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est looked at him and gave a small nod. "i just dont want you to buy stuff for me" He blushed.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Hisoka stayed silent for the 30 minute ride and once their he opened his eyes and gently shook Mei. "Mei" He whispered. "we are here...."


Kai slipped down and landed in his lap and moved to where he was in a safe place, holding onto his pant leg.

@Kira Times
Aurelion Sol laugh "no its alright but dont be sorry cuz the treat you want is on me" he said as he stand up "ill take all the food in the table so u dont have to think" he said with a smile as he walk to the counter and take an order 

One by one Aurelion put the food in the table as he smile "cmon eat up all uou want and get yourself fat" he joked and sat beside him and eat some pancakes. His dragon tail was swaying left to right "you know it wouls be more fun if you enter up the school with me 

Sorry y'all, we had to go outside for science, and I didn't have my iPad.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei opened his eyes and looked around. He remembered he had turned off most of his mask's primary functions, so he felt around his mask and found a panel. He opened it and pressed some buttons, and turned back on all his mask's tech. He looked around(Actually, cuz I mean, he couldn't really with most of his mask turn off, as he turned off his scanner.) over to Hisoka and nodded, standing up and stretching. @IkutoForever2222
Est gasped when he said get fat, but then saw he was joking and huffed a bit, starting to eat. After Aurelion was done talking he gave a nod and a small smile.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Hisoka stood and walked off the bus, making sure Mei was following. Once they were both off, he looked at him. "we can watch a cute animated show if you want....no scary movies"

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I'm pretty indifferent. The horror movie probably won't... Scare me, but it'd probably be more... Interesting, I suppose." Mei chuckled. @IkutoForever2222
We were playing golf and someone accidentally threw their golf club. xD xD xD  Luckily no one got hit. But it was still really funny.

"Okay honey just.... Be careful honey. His punches are deadly if you take too many so be careful." He told Piko sweetly.

"just go over to him and ask him politely for a battle. You can negotiate the rules. Things like powers or no. Depending on what he is he might say just fists." He explains.
Mei Rinsau

"Yeah, sure." Mei said. He was honestly indifferent, because as he said, he might just end up falling asleep from all the work his brain will be doing to keep up(It'll kind of be like a flip-book for him), but he was feeling unusually awake. He smiled, and looked over at Hisoka. @IkutoForever2222

"All set to go then!" he exclaimed before he took off, flying a little higher up first, just over the trees. He wanted to avoid crashing. He was going fast but not as fast as he would alone. The breeze still felt nice though.

God dammit, so used to being on my iPad I swiped on my laptop screen... >.<

Mei Rinsaku

"Don't... breathe?" Mei repeated, confused. He couldn't exactly NOT breathe, since his lungs were always being pumped, so he just shrugged and walked in. He was assaulted by the smells of butter and candies and whatever else, but he didn't really mind. He looked around, finding which theater they were supposed to be at (Already noticing the odd stares that the two of them were getting. I mean, Hisoka looks like he's from the circus and Mei looks like a reject Bane from Batman) and pointing over to the areas. "Over there." @IkutoForever2222
Kai wanted to stand and stretch put his arms, but he would probably fly from the wind. "WOOOOOWWW!!!!"

@Kira Times

Hisoka chuckled, then let out a loud laugh. "the name of the movie silly..." He walked over to the seats Mei picked out and sat down in one of the chairs.


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