smiled against his lips, opening one eye to look at him.


"Im an assassin...." Killua looked at Takis. "im pretty sure they wouldnt accept me because of the bounty on my head" He stretched and yawned. "and i dont need school....everything we learn is too easy and just common sense"

Takis Argyris

Takis frowned. He didn't approve of unnecessary killing, but he figured there wasn't a point in trying to stop it either. "I suppose you have a point..." Takis said, staring Killua down. "I do as well... but in a different way. I deserted the poor bastards." @IkutoForever2222
"hmm?" cool" He looked up at him, he didnt like to be stared down, it mad ehim feel small, and yes, on the outside he was,on the inside...you would wan to run like hell. "well....i dont do assassinations anymore.....i want to change my family history......instead im a hunter" He smirked.


"h-hi...." He rubbed his eyes and stretched.


(sure, i dont mind....well...since i have Anubis lol xD )
Takis Argyris

Takis shrugged, and said, "I try not to kill things anymore... or people, for that matter. I find that threatening usually works just as fine. I usually keep an old pistol of mine if it doesn't though..." Takis said, glancing down at the holster on his waist which contained his officer's pistol. @IkutoForever2222

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