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"Fun, am I right!" this would probably be the part when he would want to impress him and start  getting cocky then begin doing tricks but he was going to avoid that. "So is your river anywhere close?" he asked, looking at the ground below for it. Kai would probably know better than him since he did practically live there.

Mei Rinsaku

"Oh... right." Mei laughed. He sat next to Hisoka and did the same thing he had on the bus, tucking his legs in in front of him. He went ahead and started to shut off parts of his mask, as to limit the amount of pulses he was receiving. He turned off his scanning device before the movie had actually started. "I'm kinda surprised security didn't try to stop us..." Mei laughed. @IkutoForever2222
"we paid didnt we? they have no right to stop us no matter how "suspicious" we look....." He smiled and looked at the screen. This movie is about a group of teenagers going to rob an old man who was blind and very rich, but it turns out he is a murderer and crazy.


"I see it.  " he spotted the river immediately after Kai pointed it out and as a sort of joke he made the sound that the walkie-talkie thing made when being spoke into "Roger that! Coming in for a smooth landing." Aladdin started to descend towards the ground, being careful of trees or anything else that he could crash into. Soon they landed on the ground, with no casualties luckily.

Mei Rinsaku

"Well... I suppose you have a point." Mei said, looking forwards to the screen and turning his scanning on. He figured that if he didn't have his mask and could see and breathe and whatever else just fine, and some kid walks in with a metal mask, and a guy with odd face paint walked in, he would've said something, but that wasn't really the case, so it didn't matter. He started thinking to himself about the day's events (Mainly later in the day) and smiled to himself. @IkutoForever2222
Hisoka watched the screen as the old man killed the first kid off and he just laughed. People gasped and looked at him in disgust, but he couldnt help it. He was a demon for crying out loud!. He smiled and winked at the people and the moved away from him. He shrugged. {more room for me}


Kai laughed and shook his head. "you are so silly" When they finally landed he looked at him.  "thank you so much for today"

@Kira Times

"Hmm? Oh! You're welcome!" he had no idea why he was thanking him for bringing him ''home''. He had nearly stepped on him so it was the least he could do "Heh but the way you said that makes it sound like this was a date or something!" nothing had been planned so it wasn't like he had to thank him. 

Kai blushed and giggled. "i wouldnt know what a date was anyway....never been..." He gave a wave and stepped off, heading to the edge of the river and taking off his shirt to was it in a little area where the water came up that was calm.

@Kira Times
Mei Rinsaku

Mei laughed as well, but quietly and to himself a bit more. He couldn't help but laugh a bit out loud when people started looking towards them. He looked over at Hisoka for a second and smiled, before turning back towards the screen. @IkutoForever2222
Hisoka noticed him looking and looked back, giving a small smile before watching the giant screen. Soon the movie got close to the ending and Hisoka WASNT impressed. He could kill people in crazy fun ways, if he wanted to that is.


Aladdin tilted his to the side head slightly "Really?" he said, genuinely surprised too. He knew Kai was small but unlike him he was actually likable. He guessed it would be awkward having a miniature boyfriend that wasn't even as tall as a Ken doll but personality must of counted for something.  He wasn't sure if it was alright to stay so he just stayed on the turban, floating just a few centimeters off the ground.

Mei Rinsaku

As the movie was about to end, both of Mei's predictions were true: He wasn't scared from it, he's killed before and it wasn't that bad from his memory. And he was EXTREMELY tired. Basically scanning the entire time sent about as many pulses as if he were trying to help NASA figure out the correct trajectory of their rockets. He stretched a bit when the credits started rolling, but didn't get up immediately. @IkutoForever2222
Piko nodded and went over to the man and gave a bow. "p-please fight with me" He says. piko was way smaller than him when he stood next to him.


The man smirks good naturedly.

"I've been having some supernatural folks come around lately, seeing as I have no supernatural powers I can't fight any so if you wanna fight me you're gonna have to do it without your powers. Now if that doesn't float your boat, those folks over there-" he gestures to some people across the place.

"I hear have powers. If fighting me won't float your boat, those people might fight you power to power." He finishes.
Piko looked over at the group and then back at the man. "im so sorry.....i-im really weak without my powers" He blushed and scratched his cheek embarrassed. His plug tail flicked around him. 


Hisoka looked at him with an understanding smile. "okay....then your dorm it is"


"Oh it's fine honey." The man says sweetly.

"hey you! Over here. This guy's one of your kind! the supernatural guys ya know!" He calls out to the people.

"alright!" He they exclaim excitedly as the happily bound over.

"So what do you want to to? Do you want a mystery match of some sort or do you want to tell us your powers so we can match you up with somebody? As you might know some of the people around these parts get hurt because their powers are rather non combat oriented and they go up against some kind of god of war." The guy explains.

Would  it of been weird to stare at him? Probably but Aladdin did anyway despite the chance it might of crept  him out a little bit. "You sure do,,," he said dreamily before shaking his head "I mean you sure do!" he said much more  loudly apparently breaking out of whatever trance he was in.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei nodded his head and got up slowly, rubbing his eyes. He blinked for a second, remembering that he had turned off his masks's tech. He had the panel slide out again on the side of his mask and pressed some more buttons, and everything was back online. He looked down over at Hisoka and said, "Ready?" @IkutoForever2222
Piko blinked and looked at the guy. "i sing..." He looked a the fighters in a panicked tone. "i-is there a sound proof room!?"


Kai blinked over then smiled. "good..." He finished washing his clothes and hung them up to dry. "well....i guess im going to go to sleep..."

@Kira Times

"as ever" Hisoka replied and walked out of the theater area, assuming Mei would follow.


Nai groaned a bit and slowly woke up, looking at him with a tired expression. "y-yes.....?"

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