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VEN: Oh no! What is he doing over here TALKING to me? What does he want? Though I must say... His smile looks a bit overexaggerated but... It's really kinda contagious and cute.

Ven's eyes kind of glossed over as he looked up from his desk to the guy. His face slightly less frowny than before, though still by no means happy.

"I'm fine" he says sullenly after a long pause.  Though slightly less sullenly than he would have before.

Wanting to tell the truth. That he was miserable. But he knew optimist guys like him would just try to invalidate his suffering. Try to pep talk him into being happy. 

But the truth is that Ven hadn't eaten anything in at least 3 weeks. He was on the brink of death from starvation. He hadn't drunk a drop of moisture for at least a couple days, he was soon to die of thirst. He had to borrow some spare unclaimed shoes from the school this morning to be let onto the campus. Before his feet had gotten tough from walking barefoot on the dirty hazardous streets. Stepping on broken glass and things like that. Walking for many miles each day. He had had to use the school showers this morning. Freezing cold. He had hypothermia coming on. From not just the cold shower but from sleeping in the rain all the time. He had to borrow clothes this from the school this morning because his were torn up, dirty, smelly and old. Of course somehow he managed to hide it well. His stomach did not growl. His voice was not dry and parched from no water.  He was somehow not outright a bony skeleton. Just very underweight and skinny in appearance. He had needed to borrow a girl's makeup kit to hide how sickly pale his complexion had truly gotten. The makeup made it seem like he actually had the illusion of a normal complexion. His clothes hid the scars and bruises he had accumulated over the rough street life.

And yet the stupid cops cared more about the compulsory education laws than actually feeding and taking care of his dying body.

TYLER: "I'm not flattering you. I'm telling the truth. You're gorgeous" he said simply in embarrassment.

"I'm Tyler"
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the Herald

The Herald did nothing in response. He continued smiling and looking at the young student. Suddenly the Herald went to an empty seat next to the student. As he sat, he continued smiling as wide as possible. He could tell that the student was lying. He was having a bad time and he was barely even hiding it.

"My dear. I have been living for much longer than you. I even teach psychology. I can tell how people feel just by the way they move and their facial expressions ." He said "I know you aren't having a good day and I want to help you."

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Lucius Scelium III

Lucius was completely happy from the compliment but he doesn't often show it with his expression so he simply smirked "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tyler. Thank you again for my compliment, my dear. Enjoy school today?"


VEN: "You're cute and all... But I'm afraid you can't help in this regard." he said with slight sass 

"And FYI, I'm almost as old as North Korea itself" he added with attitude.

He very much disliked being talked down to by people who seem to think their age means something. He hated the condescending ways these middle aged guys talked to young people. It made him feel grossed out.
The Herald

The Herald thinks about the student's response and says "North Korea has been around just over a half a century. You are only about my age. When shall you be finishing school, my friend? Wait... Cute? Thank you." Apparently, trying to cheer the student up was not going to work. He really hated everything, didn't he. The only way he was going to get happier was if the Herald would try a different method. "So how was your day at school." He asked.

Lucius Scelium III

Lucius was intrigued by Tyler's answer to his question and asked "What was your reasoning, my dear?"

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VEN: "Fine. I took a nice cold shower this morning" he said slightly less awfully.

Though this was meant to be kinda sarcastic, it didn't come out as rudely as he had originally intended. He had meant it to be quite negative considering that the shower only furthered his proximity to hypothermia. But it didn't come out as rudely as he had originally intended.

Hm. This guy is doing something. Some sort of strange magic. He's making me feel kinda... GOOD!

TYLER: "Reasoning? MY DEAR??" he asked. A tad bit alarmed.

He neither knew what he meant by reasoning, nor why he called him "my dear". Maybe he just wasn't aware of the implications of calling someone that.
The Herald

"That's wonderful!" The Herald stated, glad that the student wasn't totally reluctant this time. The interesting thing about this was that the student seemed to radiate a strong feeling of sadness. The Herald didn't thing about it. He had been used to it. He had been reaching for years and has been dealing with types of students with telepathetic effects for years.  "I am The Herald. What if your name, my friend?"

Lucius Scelium III

Lucius nodded, validating the fact he did in fact say 'reasoning' and 'my dear' and says "I say my dear whenever I ask a question so it doesn't seem to be an interrogation. Anyways, why weren't you at school today?"


VEN: "Ven. Almost like the Kingdom Hearts character" he explained neutrally.

TYLER: "Because I am not officially registered on the school system to arrive at school until tomorrow. Plus I only just arrived in this city just now today" he explained.
Sure thing

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his head, and wrote, 'Well, I'm not one thing. I can change forms.' And showed it to Hisoka. As to demonstrate this, he turned into a bear, and turned back into a human after a couple of seconds. @IkutoForever2222

"Don't go too far from here." he said before teleporting off with a green flash of light.

