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Mei Rinsaku

Mei stared at the boy, his head cocked. The more he talked with him, the more he got confused. "...Okay?" Mei said, doing another scan on him. He got the same results, demon and bubblegum. He just stared at Hisoka, thinking back between the scan results and him. He wasn't even really sure what he was talking about, didn't know what they were going to do or where they were going to go. @IkutoForever2222
"great.....come on" Hisoka started walking, his bubble gum like aura was all around him, but no one but Mei would know.. "what sounds good to you Mei?" He glanced at him over his shoulder.

Mei Rinsaku

"What?" Mei was again, confused. He didn't know what he meant, as he never ate, but he was more-so confused as to how he knew his name. He didn't want to keep talking, so he wrote down, 'I don't know what you mean. I don't usually eat anything.' @IkutoForever2222
"Oh, you sound like not just a skilled fighter, but an intelligent man. At least in tactics." Suddenly he heard his stomach growl. "Oh my." He blushed. "A long trip sure does take the fuel out of you. Do you want to go get something to eat?" He looked into the mans eyes.


He never cared much about the supernatural so he knew little about the other than what he had saw in horror movies so he could only guess what had happened "Who knows what they did! Shouldn't we go before something else happens!" he wasn't sure how these ghosts' tempers were but he wasn'tgoing to risk another ''attack''.

Takis Argyris

"Well, it sure was one heck of a run getting away from Greece, I can say that much." Takis said, his face more stern than ever. He listened to what the boy said, and looked confused for a second. "Hold on son, what do you mean? There isn't anywhere to eat... is there?" Takis said. He hadn't ever actually looked around the island, he had just booked it to the school, trying to get there as quickly as he could. @VY Canis Majoris

Mei Rinsaku

Mei stepped back a bit, creeped out by Hisoka. It wasn't often at all he was creeped out by anything, as he already knew the horrifying things the government had done to Kennedy and himself. He readied himself, in case he had to go into self defense mode again. He looked at Hisoka, his head cocked and obviously a bit creeped out. @IkutoForever2222

Itakura followed after him but a realization hit "Where's is the nurse's office anyway?" he assumed that Danvi knew, only by his actions.

No place to eat? What kind of school was this? "I hope. I'm sure some here don't need to eat, but I do. Maybe we can look around or ask for help? Maybe I could sniff it out." Kyo began to sniff the air intensely. Surely there would be something to catch. Then he found it. The smell of some delicious meat. "This way!" He pointed down the hall, making a dash for the good, mouth watering.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei tried again to clasp his hand in the bars, but missed. He looked over at Hisoka, and realized he hadn't gotten him. He cocked his head at the demon, at being called a kid. He stood up straight, about 6'1". "I'm... not a kid..." Mei said, staring at Hisoka. Mei didn't even know how old he was HIMSELF, but he just assumed he was fifteen. He noticed Hisoka was seventeen, but decided not to say anything else. @IkutoForever2222
Takis Argyris

Takis stared at Kyo, watching him sprint down the hall. He chuckled, and walked behind him. "Good god, if I'm training him, he's in for one hell of a time..." He laughed, pulling out his pistol. He didn't go nearly as fast as Kyo, he was used to not having anything to eat for dinner due to having to help in the Medical Tent, or give water to the dying troops, or whatever else. Once Kyo got a good ways down the hall from Takis, he started turning into a dragon. After a couple seconds, he had fully transformed, and flew down the hall after him. @VY Canis Majoris
"i dont know.....i thought you knew" Danvi looked at Loki. O.o

@Kira Times

Hisoka smirked. "please little thing.....i can destroy your pretty little body in the blink of an eye....yeah...im short.....but im older and stronger" He played with a joker card.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei nearly laughed at Hisoka's comment. 'pretty' was hardly the description for his body under his jacket. Besides, his mask made it horribly hard to fight him in the first place, as it was almost a superweapon(Which is what it was intended to be, before he killed all the government officials in the laboratory.). He simply looked at Hisoka, a small smile on his face. @IkutoForever2222
"hmm? i see you dont believe me...then how about this......get out of my attack and i will consider you worthy" He knew it was impossible for anyone to get out of his bungee gum. He shot his aura at Mei, the invisible substance inches away from wrapping around Mei's head.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei scanned the substance, and said, "...It's... gum?" His mask reached out and poked it a bit, taking a small bit back and analyzing it. After a couple of seconds, Mei took another piece of paper, and wrote, "What kind of gum is this? It says it's invincible..." before showing it to Hisoka. @IkutoForever2222
"its not gum really....its called nen.....i used my aura and changed it into a power called nen....then i shaped my nen how i wanted and i used my favorite gum as a child....bubble gum.....and gave the name to my nen "Bungee Gum" " He smiled, he loved to talk about his power. "well.....only i can see it...unless you have Gyo....which is like nen....but in your eyes....and since you are special you can see it too.....i am the only one who can control it as well....if i stick it on you...there is no getting it off"

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his eyes and pointed to his mask. He wrote, "I can't see it. My mask has a substance analyzer that's detecting it. It's only showing up as gum though." he showed it to him. He scanned it again, trying to get a visual, but still couldn't see anything. @IkutoForever2222

"How could I know!? I've only been here for a day and half of the day was spent in that place...Guess we'll just have to search for it." he mumbled a few curses under his breath "Is it okay if I go look myself. I get around much faster when teleporting." he didn't want to leave the twins alone especially with Donvi in that state.

@IkutoForever2222 (Sorry had to go offline.)

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