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Lucius Scelium III

"So why did you say it to me?" Lucius questions.

The Herald

"Of course! The teacher would love you to join." The Herald said looking a the smile on Ven's face, hoping the smile would stay in that position. 
Killua yawned as he laid in bed. He looked over at Tsuna. "do you think your brothers gonna be okay in a room by himself or with another person that ISNT you?"

"I dont know.....im worried" Tsuna sighed.

Enma looked around the empty dorm room as he sat on the bed, practically hugging himself.

Kennedy walked down the hall of the empty school, well, almost empty. He finished early, so he didnt have to go to get experimented on.


TYLER:? "Errr... Well.... Because that's kind of what some people do when there's somebody really cute in front of them?" He said embarrassedly.

VEN: "Thanks but I don't think I'd be cut out for choir..." He said delicately.
Mei Rinsaku

Mei just stared at Hisoka for a second. He couldn't fathom why he hadn't thought about his mask's defense mechanism, and didn't know what he was talking about by 'pleasure' either. He waited for a second, before extending his mask's defense mechanism a bit, but pulled it back. "How... How do you know... My name?" @IkutoForever2222
Eh, don't sweat it. xD

Mei Rinsaku

Mei still thought it was odd that he was patting his head, but shrugged it off. He went back through the data he had collected, and said, "...Hisoka...?" He didn't like that Hisoka had thought he had power, for two reasons: One, is that he didn't really have powers, it was just his mask. Two, he didn't like having power from his mask. He remembered the people who had power, and also remembered killing them. He didn't want to become the same monster that he had killed. @IkutoForever2222
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius grinned. Tyler called him cute, and frankly, Lucius felt like by saying that, Tyler seemed cute as well. "Thank you... Very nice. That is incredibly kind of you. W...Would you like to give you a tour of a school?"

The Herald

The Herald looks at Ven, puzzled "Pardon? You'd be wonderful for choir! You sing like an angel!"

Asylum was inside his room, screaming.  It was at night when he was too tired to fight the insane ghosts of the criminally insane.  He screamed and thrashed in his bed, having hours earlier, strapped himself down.  The padded, sound proofed walls, kept his screams from being heard from the outside.  So, if by chance anyone came by they wouldn't hear his screams.  He was a powerful telepath, but add the criminally insane minds of the patients he killed in Vantburial, it was brutal.  There were 3 other minds within his own, he never could rest and they constantly tried to break through or they constantly shouted or spoke to him their criminal intentions.  He screamed till his voice was raw and he kept on screaming till his voice was so tired and strained that he couldn't scream at all.  The one mind that took over his vocal cords escaped out into a spiritual form and ripped up the padded walls, deep, long gashes that marked his walls.  He lied there, wrists rubbed raw and irritated from him convulsing and jerking around on his bed, praying that he would fall into a dead sleep. Some could say that he was an insomniac and that wasn't far from the truth, over the years of trying to suppress the three minds.  They settled after taking all their pent up rage and sick, twisted, thoughts out on him.  He sighed and grabbing onto a pin with his teeth that was a attached to the straps he unstrapped himself and sat up slowly.  Asylum ached, and his normally golden eyes were now a pale grey.  He felt sick to his stomach, paranoid, irritated, and severely unsettled.  In times like these he would walk the school grounds until unconsciously he would end up in the music room and begin to play the piano.  Asylum got up and walked to his dorm door and opened it, but ran into a male student looking at the padded walls that was also equipped on the outside of the room. 

~Oh shit... Uh... What is he doing here? Is he lost?~ Asylum tilted his head and gently pushed his mind against the male's mind.  ~Hey...Can you hear me?~ Asylum didn't even move his lips, but he spoke clearly in the other's mind.