@IkutoForever2222 (So....Where is the nurse right now?)

Itakura appeared in different places around the school but he didn't know the school all that well so he could only appear somewhere he's been before. A lot of his searching had to be done on foot. It was slightly faster though like he had said. "Not here." he teleported again to a different location and searched for a few more minutes "Still no luck." he sighed irritably but continued on. He was pretty much just going into random room so only by chance did he find the place he was looking for. "Anyone in here!?"

Asylum was coming out of the psychology classroom turning in homework from yesterday.  Yes, it was late but, yesterday was one of his bad days.  He hadn't seen the teacher in the classroom, after all class had ended and students were roaming the halls or school grounds to get to know the place where they would be for a few years.  Asylum turned the corner and started heading to his dorm room.  Even though this was a high school, it had nurses' quarters and an office where students would go to be healed then there were dorms where students would retire for the evening if they did not have night classes.  Upperclassmen sometimes had night classes as they grew closer to going to college.  Asylum rubbed his temples slightly, today had been a bit rough.  He missed ALL of his classes and then ended up taking all of his homework to each individual class and dropped his homework off. {Heyyy NutCase..haha you should sleep, if you're tired you can't fight all of us.}  Asylum growled underneath his breath, but the thing controlling his speech hissed with eagerness and climbed to take control quickly but Asylum wrapped a bandage around his mouth and kept his mind strong and clear.  Burying the things inside of him deeply.  They were relentless, they never got tired and he did.  At least in the safety of his single dorm room he wouldn't hurt anyone.  Asylum walked steadily up the stairs and turned left mindlessly walking towards the dorms.  More male students had joined the school, he wondered how their first day went, if some enjoyed talking to others.  Although Asylum enjoyed his solitude, he did miss the company of others, however, being in the company of himself was easier.  Safer.  He sighed mentally when he came upon his door.  Room 246 and entered, shutting and locking his door he flopped onto his bed and began relaxing his body and,just slightly, his mind. 
The Herald

The Herald smiles at Ven's answer "I've heard of that game but I've never played Kingdom Hearts. How is it?" He honestly liked playing video games from time to time but he only ever plays it with others because why play if it only matters to him?

Lucius Scelium III

Lucius silently nods at the reasoning of why Tyler wasn't at school that day "Interesting dilemma, I must admit. I'm not from here either. I live up there." He points above them.

Sorry y'all, been fighting a really hard boss in a game with my bro.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei cocked his head at the odd demon. He scanned him again, and saw his eyes. "Are you... okay...?" Mei said. He didn't really know anything about eyes. I mean, he didn't have to use his eyes, so he hadn't bothered to learn anything about optometry. @IkutoForever2222
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VEN: Funny...nobody has ever made him feel this way before... What's going on? Ven suddenly started feeling... GOOD! Ven for some reason answered in song. He supposed if he heard at least a part of the masterpiece of a song he would understand that it's a really good game.

"When you walk away, you don't hear me say, pleeeeeeease, oh baaaaby, don't go" he answered in a quiet but beautifully tuned voice.

Funny... He'd never sung before... And he was actually really good at it.

TYLER: He saw the man point to the sky and smirked at the implications and the pickup line that he was reminded of.

"So you really did fall from heaven didn't you?" He said in a coy tone. 

Oh wow. Oops. He found himself flirting... Something he doesn't really do.... Like ever...
Also, @IkutoForever2222 Wanna have Mornuhama and Valshe meet up again? Haven't done much with Mornuhama since, figured it makes sense. Or, obviously @Anyone else who wants to interact with Mornuhama. My iPad's starting to auto type Mornuhama when I put in Mornu. xD
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius laughs and doesn't bother hiding it "I didn't exactly fall... But I did fly." He really liked Tyler's sense of humor and attitude "Let me guess you were going to say before I said that... 'Did you fall from heaven? Because you look like an angel'? Well, if you must know, I indeed am an angel."

The Herald

The Herald slowly claps at Ven's marvelous singing voice "Oh my! Splendid! Splendid!" He had no idea what the song had to do with Kingdom Hearts but his voice was good enough to make him not care about the answer whatsoever "You must join chorus! Your voice is amazing!"

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TYLER: "There are several variations of that pickup line, but yes. You've got the general jist of what flirt I was reminded of."

VEN: "This school has one of those?" He asked in amusement, a slight smile forming on his face.
Sure thing, but I'm about to head off to bed. Got school tomorrow, ironically enough. @AceSpades

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama got back up and put his button down white shirt over the t-shirt he had put on, and walked back out of his dorm. He walked down the halls of the dorm, and eventually went upstairs out of curiosity, not having seen anyone go up there. The only room there that hadn't look deserted seemed to be heavily padded. He looked over the walls, confused as to why they were like that. He glanced at the door, but figured that it would probably be locked. He just sat there staring at the walls.
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