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"SONIC!!!!" The principles voice boomed through the hall.

Sonic stopped where he was and flinched. "y-yes sir?" He bit his lip.

The principle crossed his arms. "a student has informed me that you were running through the halls and you knocked them down.....keep your habit outside...."

"yes sir" Sonic looked down.

"haha....right?" He stood and held out his hand. "take my hand?" He then jumped at hearing the principles voice.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama turned around and looked back over the hall. It didn't appear to have anyone else living in the dorms there, despite the protest of the other boy. He went up a flight of stairs, and the third floor seemed to be occupied. He went back down only to see the boy walking off. He stood there for a second, before shrugging his shoulders and walking around the second floor, to see if anyone else actually did live there, although it appeared not to.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shrugged, and took out another piece of paper and wrote, 'I don't really know my family. A bunch of free-loading bastards killed them all.' And he showed Hisoka. He didn't usually talk about it with people, although it seemed to come up with nearly everyone he was having a conversation with. @IkutoForever2222
"im sorry Mei" Hisoka rubbed the back of his neck.

Enma walked out of his room and wasnt paying attention and he walked right into Mornu. The weak boy fell back on his butt, then looked up at him . "s-sorry"

Leo Scalene

"Oh... I've always been in these types of schools. Since I was born, I've been in an... orphanage... full of the supernatural and we all go to these types of schools." Leo said softly as he layed down on his bed as if Utaite was a therapist. He had to move around a bit though so his ears and tail weren't in an uncomfortable position.

This was my post @IkutoForever2222
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Lucius Scelium III

Lucius nodded and said "Follow me." As he started walking towards the door to get into the building to give the tour "I'll be starting with the classrooms."

The Herald

"You should." The Herald suddenly looks at the clock and says loudly, "Everyone, detention is over .You are dismissed. Have a wonderful day." Once all of the students are gone, he looks at Ven, "Please stay here.I would like to speak to you some more. You aren't busy are you?"

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VEN: Ven was scared... What did I do? Why does he want to talk to me more? Is he gonna suspend me or something?

"Er... No.... I have nowhere to be" he says nervously.

TYLER: Tyler gratefully follows Lucius.
Leo Scalene

"I know how you feel. I'm not good with talking. I only really made one friend..." Leo said quietly.


The Herald

"Great!" The Herald stated "I just wanted to speak to you for a bit. Get to know you more? Boost your enthusiasm and get a friend, eh?"

Lucius Scelium III

Lucius led Tyler through the halls and past the classes "There is the Chemistry and Physics. There is Writing. There is Psychology and... Erm... Detention. So on and so fourth. These are your classes. Shall we move on?" He said pointing at all of the classes that they pass. This is when detention has been let out by the Herald, so there is many students in the halls.

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Daconda Grim

Daconda was heading out his room on the second floor of the school that housed the dorms.  He was 2 doors down from Asylum's dorm room and he knew at this hour the poor lad was probably going to play piano.  "Hardly gets sleep anymore.  It's really sad to see him look so ill."  Daconda walked straight into a young man who was wandering around the second floor of the dorms.  "Oh pardon me.  Didn't see ya there.  I didn't run into you to hard did I?" Daconda chuckled and patted the male's head. "Oh! I'm sorry, damn manners, I forgot those. Sorry. My name's Daconda. Nice to meet you, hey by any chance have you seen another male by the name of Asylum? Kinda need to watch over him." He smiles and rubs the back of his blonde messy hair in a nervous mannerism.  "Didn't mean to startle you either if I did." Daconda tilted his head and offered help. "So did you need something? Directions? Need help finding your dorm?"  He waited patiently or as patiently as possible cause his concern for Asylum was knowing on the back of his mind.

Asylum Vanburial.

Asylum had made it to the music classroom and was playing Everlasting Waltz by the composer Peter Kater.  It was soothing and the chords being struck echoed nicely in the room.  It soothed apart of his mind and soul that had been aching and constantly on edge for the past three days.  He was so tired, but it didn't matter what happened now.  He felt closer to Viktor by just playing the piano.  ~Viktor, he's a relatively new composer, I really like his work.  He has other musicians with him that play flutes and tunes from Native American tribes.  It's fantastic and brilliant and...and...oh I wish you could hear it.  I wish I knew you could hear it from wherever you are.~  Asylum smiled, but the atmosphere was melancholy as he remembered his first love. 

