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Mornuhama Loprak

"Okay..." Mornuhama said, looking around. He saw the 'couple' he was referring to, and smiled. He decided to sit between Takis and Flann. He looked over at Takis and smiled, and was responded with a swift salute. He looked back at the front, confused by the boy.

Est opened his glazed over golden eyes and looked at him. {is that a person? no....no way} "uh.....a...hhh" He tried to seak to him but nothing came out. The weak boy just closed his eyes again, his marks on his skin glowing red like they have been all his life. And the chain that was around his foot dug into his skin so much it was impossible to slip off without sawing it. The circle beneath Est needed to somehow get broken, if it didnt...he was stuck there. His skinny nasty body showed that he had been there for quite sometime (since he was 4 ) and reeked to high heavens.


Anubis shook his head. "thank you......i like hugs" He looekd towards the screen, his mood went from 0 to 100 and his eyes showed he was truly happy now.


Isayoi shrugged. "throw rocks to see how big i can make the explosion" He smirked.


(if i missed anyone please tell )
Jonathan Slim/ Leo Scalene

Jonathan is so surprised by the amount of tardies, that he facepalms "5 tardies? Ugh... This should be in the Guinness World Records." He chuckled "Which one of you are having children!" He was directing to all of the tardies, Leo, Anubis, and the other three "Now anyways, you two, I've said this two of three times before so I'm gonna be brief. If you have a pass, give it to me, if you don't then sit down because we are only covering a review on a powerpoint so I'm cool with you being late."

Leo just nodded in response to Anubis' response to the hug and shook his head to the response of Jonathan's question. He then did something that he didn't think he'd do again. He used his powers once again to feel how it is to be Anubis. He felt in peace as Anubis. It was wonderful. He knew he didn't do anything too wrong. Anubis was happy too.

@IkutoForever2222 @Imapeople000 @Kira Times
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"it depends on where i throw it.....i can turn anything into a bomb" He smirked. "did you pay for my coffee?" He asked, hands in pockets as he walked.


Anubis leaned forward and started doodling a person hugging another from behind in a diary.

[Pandemonium] and [Aladdin]

"Not me." he answered unenthusiastically as he glanced at Pandemonium who looked like he  was going to burst out laughing at any second now. "Me neither! I'm way too young for that! But anyways I didn't bring one." he couldn't speak for Aladdin but he was almost definite that he didn't  have one either because he had been with him the whole time they were making their way to class and before then he had been sleeping outside without one care in the world."Oh I didn't bring one." he said after Pandemonium then went back to being quiet.

He chuckled at his comment and looked around for good throwing rocks as they neared the river. "yup" Once on the hill he chucked the rock to the water, you could hear what seemed like a sonic boom after he threw it.

(just the one in his profile )


"Don't believe me? Is THIS not enough for you?"

He briefly lifts his shirt to reveal four to five bleeding wounds in his chest and abdomen, as well as multiple long lines of stitches along his entire body. He puts his shirt down and  he puts his hands in his pockets, holding onto the box cutter he always kept in his pocket 

(omfg I'm so sorry dude @Imapeople000

It had been several hours. Danny and Piko had slept together. Danny woke up stretching and yawning joyfully. This is it. Piko is finally mine. Oh I'm so happy.... I love you Piko! He gave Piko's sleeping body a cuddle before hgot up from the bed to go brush his teeth.
(well its the start of 4th hours...amd there is seven hours to 8 hours)

Anubis showed the male his drawing. It was amateur, but cute as hell. He giggled and gave a smile.


Izayoi gave a nod, changing the subject was a good idea. "y-yeah.." o///o

Nah, you good.

Takis Argyris

Takis scoffed at the wounds. "No, I don't. I won't go into the details of the shit I've seen son, but I can guarantee I've seen worse than that." He saw him reaching into his pocket. "Now do you need me to take you to the doctor or not?" Takis growled, irritated with the boy. He really had seen worse, and had worse wounds before. He didn't usually show war wounds (As he kind of started to go a bit crazy when he saw them himself), but he had been shot, stabbed, and gassed numerous times. The only reason he wasn't dead was because he could freeze the wound and stop any bleeding. @Tiny Cosmic
[Pandemonium] and [Aladdin]

That was Aladdin's queue to pass out right there. He was already slowly losing consciousness but at this point he just was like ''screw it''  and went to sleep instantly. "Alright sir! Let the lesson commence." he probably wouldn't pay a whole lot of attention because this wasn't important but he could try to.

"oh? fast.....i bet im faster" He laughed, though he was hiding his amazement by acting cool. This guy was awesome!!!. "are you human?" He was curious, because he didnt even know if he himself is or isnt.


lol its okay xD ))
Takis Argyris

"Yeah, sure... now stand still." Takis said, looking at the boy. He opened his mouth, and a light blue light came from inside, continuing to light up until a beam of icy water came from out his mouth, freezing him in his place. He ripped him off the floor (The ice froze him to the floor as well), and started carrying him to the doctor, holding him like a baseball bat. @Tiny Cosmic
Izayoi smirked. "Read.....set GO!" He was a sneaky ass and said "go" immediately after "set" and took off so fast that the ground tore up under him. He laughed cutely as he ran, a sweet fun side showing.

Est opened his eyes again and tried to reach out to him as he left, but was futile. He let a tear fall and he closed his eyes again. {hes gonna act as if he never saw me....} The small male stayed there, emotionless.


the concrete he is laying on needs to be cracked on the outside of the seal))

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