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Lucius Scelium III

"It's a pleasure to meet you Valshe . I am Lucius." Lucius said with a monotone expression to Valshe before retreating back to his book to read.

@Imapeople000 @IkutoForever2222

(Would anyone like to be Leo's roommate?)

(Well I'm gonna go. I'll be back in about 8 hours.)
"i need to brush my teeth..." Piko smiled and hugged him tight.



Well Utaite can be ^^ )


Danny put a leg around the boy's waist and an arm around him. He kissed him against the shower wall. "Oh Piko I love you" he thought as his heart pounded in his chest. He's pretty sure Piko could feel it too. I love you Piko... I really do...

"I want to show you exactly how much I love you" he said regretfully.

"But no matter what I do it just doesn't seem to fully communicate my feelings. No matter how hard I kiss you, no matter how tenderly I cuddle you... it just doesn't ever sem like enough Piko" he says crying.

He wished he could show him FULLY... But maybe I love him so much that it can't be fully expressed through any words or ANYTHING...
"i understand....i feel the same way....but hearing you say "i love you" and staying by my side and doing all the things that make my heart beat fast.....i know know you truly mean it....and it makes me so happy" He smiled.


"i dont think you are.....have you seen some of the kids here? rumor has it there is science experiments for the government in our classes.....im pretty sure its got to be the kid i patted on the back earlier today....he wont talk to anyone....and he is scared every time someone touches him" He reached forward and put a hand on his shoulder when he saw he was upset. "hey....give yourself some credit... you look good to me...." He blushed, but still looked at him.

He blushed even darker as well and looked off to the side, clearing his throat. "t-thanks....." Izayoi stood and leaned against the tree, the wind hitting him again and he just closed his eyes against it. 

"yeah.....the first time i broke a bone was lifting a refrigerator" He laughed and walked over to him. "well....im gonna head back to my dorm....." He gave a nod and walked passed him.

"well....one of us could die before then" He looked at him, serious. "your cool....i dont wanna say goodbye and then have you die on me..." He blushed and looked forward again. "anyway.....we were out too long....school already ended"

He blushed more and huffed. "you little..." He smirked and shook his head, turning around and walking in the opposite direction as him. After walking a little bit, he couldnt help but look back.

He tilted his head a bit, then shook his head again, walking into.....trouble. {oh great....i forgot i owed these guy} The guys had knives and one of them even had a sword. "seriously you guys.....i said i would pay back when i can...school started and i have been busy"

Gang leader w/sword: "we have waited too long Sakamaki Izayoi" The gang leader swung the sword at Izayoi, and he dodged easily, grabbing his sword and pushing him to the ground. Izayoi gave a mischievous look and crushed the sword using his hands. "i'm not afraid..... to kill you"


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