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Sorry y'all, didn't mean for 'a bit' to translate to all day. ¬¬

Mei Rinsaku

Mei just shrugged his shoulders. He wrote, 'Well, they at least gave me my mask. But the only thing I like about it is that it lets me breathe. I don't like all the destructive features on it.' and showed it to Hisoka. He figured telling Hisoka that his mask was destructive was probably a bad idea, but he also figured he would find out if it was when he showed him. @IkutoForever2222
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius nodded and continued on. Next, he led Tyler to the next room, the Cafeteria. "This is the cafeteria. This is where you go for lunch and get your food. You may eat in here or you may go outside. Either way, if you don't bring your lunch from home, you get it from here. Shall we move on, my dear?"

The Herald

The Herald was shocked to know that Ven did not know of the most basic word as "friend." It was almost saddening that someone would not know of such a thing. People make friends starting at early as preschool and perhaps even younger. Even the thought of someone having so little friends that they don't even know the definition is just terrible.

"Oh... Erm... Friends are people that you... You... It's hard to explain." The Herald says before taking out his phone and looking up friend on Dictionary.com "Ah... According to the dictionary, a friend is 'a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard'."


TYLER: "Oh I know what I'D like to eat for lunch" he thought with a naughty grin showing on his face. Oops. He just hoped Lucius didn't see that naughty grin.

VEN: "Oh... I've never had anybody like that... I mean... some of the other homeless people haven't tried to kill me yet so I don't know if that would be considered friends or not would it?"
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius was about to continue on his little Tour and take him to the gym but noticed that Tyler had a very peculiar look on his face. It was a smile... But it just didn't seem right. "What is with the interesting grin, my dear? Are you okay?"

The Herald

"It depends on how you classify a 'friend'." The Herald said before remembering something Ven said "Wait... Other homeless people? Are you... Homeless?"


TYLER: "Oh, Um, Nothing" He said quickly in a slightly embarrassed fashion. 

Oh crap! He caught that! I can't let him know why I was smiling like that. It'll make him uncomfortable and make me look like a pervert.

"I just... thought of something amusing, that's all" he said dismissively.

"idle nonsense is a all" he said with a fake but convincing reassuring tone.

He did not wish to reveal what made him smile that way and prayed that Lucius wouldn't ask any more about it.

VEN: "Yes" he said in a defeated tone of voice.

"not that it really matters anyway right?" He said honestly. Seems he genuinely almost believes that his being homeless doesn't matter.
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Izayoi squeaked and fell on his back. "hey.....i-i know " He puffed out his cheeks stubbornly.


Hisoka read the note and the looked at his mask. "well....i guess its better than nothing.....it will protect you" He gave a sweet smile even though he knew he wouldnt be able to see it.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shrugged, and wrote, 'Most people don't usually approach me. I think they get creeped out.' He showed it to Hisoka. He kind of smiled at that, as most kids did get a bit creeped out by him. He could usually tell, and thought it was pretty funny. @IkutoForever2222
Mei Rinsaku

Mei kind of growled, and wrote, 'Shut up. No I'm not'. And showed it to Hisoka. He had a weird face. He wasn't ever called cute(Usually because of his mask), but he still didn't think he liked it. @IkutoForever2222
Mei Rinsaku

Mei thought about it for a second. He never had thought about it, but now that he did, he realized he hadn't actually seen himself before. He shook his head and wrote, 'No. I was blinded at a pretty young age.' and showed it to Hisoka. @IkutoForever2222
Lucius Scelium III

"May I ask what this "idle nonsense" is, my dear?" Lucius asked, curious if what Tyler was saying was completely true.

The Herald

The Herald looked at Ven in silence. It was no wonder this boy was so sad. He was homeless and had no friends and he didn't even think about it. He didn't even think it mattered at all, which it did. He just wanted to hug him right then and there to make him feel better but he had to fight it if he wanted to look like a professional teacher, which he was not. He was really just an overenthusiastic teacher who loved everyone and wasn't hard on a single person.

"Oh you poor soul!" The Herald exclaimed "I'm so sorry for you. I'll try to assist you and your parents any way I can if you'd like, Ven."


TYLER: This guy is relentless isn't he? He wants to know everything doesn't he?

