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Mei Rinsaku

Mei wrote, 'Well, I couldn't see it in the first place, even if it was visible. I'm blind, I just use my mask to make analysis reports of the areas and people around me.' and showed it to Hisoka again. @IkutoForever2222

Tyler had gone with his mundane parents to check out the school. Where he'd be going tomorrow.

In retrospect he could see how Lucius would notice him moving in that weird way. Something about his movements seem supernatural. Almost like the very earth beneath him was helping him walk faster. A strange magic was at work. There he stood just outside the school. He saw a guy beging to walk off campus... WOW... He was so gorgeous. He could hardly believe how gorgeous this guy was. Is everybody at this school like that or is it just Mr.Dreamyhunkiness? He just stares at the guy dreamily.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius III was talking so his father, Lucius II about school. It was practically an interrogation and Lucius II wouldn't wait until they were home. Lucius III then caught someone at the corner of his eye. Another student... Another student was just staring at them. 

"You should go back to work, father," Lucius III said to Lucius II "Your break won't last forever. I can wait a few hours."

Lucius III was going to spend this time to learn a bit more about these other students. Including this person staring at him and his father, who was now teleporting away. The person staring wasn't just staring. It was like he was in a trance. He was just dreamily watching him. It was either that this person was interested in something about Lucius or he was just daydreaming and he just so happened to be looking this way.

Lucius slowly walked towards the student and asked "My dear, I caught you looking over at me. May I help you?"


(Lucius III is my character. Lucius II is an NPC and my character's father. I was just gonna point that out in case you were wondering.)

Tyler had been noticed by Senpai alright... But just not at the time he wanted him to. Oops. He looked down and away quickly. Blushing furiously.

"Oh! Um... No, i just think you're really... Err... Nevermind!" he stuttered out embarrassedly.

Tyler! What are you THINKING?! What the hell were you just about to say to him?! What were you going to tell him you dumbdum!? 

"Oh Senpai! I just fell in love with you and I really want you to be my boyfriend"?! He asked himself in his mind. Mentally chastising himself for being so stupid.
Leo Scalene

Leo finished with his bed and sat down "Oh...?" He said "What happened? I... I came to school late, at... Erm... fourth period. That was a... Uh... nice period."

Lucius Scelium III

Lucius looked at the other student silently for an answer but all he got was an incomplete sentence. Whoever this person was, he really needed to get extra help from his English teachers at school. He already decided that he'll be staying at school until his father is done with work so he simply had to wait. He was in no hurry so he decided I'd be fine to speak with this unknown student.

"You think that I'm really what?" Lucius asked the student "Well?"
Leo Scalene

"Oh... I've always been in these types of schools. Since I was born, I've been in an... orphanage... full of the supernatural and we all go to these types of schools." Leo said softly as he layed down on his bed as if Utaite was a therapist. He had to move around a bit though so his ears and tail weren't in an uncomfortable position.

The Herald

"Hello my friends! Please take a seat and we shall begin," The Herald announced to everyone in his classroom for detention.

The Herald was always the one who volunteered to look after the students in detention. He had no other job or family outside of school so he would always be the one who looked after the students who did so much of a bad job, they got in trouble the first day. The Herald was at the front of the room, smiling ever so brightly.

"Hello class! How was school today!?" The Herald announced. There were a few murmurs but no actual responses. "Well, for now you can get a good head start on your homework or read a book! If you need help, try and ask me! Have a good day and don't worry! It's only 45 minutes!"


(I saw one of your characters had a crush on The Herald so I brought him into the RP.)

TYLER: This guy REALLY wouldn't let him back out now would he? This was SOOO embarrassing! But if he insisted... He just hoped the guy wouldn't get mad or something else. I think I would probably just DIE if he made fun of me for it...

"I just... think you are... really beautiful" he said embarrassedly to Lucius.

VEN: What is this feeling.... What is this? This guy just seems so enthusiastic about his work... It's making me feel something strange in my chest... All over my body I'm getting this strange warm feeling coursing through me... He's so beautiful to look at too... He's so happy looking, so cheerful... How does he do it? He's so vibrant and full of life. Radiant... But he's never gonna go for a guy like ME. He moped. Who am I kidding? No one has EVER liked me. Why even BOTHER liking this guy? I'm just the stupid EMO kid... He's such a happy guy. He'd NEVER go for a guy like me. Besides, he's a teacher. Every time I've had a crush on a teacher I've ALWAYS been rejected. No one is EVER gonna like ME... He simply moped at his desk and did his work with an even MORE depressed look on his face, if it were possible. If it weren't probably against the rules he would just put in his headphones and block out the rest of the world. Cover his head with his black hoodie and tighten the strings even further. Maybe even just go home and mope THERE. He felt so depressed, if he could slouch sadly in his seat anymore than he already is he would. He barely had the strength to sit up. He was just on the verge of tears, even more than normally. You could still feel the literal vibrations of sadness emanating from his body. The people sitting around him were looking slightly less chipper than they should be, even considering high school. Everyone he passed by could feel it and stared at him, disturbed when he had walked to his seat miserably. Everyone always kept a distance from him because of the depressing aura he gave off. The teacher could probably notice all those things imediatley. He simply did his work miserably.
want danny to interact with another chara? i know danny loves piko to death....but what if he fell in love with someone else as well? and then piko found out? )

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Sorry, couldn't post in Algebra. >.<
Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked at the boy and shook his head, and wrote, 'Nothing in particular. I can change.' And showed it to Hisoka. As to demonstrate what he meant, he turned into a cave bear, and turned back into himself after a couple of seconds. @IkutoForever2222

"Don't go too far from here." he said before teleporting off with a green flash of light.

@IkutoForever2222 (So....Where is the nurse right now?)
The Herald

The Herald noticed how miserable a certain student was as he walked in. He walked sadly. He worked sadly. He sat sadly. Everything about him was just melancholy. The Herald slowly slowly stared walking to the desk that the student was sitting and said "Hello my friend! How do you do this fine day." And smiled as wide as possible.

Lucius Scelium III

Lucius was caught off guard by the student's answer but he just chuckles a little bit and says "Thank you for the compliment but I don't need you to flatter me." He assured the student. To be honesty doesn't get much compliments so that did make him feel a little bit better shout himself. "I'm Lucius by the way. It is a pleasure."

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