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TYLER: Perfect!, he thought. Wow.... It's been quite a while since I've had a boyfriend.... Not since a few lifetimes ago...

"Let's continue on our tour eh?" He stays before trying to get up.

He winces at the pain.

"Gosh Lucius! Why'd you have to go and make my butt hurt so badly like that?" He jibed at him.

VEN: "Good" he said gladly.

"I want to be the only one" he said.

He let Herald lead him into the kitchen. He began guzzling down lots and lots of water. It felt real good. His parched feeling throat really needed it. He was so severely dehydrated. He hadn't had a drop of moisture for a few days now.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius nodded and motioned Tyler out of the closet "It felt good at the time, did it not?"

The Herald

The Herald sat down at the kitchen table, smiling and looking at Ven as he drank much of the water. "Help yourself!" He said "I can also put something in the oven if you'd like."


Leo Scalene

Leo shrugged "I'd rather get a whole room to myself. But I guess I'd be nice to... Share a... Room... With you."

Billy Soni

"It was great to meet you too, Mr. Principal!" Billy said smiling "I hope I get to see you later!"

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(Alright Daconda is in dance class and I'm going to show a video of what his dance moves are.  The lead guy in the video is how he moves. hehe)

Daconda Grim

"Come on guys! Keep movin' doesn't matter if you mess up just move your asses!"  Daconda laughed as he was teaching and leading the Dance Class.  The song Nasty by Parri$ booming in the room and echoing down the halls.  Daconda was so into the dance and helping people with the dance moves that he was having the time of his life.  He wasn't concerned about Asylum cause now that they were in their own class rooms other teachers could look after Asylum.  Daconda took his dance class serious.  He feared the unreasonable. He feared that his "death" state would return onto him and that Rigor Mortis would make him stiff, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to feel and then begin to decay.  However, deep down somewhere Daconda knew that Asylum would keep him alive and healthy, but out of his unreasonable fear, Daconda took dance classes, speak and writing comprehension classes and yogo to feel and connect with the world again.

He worked up a sweat his shirt sticking to his muscles that he had developed during the 4 months he had been in this dance class.  He wasn't ashamed of how he danced, if it was feminine or not he didn't give a flying f*ck.  He rocked it and he knew it. He was laughing and smiling as other students passed by and stopped to watch the dance class in procession before giggling or catcalling before leaving. Daconda let the song take over his mind and body enjoying the way it made him feel alive.

@TrueBananaz   (If you want one of your characters to do something or whatever, meet someone new, heck just pass down the hall, Idk I'm up for a little interaction with someone in this bloody school lol) 

(Sorry, but all of my characters are busy. Lucius is... Erm... Doing stuff in a closet with Tyler. The Herald is with Ven at his house. Leo is talking to Anubis in Anubis' dorm. Billy is talking to Kuriko in the hall. Jonathan has gone home for the day. Also, interesting dancing. If I ever have a character with an interest with performing arts, maybe he and Daconda could meet.)

(Hey, no worries, and uh..heh thanks the dancing is very interesting xp but if you ever have a character with an interest in performing arts maybe they will meet. Who knows right? :)  )
Anubis blushed and looked at him. "really? i-im nothing special...." He looked down, ashamed of himself.

Kuriko smiled and leaned over, to be level with him. "just between you and me....you can call me Kuriko....its my name"


Piko tilted his head. "where is it?"

Quite sorry, fell asleep yesterday and couldn't find a time to get on today.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei continued to sit quietly, musing about random things in his past. He had left most of the government things out, so basically, he was thinking about when he was around four and the past day at school. It may not have been eventful, but Mei had been used to that for some time now.
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius smiled "Shall we?" he said holding the door for Tyler.

The Herald

The Herald walked over to the freezer, under the fridge and opened it. In there, he pulled out a box of pizza and said "I'll just put a pizza in the oven. It's fast and it's better than just a microwave dinner." He walked to the oven, set it, and put the pizza out of the box and put it in the oven.