"Err-well-I-um-well-I.... When you mentioned the cafeteria, I um... thought about something I would like to eat for lunch hehe..." He stuttered truthfully yet nervously.

He hoped that by mentioning something so idle (yet true) he could avoid questions on WHAT it is he wanted to eat for lunch, or rather WHO... He told the truth... Kinda. He WAS thinking about something he wanted to eat for lunch. But didn't mention that that thing was a PERSON. More specifically LUCIUS. And by eat he didn't mean in a canibalistic way...

VEN: "My parents are both dead" he said sadly.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius raised his eyebrow. Tyler said "Err" once and "um" twice and said "hehe". There was obviously something he was forgetting to mention and Lucius had a feeling it had something to do with what he wanted for lunch. "So, my dear, what do you want for lunch? You seem very nervous about saying it."

The Herald

The Herald couldn't contain it. He needed to let his feeling out. Out of nowhere, he jumped out of the seat he was sitting in and gave Ven a big embrace. "I feel so bad for you! If there is any way I can make you feel better about this, I'll do it!"


TYLER: "You" he says ashamed.

VEN: Ven was caught off guard by Herald's sudden embrace and outburst of emotion. It was also a very BAD choice on his end. Ven had been holding himself back the whole time he was around Herald. The distance between them kept Ven in line, and simultaneously protected Herald. But now those barriers and protections were gone and Ven was left a slave to his feelings for him. He was left venerable and unprotected from his emotions.

When Herald had embraced him, he looked put into the mans eyes with glossed over dreamy eyes in an emotionally raw gaze.

For the first time someone gotten this close. Ven had never been hugged before. Nobody has ever dared to do this. Before Herald, no one had ever made him smile. He makes me feel so warm inside. So good. No one has ever made me happy before. No one.

In that moment his feeling becoming too much for him. He could no longer hold himself back. He was smitten and he had no more choice left. He HAD to kiss him.

After Herald had embraced him, he looked up into Herald's face with glossed over eyes. He slowly lifts his two hands and grabs the sides of Herald's face, not even aware of what he was doing. He suddenly pulls Herald's face down closer to his own and plants an emotionally passionate kiss on Herald's lips. His heart bursting out of his chest, beating so fast.
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Lucius Scelium III

Lucius chuckled "You aren't a cannibal are you?" He obviously did not catch on to what Tyler actually meant and said "Now shall we continue with the tour?"

The Herald

The Herald was very emotional and when people say something so sad about their life he just gets emotional and feels like he has to embrace them. The thing that the Herald didn't know was that Ven was going to return that hug with a kiss. He almost jumped at the fact that Ven chose to kiss him. He was of course, fine with it. In fact, it warmed his heart by the fact that he could man Ven happier with a kiss. Anything that makes you happy The Herald thought, and it was true.

"Wow... That was nice of you." The Herald said he got out of the kiss.

Without any warning, he went back into another passionate kiss, not noticing a bulge that involuntarily appeared near his groin (which I will not mention the name of sense RPNation is PG13).


(Pardon me but you still haven't replied to my post, Ikuto)


Leo Scalene

"I know how you feel. I'm not good with talking. I only really made one friend..." Leo said quietly.


TYLER: "No... I meant that I want to... To TOUCH you" he said embarrasedly.

VEN: Ven pushes Herald to lay him on his desk. He grabs him with one hand by his tie and and wraps his legs around Herald's legs. Kissing him with so much passion, slipping his tongue in.

he felt a large bulge rub up against his bottom. He knows what this is. He has watched certain things... He knew. He was still a virgin but he really wanted Herald to be his first time. He wanted Herald to touch him.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius thought for a moment... He wants to eat me AND touch me... Oh god... I understand now. He sighed and said "I'm sorry but we are standing in the middle of a cafeteria and this isn't really the place. Some of the teachers wandering around are strict with inappropriate language and suggestive language and will get you in trouble for talking like that. Maybe we should discuss this outside if you don't want to anger the teachers. You are attracted to me though... Aren't you?"

