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@IkutoForever2222 Just checked them out. Thanks for telling me.

Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, didn't really think so." Mornuhama said, rolling over next to Valshe. "I mean, we slept nearly the entire day... I think. But you get the point." Mornuhama giggled. 
[Itakura] and [Renshou]

@IkutoForever2222 (By  the way when is this person going to make their character? Also when is Renshou's class?)




Well what was he going to do now other than browse the internet for new pictures of his favorite cat thing ever? Absolutely nothing else because currently he wasn't hungry and he didn't want to talk to anyone in particular. He would just stare at his phone until class started, plain and simple plus nothing could happen if he minded his own business.


[Pandemonium] and [Aladdin]


Pandemonium hummed to himself as he skipped around until he came across a sleeping Aladdin which was somebody he considered a friend type guy. So like he would to any friend or anybody in general he went over. He examined the shorter male before getting down on his knees and whispering something in his ear which caused him to basically fly off the ground. "H-Huh!? What!?" he looked around in a panic until he spotted Pandemonium staring at him like a deer in headlights. Aladdin groaned before settling back down on the ground again "You?" he got over his surprise quickly and so did Pandemonium because he started talking "I just saw you laying there and decided that I should say hey to my magician friend!" he replied. Aladdin always disliked him for whatever reason.



Listening to some Country right now. Found an awesome playlist on YouTube. :D

Mornuhama Loprak

"Alright, just tell me when you're ready to go." Mornuhama said, waiting as Valshe got dressed. @IkutoForever2222
Jonathan Slim/ Leo Scalene

Jonathan once again put on another slide which once again was something Leo already knew. But Leo still wrote. Well, he did for the others. He found himself staring at Anubis just as if his eyes were locked into place and he couldn't unlock them. She... He was just mesmerizing.

At first the question passed Leo's head but suddenly he thought about it and answered "No... It isn't weird. It actually kind of... Suits you."

Suddenly Leo gets an idea to use his power on Anubis. She'd... He'd never know, would he? So he looked deeply into his eyes and thoughts and feelings rushed into his eyes. Leo knew how it is to be Anubis. He knew about the brothers, the fact that his mother treated him female, how he just can't stop, and how he hates it. Leo doesn't use this power often but sometimes he just does.

"I'm sorry." Leo said "You hate it don't you. I shouldn't have said anything."


(By the way, Leo found out this stuff using his powers and I found it out from your posts on the Character Post)
Leo Scalene/ Jonathan Slim

Leo grimaced in embarrassment he shouldn't have said anything, or even used his powers "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" Suddenly Leo got out of his seat and embraced Anubis from behind.

Jonathan was watching them throughout this entire dilemma. He just look at them with a grin and quietly said to himself "Ah... Young love."


(Erm... Are you just walking to class or coming into class at the moment?)

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@Tiny Cosmic What? Yes I did, here it is: On page 47, one comment right after Ikuto's (Which was right after your's)

Takis Argyris

Takis stared at him in awe. He couldn't believe he had the audacity to say he had been in a war! "Son... you've a lot of nerve coming up to a general and saying you've been through war, you know..." Takis said, narrowing his eyes. "I can bring you to the doctor, but if I hear you say you've been in a war again, I'll pistol whip you upside the head, do you hear me?" Takis said, pulling out an Officer's Pistol. It didn't have any bullets, but it was still useful for smacking the hell out of people. @Tiny Cosmic
Jonathan Slim

Jonathan chuckled when he saw another student come in late "Hello! Are you tardy number 3? I can swear that your reproducing. Anyways, do you have a late pass? I really don't care if you don't, It's just my job and it's so early into the school year and you aren't missing out on much. Sit wherever you like, and ignore the couple."


Leo Scalene

Leo let go of Anubis and sat back in his seat "I'm sorry again." He then looked down at his notebook and started writing down everything on the sign Jonathan put up.

[Pandemonium] and [Aladdin]

"Well you didn't have to...." he grumbled tiredly before he stood up. "Oh but I did! Class is starting and we wouldn't want the teach to get pissed at you or being tardy." with that said he grabbed Aladdin's arm and proceeded to drag the half asleep magician to class. It took a little while because of Aladdin dragging his feet and complaining. He would of tried to hit him if he had enough energy but right now he didn't so he just let his slightly taller ''friend'' lead him all the way there. Panda came into class rather nosily since he wasn't really one for a quite entrance "Sorry teach! My blue-haired friend and I had become preoccupied with some stuff! Sorry~!" with that out of the way he sat in a random seat in the front and forced Aladdin to sit somewhere close to him and since he wasn't really up for a fight right then he just sat.


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