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TYLER: "Do it again" he said timidly.

"That felt really good" he admitted shyly.

VEN: "Okay" he said in a venerable sounding voice.

He allowed Herald to lead him. But he removed their hands from each other. He didn't think Herald wanted anybody gawking at a teacher holding hands with a student. Of course he would really like to hold hands with him... 

But he had to restrain himself. He didn't even know what this guy thought of him. Maybe this guy was just wanting a one night stand. Maybe it wasn't even a anything special about HIM. Maybe this guy didn't care who he was fu€king. Just as long as it was SOMEONE. Oh I really wish I could make him love me... Not just as a one night stand... But FOR REAL... Herald I really want you to be my boyfriend... Please say you'll be mine....

"Does this... mean your my... boyfriend?" He asked quietly in a very pleading sort of voice.

Please say yes Herald... Please don't break my heart... I think I would just DIE if you said no... Please be in love with me... PLEASE Herald... I really really like you...

(Ikuto is probably fine. I don't know. In our kingdom hearts rp he was gone for months but he returned to rp nation eventually so...)
(sorry guys >.< i have no internet and my friend said i cant come over everyday (im sitting in the road outside my house, connecting to some random persons internet :/  also i am on mon-fri because im at school....but from 8:00-3:00 most of you arent on v.v ))

Utaite smiled at him. "i will be your friend....if you want"


Hisoka crossed his arms. "i can draw you if you want.....cant you scan stuff to see what it looks like.....or maybe you can look in a mirror and scan the mirror?"

Lucius Scelium III

"Fine... I suppose we can do the tour later. Besides, it was getting a little boring." Lucius shrugged and then suddenly grabbed the sides of Tyler's face and pationately kissed him, squirming his tongue into his mouth. He didn't let go of the kiss this time. He just kept kissing. He knew Tyler loved him and that's fine. He would just return the favor of love back.

The Herald

 The Herald Put his shirt back on once Ven let go of his hands smiled "Of course I'll be your boyfriend. And you know what? Once I fix you all up, we can resume what we were doing before if you'd like. Now follow me, I'll take you to my car so I can take you home and feed you, bathe you, and fix your wounds."


Leo Scalene

Leo smiled "Heh... Your nice. I'll be your friend to." Leo admired his work on all of his things in the room. Perfection. He's gonna be staying there for a while so why not stay in luxury? Suddenly, thoughts of Abunis flooded into his mind. He wanted to se her... Him again. He was probably in one of the dorms on campus (according to Ikuto's last post with her she is) so maybe she would want to see him too. "I'll be back... I just want to... Check on something. It was nice meeting you by the way." He said.


(May Billy meet the principal?)
Nah, you're good.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his head, and wrote, 'No, I've tried to scan a mirror before. I think my scanning device just gets confused and it won't show me in the mirror.' and showed it to Hisoka. @IkutoForever2222
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius let go of Tyler's face, still kissing him like the end of the world and started taking off Tyler's clothes. He started with his shirt to see his hopefully ripped body. If it wasn't ripped, he would be less hot but that still wasn't too bad because he was adorable.

The Herald

The Herald exited the classroom doors and then walked through the hall a little bit and exited the school doors and we not the parking lot to his car. It was a hot pink Prius. "Come in! Come in! You may sit next to me if you'd like. The house it just a few streets down. It won't be long." He said as he sat into the car.

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TYLER: Tyler was indeed pretty ripped. In his past lives he was always doing hard labor. Smithing, masonry, mining, etc. He was surprised at how passionate Lucius was. He took off Lucius's shirt in turn.

VEN: Ven got in the car nervously. A grown man had invited him to his home. He was going home with a grown man. His teacher. An adult. To have sex. He was trembling with nervousness and excitement. He had never been touched before. He got in the older man's car. He was getting in a car with a grown man to go home with him to have sex. He could already imagine the images and awesome feelings he was about to experience from this man.
 Lucius Scelium III

Lucius was surprised that Tyler started taking off his shirt so Lucius pulled down his pants while he gazed at how gorgeous Tyler's abs were.

The Herald

The Herald parked his car outside his garage and got out. He smiled at Ven and said "Come on out, and think about what you would like to do first to fix yourself up. I don't want you hurting yourself."


TYLER: Tyler in turn removed any remaining articles of clothing besides undergarments from both of them, caressing him all over his body. Kissing him, tongue and everything. He jumped up and wrapped his legs around the man's waist and continued to make out with this gorgeous man. His dream coming true.

(whenever your ready say your bit and then fade to black) 

VEN: Ven got out of the car but lost control again. He needed just a short kiss to stave him off til he could fix himself up. Ven grabbed the man suddenly and kissed him deeply. Hopefully he wouldn't object to it, seeing as he planned to break it off shortly. He just really needed to kiss him again. The last time had felt so good... He really wanted to do it again. To do it as often as permitted. It was like this undying hunger deep inside him. He needed this man's touch. He had to have it or he would just explode. If he stayed too long without it he would be miserable.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius confused kissing him for a few more moments and then broke the kiss for a moment and said "Let us begin."

before going back into the kiss and pulling down Tyler's undergarments to see what awaits.

