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Leo Scalene

Leo didn't even notice the male clothing. He was only looking at Anubis' face. It was very soft and feminine with hair all the way down to his shoulder. He didn't see the fact that she wasn't a female. But the clothing showed it yet Leo didn't care.

"No... They look fine." Leo cutely smiled, gazing into Anubis' golden eyes "They actually look... Erm... Really nice on you. W-what do you usually... Wear?"


(I need to go for now and I'll come back in about 8 hours. Feel free to reply if you'd like but you won't get the reply until later.)

Danny was shocked... Piko said yes...

In a sudden rush of emotions he hugged and kissed Piko into a tight and desperate embrace.

The scenery changes in a moment and where before they were outside of the restaurant, they are now in some sort of bedroom. They had teleported inside Danny's bedroom while kissing.

Danny was slipping fast. His control was fading away fast. As he kissed Piko's mouth passionately he gently and tenderly carried him over to the bed. He gently placed him on the bed and caressed his body with much emotion.

He began removing Piko's clothing with much urgency. But momentarily stopped himself to look into the boy's eyes. Asking an unspoken but somehow communicable question with his eyes. He wanted to give Piko the chance to back out if he wanted to. He could never forgive himself if he made Piko feel like he was being forced. He asked with all his being. (Unless Piko says no, we will fade to black after your response)

"Do you want to make love to me Piko? Do you want to be mine for tonight?"

Danny's heart is beating beyond reasonable levels. Piko said yes. He was so happy. He kissed him with such urgency, it was like gunpowder was about to ignite in his heart. He removes both of their clothes fully and stares into the boy's eyes lovingly. Holding him so tenderly, so gently. A hand running through his electrifying silky hair. Cradling his neck so carefully. Cradling and caressing his body. 

"I don't care about anything else right now. All you have to do is love ME." He says finally.

Fade to black.
Fade back:

Piko was laying on his stomach next to him on the verge of falling asleep. The sheets covered his naked sweaty body and he was exhausted . Piko just had the best time of his life, though it kinda hurt.


Danny lay next to him, softly kissing his naked body. He slowly traced a soft finger down his back. Willing Piko to fall asleep in his bed, and in his arms.

"I love you" he whispered softly to the boy.
Nai flew over and landed on Ai's lap, shifting to his human form, straddling him. "Can i go get something to eat? and if so do you want anything?" He had his arms loosely around his neck.


Danny snuggled up nice and close and comfy against Piko under the covers. He cuddled his body almost in a cat like fashion. He embraced him and fell asleep with their bodies intertwined.
Piko slept quietly, relaxed and warm. He would definitely feel this when he woke up.


Est opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. Same dark small space. "uh.....hhh" His voice was hoarse from not speaking in a long time, he just stuck with his thoughts and found no point in talking since he was going to spend his life here alone. The boy could barely even sit up because how weak he was, but managed to do so, slumped over like a dead person.

(open! If you wanna know where he is, he is in an off limit to all student, now storage room in the basement...in a closet. It was a dorm once, then a person killed a bunch of people and then killed themselves, so they closed it up and is just using it to put like extra desks and crap in it...but yeah....poor bab is in the closet ))
Nai smiled and snuggled into his hand. "okay....also there is a dead body down stairs in the closet....i was....exploring and came across it..." Nai switched forms and flew into the air, floating there to see if he needed to ask anything else.



i dont what is happening but my site is going whacko and saying that there is an error every time i try to look at your pages :/  i hope your guys's site is okay ))



i dont what is happening but my site is going whacko and saying that there is an error every time i try to look at your pages :/  i hope your guys's site is okay ))
"its okay Master....i will be back quickly...." He flew forward and licked his cheek before flying off to go get himself some food and get his owner some coffee. And get it exactly how he likes it.

Est let his body collapse to the ground cause he was unable to hold himself in a seated position anymore. A tear escaped. {no more tears......its pathetic and not gonna help anything} He took a deep pained breath and forced the tears to stop. Est moved his hand to wipe awy the tears, it was hard, but he did.


okay good xD  i was freaking out )
I log back on, and the first thing I see is Danny saying, "Will you make love to me?". X--X

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama just laughed when Valshe laid back down. "Oh, whatever." He said, laying back next to him. "Just hope your brother doesn't assault us again while we sleep." @IkutoForever2222
bwahahaha xD xD xD yeah...they are too head over heels for each other to worry about the meeting just today lol ))

"right....he can be crazy.....i cant wait till class.....you will see his crazyness" Valshe rolled over towards him. "im not tired anymore"


(did you see my 2 new charas )

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