Leo Scalene

Anubis "No... You're... Wonderful. Don't talk bad about yourself."

Billy Soni

"Okay Mr. Kuriko! Billy said "I hope you don't mind mind if I walk with you while you do... Whatever."

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"Have you ever heard of... 'The club you're not supposed to talk about?' Piko" he asked as he led him.


TYLER: He nodded and followed Lucius.

VEN: Ven just stares at Herald dreamily. Completely hypnotized. Smitten. Bedazzled.

He's so beautiful... I can't beleive he's my boyfriend... In all my incarnations I have always died single... And now my boyfriend is someone as amazing as HIM... I'm dreaming again... Right?
Lucius Scelium III

Lucius walked through the halls, acting as if the incident that just happened never happened. As he walked a bit, he motioned to his right "This is the gym. This is where you will be taking your Physical Education. This may be the worst class for some but judging by your incredible body, it'll be fine for you."

The Herald

The Herald caught Ven's stare and he simply grinned. "Now, would you like me to help fix your wounds?"


Leo Scalene

Leo smiled and noticed Anubis get his nail polish on his face. "Oh... Can I get that for you?" Leo said, pointing at the nail polish stain.

Billy Soni

"I'm not a laggy student, am I, Mr. Kuriko?" Billy said putting his hands in a praying position, trying to mimic an angel.

Lucius Scelium III

Didn't respond to the blush and just continued down the hall and pointed to another door. "This is the auditorium, where music and theatre are performed. Maybe you should join the chorus. Your moaning from before was amazing. Perhaps it could be transformed into singing." Lucius said. He tried to reference the incident from earlier the best way he could. Even if it wasn't that good.

The Herald

The Herald went over to Ven and took Ven's shirt off without warning and said "I need to take your shirt and pants off so I can see your wounds on your torso, arms, and legs." He then walked to the sink and pulled out a first aid kit from the cupboard below it.


Leo Scalene

Leo looked at the stain on Anubis' cheek and silently grab wiped it off of his face with his thumb before it dried. "There." Leo said "I think I've got it off." There was still some (whatever color the nail polish Anubis uses) on her face but it was mostly gone.

Billy Soni

Billy giggled and stood by Kuriko, looking up at the man "Well, I'm gonna be with you while you look out for those bad students!"


TYLER: "Oh I used to sing all the time in the mines" he said.

"I was pretty good actually" he said.

VEN: "It's okay... I can treat them myself" he said quietly.

He didn't want Herald to have to see his wounds.
Lucius Scelium III

"May I hear you sing?" Lucius asked Tyler?

The Herald

The Herald nodded. He gave him the first aid kit and went to the next room to let Ven be in peace.

Leo Scalene

"It's no problem..." Leo said "Hey... Erm... Are you... Free... Tonight?"

Billy Soni

"Then let's go!" Billy said walking forward as a quick pace.

(May we have Billy/Kuriko and Lucius/Tyler bump into each other @xpstitch @IkutoForever2222)

(That was Tyler)

VEN: Ven goes into the bathroom with the medicines. He takes his shoes of tenderly. His feet hurt so bad. He removes the bloodied tissues carefully from his feet. He turns on the tub and puts his feet painfully in warm water. There are so many cuts and scrapes on his feet. The water begins to turn slightly red from the blood. They are so tender. So much dirt comes off from his feet too. He painfully uses tweezers to remove tiny shards of glass from his feet. He then winces through the pain of disinfecting his feet with alcohol and treating the many inflamed cuts. He works his way up to treating the many bruises, scrapes & cuts that mark his body from head to toe. There was so much work to be done. By the time the pizza was done he had barely done one of his shins.

Lucius slowly clapped "Marvelous singing! You sound like one of those singers from the old movies in the 20th century."

The Herald

The Herald heard a beeping noise from the oven in the next. It was the pizza. It was done. "Ven! Whenever you are done, the pizza is ready!" The Herald walked over to the oven in the other room and took it out, very carefully.


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