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[Pandemonium] and [Aladdin]

Aladdin seemed unaffected by the teacher's kick and mumbled something about toads or some kind of amphibian. Pandemonium chuckled as he nodded in confirmation "He's just fine. He always sleeps in class." he's seen Aladdin do this more times than he's bothered to remember so it wasn't all that alerting anymore.

sorry...my site went down )

Izayoi laughed and ran faster, as fast as he could go. 


Piko awoke slowly and sat up, heading to the bathroom, still steaming. "Danny...." He hugged him from behind and smiled happily. "i love you so much...."


gonna shower now brb )

Jonathan Slim/ Leo Scalene

Jonathan shrugs and says "Well that's fine. He can sleep if he'd like." He was cool if people slept in his class. It wasn't hurting anybody was it? Nope, it wasn't

Leo blushed when Anubis turned to him with the picture. He quickly looked away in shyness "Wh- What do you want?"

@Imapeople000 @IkutoForever2222 @Kira Times
(Actually, depending on how long they were frozen, they would probably go into shock. It would have to be pretty short, but freezing someone would stop their vitals, which again, if not frozen for a large amount of time, wouldn't kill them, but would still have minor side effects. He'd probably feel like shit and not be able to move for a bit, assuming Takis got there in a short amount of time. Let me do some research to see in case I'm wrong and just look like an idiot. Alright, research done. You can actually be frozen for a pretty long amount of time. There was a man whom froze himself in a solid block of ice for 62 hours. Did some more research.The world record is 66 hours frozen. And the man who was in ice for 62 hours didn't even go into shock. )  @Tiny Cosmic
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[Pandemonium] and [Aladdin]

"That's pretty nice of you. Hope you don't get in trouble for letting him sleep!" he poked him just because he could and kind of just left him there. He would be fine unless somebody stepped on him but you would have to not be paying attention to miss him. He would just listen to the teacher then once this class ended he would drag him to the next class. Panda sat  wherever was available and held a seat for Aladdin or at  least tried to.

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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama began drawing again, deciding to make another one that was less creepy. 

Izayoi laughed and shrugged. "i know..." He didnt even look out of breath, but he just turned around and fell on his back on the grass, smiling because he was now resting.


Est reopened his eyes and used another massive amount of strength that he barely even had to sit up. He reached his hand out to the nurse, his nails were some over grown and others chewed off. Its not his fault he looks this way, its those teenagers from 11 years ago. "hh.......ee.....hhee........" {i almost got it} "heell......" {right....now a "p" so close!} "hh.....heell.......heellp....help......" He gave a small smile. "help" His body went limp again and he collapsed on the floor, having a small smile on his face.

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(Alright, cool)

Takis Argyris

Takis carried him the rest of the way to the Doctor's office, before sitting him down in a chair. He took out his officer's pistol again and pistol whipped the ice to smash it. He put away his pistol and stared at the boy, making sure he was awake. @Tiny Cosmic
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He falls over onto the floor and vomits up a good amount of his frozen stomach acids

"What the absolute fuck dude! Just shooting me or some chlorophorm would've worked just as well..."
(So... Where did Moruhama go? One second he was in class and now I have no idea where he disappeared off to. Also... What now...? I just ran out of ideas for the class.)



@Kira Times

(Also! Why won't my @>Insert Person Here< won't work!)
Takis Argyris

Takis grunted, watching him throw up. "I can still shoot you, so don't tempt me son." He said. "And I don't exactly carry chloroform with me..." He never had his pistol loaded, but he did always carry spare bullets with him. He hated metal detectors, if you can't tell. @Tiny Cosmic

@TrueBananaz No, he's still in class. He's just drawing. 
Takis Argyris

Takis looked at the doctor, and said, "The boy knows more about himself than me. According to him, he flew in through a window." Takis decided it would be a better idea to not tell him about threatening to pistol whip him and freezing him. @Tiny Cosmic

@TrueBananaz, I dunno, I was waiting for someone to tell me when class ends. =/  As for the @s, if it doesn't work, make sure there's a space in between the @ sign and the last word(s)/letter(s) you just typed. If it still doesn't work, try putting another space in front of it. If it STILL doesn't work, just delete it and try again.
oh xD  haha then ignore Est )


Piko squeaked and jumped a little with a giggle. "good morning my love"


Neptune groaned and awoke, looking around, and then over at Kona, relieved he hasnt left.

Izayoi laughed and rubbed the area he was elbowed. "fine fine.....so there will be a next time?"


Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama walked outside and sat down on a bench, tired. He wasn't as tired as he usually was, but he was nevertheless. He looked around for a second to see if he could spot Valshe, but shrugged it off. I figure he'll find me eventually.. Mornuhama thought, closing his eyes for a couple seconds.
"You don't know how to make it? It's just bleach and ammonia" (that's true don't actually try that you might accidently make mustard gas and die. It happened me and a friend before just sayin 0-0)

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