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xD  It would be a really weird relationship, ya know, considering half of Mei's face is covered in a mask and he's blind, but it would be an interesting one. 

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was already a bit tired, but he was trying to stay awake. He shut off most of his mask's tech(Ya know, except for, breathing.), and it helped a bit, as he wasn't constantly being sent neuroelectronic pulses through his nerves and constantly projecting images, thoughts, and bios to him. @IkutoForever2222
Well, it would pretty much be the only kissing happening, because, I mean... ya know.. if Mei took his mask off his lungs would stop, most neurotic activities would stop, basically he'd be fucked. >.< But I'm open to it. They both kinda have the same creepy vibe around them, and they both also have kind of a fucked up backstory. 

Mei Rinsaku

Mei nodded off a bit, but immediately snapped his head back up. He decided to shut off the sound mechanic in his mask. He could hear just fine without it, but it was just helpful to have. He nodded off again, and looked over at Hisoka. He figured he would probably wake him up later, and even if not, chances are someone else would. He shut his eyes a bit, moving closer to Hisoka and resting his head on his shoulder. @IkutoForever2222
Hisoka blinked and looked at Mei, smiling slightly and looking back outside, keeping close to him so his head doesnt fall.



Nai blushed. "well.....you aare really nice....we have stuff in common...and you are the first person besides my master who talked to me...." He blushed darkly.


"Of course, really!" he responded just as enthusiastically as Kai. Truthfully Aladdin just hated walking but of course he probably didn't know that he practically skipped gym every chance he got and plus he didn't have any upper body strength whatsoever. He wasn't just doing this because he disliked exercise though that was a big part of it. Since he liked riding on his shoulder so much he guessed that flying would excite him even more. 

Aladdin was quick to remove the turban that was on his head and it was rolled out to act as a blanket of sorts. He sat down on the turban and it started to float of the ground. Before he got too far in the air though he stopped "I don't want you too fall off..."

Mei Rinsaku

"No, it usually takes me a bit to... fall asleep. I think it's called... insomnia? Not sure." Mei said, not moving. He was tired, but as he said, he was an insomniac. @IkutoForever2222

Ya know, insomnia isn't actually as bad as people think. It really gives you some time to think and plan stuff out. Coming from an insomniac. Of course, I know about the downsides, but whatever. xD

"Heh, that's a idea!" he thought for a second and looked around the turban. It would be great if this thing came with seat belts. he thought with a slight chuckle "Guess my lap will have to do, you'll be able to hold onto my pant's leg. It'll be safer than my shoulder anyway." he would have to fly slower than he would normally would   but he was fine with doing so.

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(oh ahhaahhaah xD eheheh) i dint notice thank you xD   

Aurelion look at him "well since you just ate once and i know you might be still... so hungry. would you like me to buy you something more" he ask him with a smile

I'll do one last post, and then I'll be going.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei felt... odd. He hadn't had a close connection with... well, anyone really, after he had gotten his mask. Not even with his mother. Well, before he had his mask he had, but it was different. A matronly love, if you will. There was just... something he couldn't put his finger on. He looked back up at Hisoka, not moving as to not disturb him. He smiled, suffused with warmth, and drifted away to sleep.  @IkutoForever2222
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Tyler can be seen angrily flinging giant rocks with some sort of telekinesis in the forest. Who does that anole think he is?! Bothering some random students for no good reason! He ought to be ashamed of himself! It's too bad he can't tell me what to do. I simply have too much power for even the police to stop me.


Ven finishes eating and goes back to work on his body. In the bathroom he painfully grimaces as he cleans every cut, scrape and bruise on his body with painful alcohols and disenfectants. The stuff stung and burned his body like acid, bubbles surrounded his skin all over as the alcohol connected with his cuts, the bacteria reacting to the medicines. For several hours he did this. He tried very hard not to let his tears of pain  be heard. The tears stinging his eyes. Using all varieties of medicines and beauty care products on his body, he revigorized his terrible hygiene. Bathing. Brushing, flossing mouthwash. He got the nastiness out of his hair tangled mess of a head.  By the time he got out of the bathroom. He was covered in bandages, band aids and other stuff that would keep his healing injuries from returning to a worse state. He tried to weakly and gingerly walk carefully over to the couch in a very slow fashion.


"So who are you thinking about asking for a match?" He asked Piko.

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