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Leo Scalene

Leo didn't think. For some reason, he was compelled to take Anubis on a date. He didn't realize why, but he was oddly mesmerized by her... Him. "Well... Erm... Do you want to hang out down town... Tonight?"

Billy Soni

Billy looked behind him, seeing Kuriko trying to go after him. He slowed down and looked around the hall and saw the auditorium. He saw two boys (Lucius and Tyler) talking to each other... Well... One was really singing but it was close enough for Billy. "Are they troublemakers, Mr. Kuriko!?" He loudly exclaimed, pointing at the two boys.

@xpstitch @IkutoForever2222

Danny and Piko ran for a while and arrived in a rough looking place. There was a crowd of people gathered around two guys wresting on the ground. The people were cheering and taking bets on who would win.

Tyler simply said "Nunya".


Ven wrapped up. He could Finnish treating his wounds later. Pizza was calling. He came limping out of the bathroom and sat down at the table
Est laid there in the demon trap, chained up and feeling like he could die any second, but if course he cant, he was immortal. The small boy opened his eyes slowly and looked around without moving his head, the nurse hadnt come back. Was the nurse disgusted? Was he gonna pretend he didnt even exist? He closed his eyes again, too weak to keep them open.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Aurelion Sol look around the empty hallway as he hold onto his bag, he skip class today becus he know it would be such abore but suddenly a little star poke out infront of him "now what do we have here? " he mumble as the star pointed at the door. "whats over there? " he shrug "it better not be those kids  bullied "he said with a grin as he open up the door and smell something so Discusting and not a Prince like him could take but to be honest he like the smell. Its smell like death. The one he long to do with people smilling widely he look at the star  "were are u taking me?" He ask as he walk deeper and heard some chains. Seeing a closed halfly open he take a look inside and a wide smile spread across his face "well hello there" 

Est opened his eyes and looked at the male. He knew it would be a wasted effort if he tried to talk, his voice was long gone, though if he had therapy he would probably get it back. He continued to look at the male, then closed hs eyes again. He wanted to beg him to help, but in his current condition there was no possible way.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Aurelion sol look at his chaines and remember something as it goes on the part when he remember his childhood but he Quickly shook it and take something out of his bag and smile "i think i got something here " he pause and grab some lunch bag "aha!" He smile in satisfaction and look at thd chain "dont worry ... you will be out there in no time" he said with a chuckle and saw the padlock. Casting a spell he broke it and cath him before he falls into the floor. Sitting down as he made Est sit in his lap he then take his lunch bah and started feeding him some food 

Est had tears in his eyes, he was grateful that the boy helped him. When food touched his mouth he started chewing, but soon stopped in the middle of the process, weak. It wasnt his fault he was like this. "hhhh.......nnnnn" He tried to talk, but sounded like a zombie.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
"Just eat" he said with a smile as he offer him up some waterm. Looking by the door he lift his hand then lock the door with his magic then open up the window to give him some air "you must be in great pain... curse who habe lock you in that room " he said as he look at his skeletal body. Such a poor soul , such an unforunate life. But not anymore "after i feed you .. ill give you a wash " he said as he smile at him


Aladdin had finally managed to escape from Panda after who knows how long of running away from his self-proclaimed friend who was basically just a annoying guy that he was unable to get rid of. Luckily he knew that one spell that would make it impossible to see him for a little while and he avoided being dragged around anymore today. He probably hadn't left the building yet though and was probably harassing the drama teachers' pet or some of the other teachers. He sighed and started making his way to nowhere in particular. He didn't wanna go back to his room yet and he was thinking that he could maybe catch some of the students doing something bad. He was just going to be bored anyway if he went back.

Est managed to swallow, his stomach growled loudly, wanting more.  But the boy shook his head and pointed to the demon circle. He wasnt allowed to get out of it until the concrete floor was cracked.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

A small shriek came from below Aladdin as Kai stepped out of the way from being stepped on. "IM SORRY!" He himself wasnt paying attention.

@Kira Times
Aurelion look at the Symbol to were he was pointing as he look at it then bavk to him "are you saying that i should destry this ?" He ask him as he touch the Symbol and prepare to punch it out 

Aurelion Sol look at him and saw his hatred as a grin spread across his lips and he look at the symbol then punch it as it breaks. Going back to him he smile "i wonder how long have u been stck there " he said and he grab on the lunch and started feeding him again and wonder how much he will eat and restore everything to get himself back together 


Aladdin had instinctively jumped back at the sound of a screech and looked around in confusion as he tried to figure out where it came from. Once he had noticed somebody had apologized to him and sounded close by he directed his attention to the ground. A tiny person was there and Aladdin stared at him in wonder. It was rude to do so but he didn't really care that much. After staring at him for a few seconds he realized that he had nearly squished him "Ah! Sorry, sorry! I wasn't paying attention! It's not your fault really..."

Est closed his eyes as the markings on his body disappeared because the trap was broken, that but soem energy back into him. He looked at him and lifted his hands, showing he was on the chain for about 10 years.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Kai gave a small smile. "its fine.....it happens to me a lot....im surprised im not dead yet" He giggled, his eyes though, staying closed the whole time.

@Kira Times
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(Gtg sleep tLk to you bro laterer) 

Aurelion look at him and sign " more worst than i have endure" he sign as he feed him some more food and gave him some water as he check up on his bag  "dont worry ill get you back to heath in no time.. my name is Aurelion Sol " he said with a smile @IkutoForever2222

He hadn't known that there were people so tiny at their school, he was so tiny. "Yeah I assume it's a little nerve racking to be so small since you have to be so cautious of feet." he crouched down so that he would be able to get a better look at him. "What are you anyway? I've never heard of tiny humans like you." the only human-like tiny creatures he knew of were fairies but he had no wings so he couldn't be.

He closed his eyes and thought of his name repeatedly, trying to say it and finally he managed to get his first name out. "eeee.......ees........Est.....Est" He pointed to himself with a nod. "Est" He then continued to eat, filling his stomach.

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Kai rubbed the back of his head, "a fairy...though i was born with no wings and was kicked out of my home at a very young age......but its okay" He used his other senses instead of sight, most people freaked out when they see his eyes.

@Kira Times

He started staring at him again second before searching his mind for anything about wingless fairies that he might of heard from class or from a book somewhere. He found nothing though but that was most likely because he rarely paid attention in class. "Oh....So you are a unique fairy then? " he asked. He didn't really know why he would be kicked out from his home. He really needed to study up on fairies so he could understand a bit more.

"more like a curse or a burden" Kai hugged himself. "nobody understands me!" He then laughed at himself. "nah...really.....im just a normal kid...things like this happen to everyone...im sure there is someone out there with worse problems than I" 

@Kira Times
Airo was running around as a cat outside "hehe nothing can catch me " he climbed up a tree " nothing " he laid on the branch and he yawns " hehe schools out, my life is amazing and nothing can touch this kitty"

he closes his eyes.


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