The Herald

The Herald never broke the kiss and let Ven's tongue roam freely throughout his mouth. He sat there allowing Ven do whatever he wished to do with his romantic wishes. The Herald knew this would make the boy who seemed to be so sad to be a little bit happier for once in his life. His arms were free so as he was kissing the young boy, he started unbuttoning his shirt, because there are usually many things a horny boy likes. Mainly "playing" with someone but another thing is shirtless men. More accurately, shirtless men with abs.


(Remember, no erotic content according to the rules of RPNation so if Ven wants to "play" with The Herald, the closest they can get is for both of them being in their undergarments and being in the middle of taking them off. They can "play" with eachother but we would not be able to roleplay it. We'd have to just skip it and have the text say that they did indeed to it.)
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TYLER: "Erm... Nevermind it. Forget I said anything. Err... Actually, forget I was even here. Forget you ever met me actually" he said embarrasedly as he turned away and ran away from the scene. By the time the guy knew what had happened, Tyler was already running out of the door to the room they were in.

VEN: Ven looks at Herald's shirtless body in awe... He was so beautiful... I've never seen anyone so beautiful. Ven is about to fully remove his own shirt but remembers the fact that he is starving to death. This and other facts make it so that his body does not look very pretty right now. He stops cold. He grows sad at the disappointing realization. He can't let Herald see his body. Herald would be disgusted by him. Plus he was on the brink of death. This act could possibly KILL him.

"I'm sorry Herald.... I really wanted you to make love to me but... I just realized I can't allow that to happen... I'd just gross you out and probably kill myself in the process." He said regretfully.

His head sank in regret.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius grimaced at the fact that Tyler ran. He sighed and shook his head. Tyler forgot one thing... Lucius had wings and could catch up to Tyler. Lucius used his wings to quickly fly towards Tyler and he grabbed him and pulled him into a nearby janitor's closet to speak with him alone.

"Please... I have wings." He stated "Don't bother running. Now tell me... Are you attracted to me?"

The Herald 

The Herald quickly took a step back from Ven forgetting to put his shirt back on. He bit his lip in embarrassment. He thought he did something wrong. Kill? Gross? "I would never think you are gross, and how could you kill yourself? If there is any way I can help you I will. I don't want you to feel like this."


TYLER: "Please... Let me go..." He begged, his eyes beginning to water.

"It doesn't matter how I feel, it's clear you don't feel the same way so just let me go" he begged in tears.

VEN: "Herald... I'm STARVING" he explained urgently.

"My body is covered in bruises. If it weren't for some fortunate magic, you'd see a bony bag of skin. I had to borrow some girl's makeup this morning to hide the fact that I'm sickly pale from sleeping out in the cold rain so often. I had to use the school facilities this morning because I haven't known a place to shower in very long. That's the only reason I do not smell foul. I hadn't bathed in MONTHS before today." He explained ashamed.

"Assuming you could force yourself to make love to me.... The process would KILL me Herald. I'm on the brink of death Herald, making love to you would be the end of me. My body is just too fragile to give myself to you." He explained in utter shame.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius sighed and planted a large passionate kiss on Tyler's face. When he broke the kiss, he smirked "Now... Don't assume that just because I'm not acting like I'm attracted you you, that means I don't feel anything. You are adorable."

The Herald

"Would you like to come to my home?" The Herald asked with a sincere tone of voice. Ven never mentioned it before now, but he was dying and The Herald felt bad for not knowing about it sooner. "I can fix up your wounds, feed you, and you can have a warm shower. You should have told me before. I would have done something."


TYLER: Tyler was shocked.... He... He KISSED me!... The tears in his eyes had stopped flowing and were pooling. They had simply paused there.

"You... You just... KISSED me" he said in shock. He wanted to say more but was left speechless. He couldn't stutter out a single understandable syllable.

VEN: "No." He said looking down in shame.

"You shouldn't do that. I really have no way of paying you back" he explained earnestly.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius nodded. "Indeed. I did." He confirmed "Now shall we continue with the tour?" He said nonchalantly. The kiss was mainly so Tyler wouldn't run but he wasn't lying by the fact that he did think that Tyler was adorable.

The Herald

The Herald held Ven's hands with both of his hands"You can repay me by the fact that you are alive and happy. I get payed by knowing that I did good. I want to help you... Just come with me."


(Think Ikuto is okay?)


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