Fade to Black and Skip

Lucius put his undergarments on and was happy as a clown. He was a virgin and he never felt better in his life. Before he just saw Tyler as cute but now he saw him as amazing in every way. Godly. "Did you like it?" Lucius asked.

The Herald

The Herald let the kiss happen for a moment but he stepped away when he remembered where he was. "We are in public. Let us go inside. You may kiss me all you want in there but I'd like to take care of you as well." He said as he started walking to the door with his keys in his hand.


TYLER: "Lucius..." He planted breathlessly after they had finished.

"You're really amazing Lucius..." He said tenderly.

"I'm so glad my first time was with YOU.... You're so beautiful Lucius" he whimpered at him lovingly.

VEN: Ven followed him. Ven has a horrid thought that crosses his mind and tear begin to well up in his eyes.

"Herald!" He exclaims in a sudden voice that shows the horror of the thought that crossed his mind


Utaite smiled and gave a wave. "same to you.....talk to you later"

Anubis sat in his room, painting his nails black. His ears twitched and his tail flicked.

The principal, Kuriko, was walking down the hall checking for any laggy students.

Hisoka smiled. "come with me....i will draw you"

Lucius Scelium III

"I could say the same about you, my dear." Lucius said while leaning in for another kiss.

The Herald

When The Herald heard Ven's house, he came running back. "Are you okay!" He exclaimed.


Leo Scalene

Leo nodded and walked out of the door. He wanted to find Anubis. He kept on looking in some rooms to check if Anubis was there. He then stopped outside of another room (Abubis' room) and knocked on the door.

Billy Soni

Billy stayed at school for some extracurricular activities. He just got out of an extracurricular art class and was going to wait in the halls. He then saw a grown man with red hair walk by. He was too old to be a student so he definitely worked here. Hilly felt like saying hi to this guy so he stepped in front of him and said "H, Mr. Teacher person!" While holding his hand out to shake.

Bleh. So tired.  ¬¬

Mei Rinsaku

Mei followed Hisoka reluctantly. He didn't know what 'drawing' was. He had heard his mother talk about drawing and painting, and wanting to become an artist, but he wasn't ever actually told what it meant. Or, if he had been told, probably wasn't listening anyways. @IkutoForever2222
same ) -_-

Hisoka went to the art room, leading him there. "okay.....i am gonna need you to sit down and stay still...is that okay?" He looked back at him to see his answer.
Mei Rinsaku

Mei shrugged his shoulders and sat down. It wasn't anything new to him to have to sit still for long periods of time, as he usually had to when the government people were preparing the equipment and what not. @IkutoForever2222
Mei Rinsaku

Mei sat still, scanning Hisoka. He still didn't entirely trust him, since he acted kinda creepy. He was about to scan his background information, but decided not to, as to not seem like a stalker(Even if Hisoka wouldn't know). @IkutoForever2222

TYLER: "So was that just a hookup? Or are we dating now? I kinda want you to be my boyfriend if that's alright" he asks timidly.

VEN: "I'm alright Herald... It's just.... You're not MARRIED or anything are you? I would HATE it if I was the cause of somebody getting cheated on..." He said timidly.

I really hope he's not married... I'd really hate to be hidden away like some dirty shameful secret... I really want to be his one and only.... No one else, I don't want there to be anyone else touching him at night... He's MINE and I love him... I'll be damned if I have anybody else having his affections. I want to be the only one.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius grinned. "As you wish." He said, going in for another kiss.

The Herald

"Don't worry..." The Herald said to Ven "I'm not married." He understood Ven's worry. It would be a terrible disgrace if I were cheating on someone. It would be terrible.


Leo Scalene

Leo recognized the voice. It was Anubis. He slowly opened the door to see him painting her... Erm... His nails. "Hey... Its me... Uh... Leo." He said as he walked through the door.

Billy Soni

shook his hand up and down repeated with a strong grip. "Hello Mr. Principal!" He said while doing so. He was doing this often around the school, meeting teachers and trying to get on their good sides. In his old school, he got in trouble... A lot. Suspiciously, all of the letters to home had the words, "Childish Behavior" on them. Billy didn't think anything of it though.

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Anubis smiled at him. "hi Leo....was the rest of your day alright?"

Kuriko blinked at his repeated shaking, then covered his mouth as he gave a soft yet sexy laugh. "you can let go now Billy"

Leo Scalene

Leo walked closer towards Anubis and stood by him "It was nice. I finished getting my dorm nice and I met my room mate. He was nice,"

Billy Soni

Billy let go of the principal and said "Sorry, Mr. Principal. Just want to meet you."

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