@Imapeople000     (Mornu)
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama took a step back when he heard Asylum's voice in his head. He looked around for a second, before noticing Asylum. He looked at him for a couple seconds, before saying "Um... Yes?". He stared at Asylum, not because he thought he looked odd, just because he didn't know what telepathy was. @AceSpades
~Good. Not to uh...sound mean or whatever, but...Did you get lost?~

Asylum took a step out of his room,making sure to close the door quick enough behind him in order to prevent Mornuhama seeing the deep, long gashes on his wall that went from ceiling to floor.  Asylum was wearing a long sleeved, light grey, t-shirt and plaid pajama pants that were black, blue and white. Asylum leaned up against his door, bags under his eyes, hair disheveled, he looked as though he hadn't slept for days. {Haha...you sure ...tired us out there Nutcase.... ha...we'll be back.} The female, criminally insane, voice said in the back of his mind. He sighed. ~Sorry. You're probably not used to people talking inside your mind.  I'm a telepath and amateur telekinesis user. Which means my power originates from my mind. I can speak to you by building a connection into your psyche and also, move things with my mind but...that's telekinesis and I've not quite gotten the hang of that. ... Um... My name is Asylum...what's yours?~  

    Asylum was taking his time talking to Mornuhama trying to slowly let Mornuhama adjust and get used to the idea of Asylum talking in his head.  Asylum gestured down the stairs. ~Shall I walk you back to...wherever you were before?~ Asylum tilted his head, and thought, to himself, °So peculiar...he looks a few years younger than myself...then again I look old and unkempt..° Asylum quietly locked his room up before heading down towards the stairs.  He needing a strong, soothing, tea to help warm his gut and to make him feel not so ill.

Hisoka tilted his head. "yes? do you need something?" The demon smiled, then cursed when his phone rang. "what is it?" He answered. "no.....im not going home.....i dont care if im "punished" it wouldnt be any different from when im there" Hisoka was getting irritated and this massive power aura rolled off him.


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Lucius Scelium

Lucius motioned his hand towards the door "Of course! Would you like me to?"

The Herald

The Herald was still smiling, trying to not show the fact that he thinks he's right and the people won't like him for his negativity. He wouldn't show it. That would just take his self esteem down. "What do you mean, no one would like you!? I like you! Don't think about how others would think about you."


@IkutoForever2222 (Did Utiate reply to Leo?)
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama still looked a bit confused for a couple of seconds, but started to understand. "Oh... Mornuhama." He watched as Asylum walked down the stairs, and reluctantly followed. @AceSpades

Mei Rinsaku

Mei stepped back a bit, his mask showing him the aura that was coming off of Hisoka was growing. He cocked his head at the phone in his hand, for two reasons: One, he was wondering who had called him(He wasn't going to ask, he just didn't know). And two, he didn't know what a phone was. Before he had killed off all the government agents involved in his case, he had always gotten calls on his mask, which alerted him he needed to go to their building so the mask could be 'tuned up', but he hadn't seen a cell phone before he went blind, and didn't get calls anymore on his mask(As his mask didn't really have a number per say, but rather there was an electronic device they used to send a pulse to his mask that created a ringing sound/sensation). @IkutoForever2222
Hisoka hung up, highly irritated now. "sorry about that Mei.....my family is worse than hell......they like to punish me for no reason" He sighed, his aura calming downs slowly.

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Asylum paused at the bottom of the stairs. °No no this isn't the way to the music room.  Oh shit. Mornuhama... hmmm wonder if he would like to explore the upstairs by himself.°  Asylum at the bottom of the stairs looked back over at Mornuhama. ~Hey...if you came here to explore the upstairs you can, but it's just a bunch of different dorm rooms of people who used to or are now residing in.  I'm sure you know your way back to your own residence? Yes?~  Asylum smiled just a bit, a half smirk half genuine smile before placing his hands in his pajama pants and taking a left from the staircase down a long hallway.  He wondered what piece he would play and by what composer..ha decision. Chopin, Mozart, Bethoven, Bach or more contemporary pianist like Peter Kater. He mused in his own thoughts while heading towards the music room.


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