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama stepped back a second when Daconda bumped into him. "Oh, no, you're quite all right. My name's Mornuhama." He said, smiling at the boy. At the mention of Asylum, he said, "Oh yeah, I think he just headed down the stairs. Not sure where he was headed though." He shrugged his shoulders. As he had finished, another smaller boy bumped into him. He stepped back again, as the boy had fallen over. He looked down at the red-haired boy and said, "You're good. You need some help?" He extended his hand to the boy to try to help him up. @AceSpades @IkutoForever2222

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his head, and wrote, 'You don't need to feel sorry. I killed them all for it. They deserved it.' He showed it to Hisoka. He felt and showed no emotion for this. He really did think that they all deserved it. He hated them all a bit before, but a rage had built up when they had killed his family, and he had just let it out, and killed them. @IkutoForever2222
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Daconda Grim

"Well, Mornuhama it was a pleasure to meet you.  Hope to see you in class sometime. " He smiled and then jogged off towards the stairs and then proceeded to jog down the stairs.  Asylum was probably playing the piano and he would be lost in his thoughts like all the other times he played.  Daconda wondered where he went inside his own mind to escape even the 'others' that plagued him.  He sighed, he wished he was closer to Asylum, don't get him wrong, he is close...but Daconda bit the inside of his bottom lip.  He still didn't completely have his "creator's" trust.  Asylum didn't let anyone try and comfort him, nor did he let anyone close enough to touch him, unless it was Asylum to initiate touching or holding hands or hugging people first.  He had to do it first.  Daconda wondered just how much psychological damage was done to his friend before he reanimated.  He didn't talk about his past either.  That was another thing about Asylum, he never spoke and he never talked about his past nor the people that he met or loved or...really anything or anyone from his past.  ~It's dead. They're gone. I'm here. That's all you need to know.~ Asylum had spoke within Daconda's mind so many years ago.  'Oh Asylum...just wanted happened to you? Why won't you let me help you?'

Daconda finally made it to the music room and that's where he saw Asylum sitting at the piano bench, enthusiastically playing the piano.  It was something new that Daconda hadn't heard him play.  "New composer?" He asked as he sat down on the risers for the choir students.

Asylum Vantburial

Asylum had been playing when he had felt the presence of Daconda enter the room.  *Ah...Daconda...a grave accident on my part for awakening him from the dead.  I didn't have much control back then, but he has been a loyal and caring friend to me...but I feel guilty.  I still don't tell him everything.  It's better if he doesn't know.*  Asylum nodded at Daconda's question. ~Yes it is a new composer.  I really like the way he structures his pieces, besides he also adds a quality of Native American flutes and in other pieces sometimes saxophones.  It's really quite soothing, of course I can't play the flute or saxophone so I stay with the piano part.~  Asylum genuinely smiled around Daconda for at times like these when he wasn't being hounded by the 'others' he could relax, chat, and be himself for a little while.  He had to admit to himself he did enjoy Daconda's company, even considered him a close friend.  In this day and age he really needed someone to talk to otherwise he would have gone insane a long time ago.  ~Thank you for checking in on me...I know I hardly say it but...I thank you.~  Daconda brushed his thank you off with a nervous chuckle and a sot smile and words of you're welcome, before they both slipped into the nice comfortable routine the both knew.

@Imapeople000 annnnd anyone else who would care to start morning/dawn? If so Daconda and Asylum will definitely meet fellow classmates.

VEN: "Friend? What is this... 'Friend' thing people keep going on about? I never understood what people were talking about when they say that word. What's a friend?" Ven asked in confusion.

Ven has never even known what the WORD friend means... That would probably sadden Herald... He doesn't even know what the word MEANS.

TYLER: Tyler blushes the whole time they walk. Tyler is shown the chemistry room.

"Oh I would LOVE it if I had CHEMISTRY with this hot hunk of a man" he thinks naughtily.

I really like him don't I?
This is the Principle....(hes single ;)  )


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