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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama pulled away after nearly a minute this time (God damn), his face a deep crimson. "Well... you... you definitely played the game right..." Mornuhama said, giggling. @IkutoForever2222
Scales were in a pile next to the dead body of the boy, and Neptune laid there, mouth covered in blood and eyes glazed over a bit. He was still alive but just barely. If he didnt get in the water he would die because he cant breath. "Ko.......na....." He managed out.


Valshe smirked, his face the same color as Mornus. "Y-yeah"

"Is that so? Everyone needs a bit of flattery from time to time." He propped himself up on his elbow, head resting against his shoulder. He carefully studied the prince as he sat up, his eyebrows slowly beginning to show worry. "...I... hope I wasn't too rash... I've never been good with conveying emotion, haha..." His laugh was undeniably nervous.

" No...your fine. I'm flattered by your compliment" He reaches hand up to his hair and brushes it back.
Neptune inhaled deeply and his heartbeat picked up gain. The mermans tail was bleeding from the scale removal and it bled into the water. He looked up at Kona. "Drop me....."

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked over at Valshe, and said, "I still think this is weird." motioning towards the female attire they were both wearing. "And don't try and lie, I already know you don't like it." He giggled. @IkutoForever2222
Mornuhama Loprak

"Wait... when would I need that?" Mornuhama laughed. He stopped and looked over at Malhart as he walked back in

Malhart Sumnor

"Alright, I'm still oblivious to why half the class changed to girls, but I don't care. You guys can go ahead and go." He said, waving them out the door. @Everyoneinclass
Malhart Sumnor

"Yeah, I thought those guys were weird..." Malhart said, taking out another magazine and beginning to read it.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama grabbed all his stuff and got up, kissing Valshe on top of the head before leaving the classroom. @IkutoForever2222
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama walked down the hall and outside, headed to his dorm (109). He went to the dorms, opened the door, and slumped down on the bed (No, he didn't close the door.), tired from the day's events. 
After a while, Valshe got bored and headed out. On the way to his dorm (122) he saw a door open md looked in. He smiled when he sw Mornu. Val walked in and sat on the end of the bed.

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" No...your fine. I'm flattered by your compliment" He reaches hand up to his hair and brushes it back.

Vincent rolls onto his back, looking away from Jack. The faint pink blaze across his face increases in intensity as he becomes more and more awake. 'G-good," he stammers quietly, trying to process what just occurred in the past few minutes.
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama was laying on his bed with his cap over his face, when he felt weight towards the front of the bed. He lifted his cap up, and saw Valshe. "Hey, what's up?" He said, taking his hat off and laying it next to him. @IkutoForever2222
Neptune closed his eyes and waited till he hit the bottom of the pool. When he made it, he started moving to the corner where he had the marble. Once he got it, he clenched his teeth and swam up. It hurt so bad, but he needed to get to the surface. When he was close to Kona he reached out for him.


Valshe shrugged. "Got bored so i was headed to my dorm when i saw one had its door open"

Vincent rolls onto his back, looking away from Jack. The faint pink blaze across his face increases in intensity as he becomes more and more awake. 'G-good," he stammers quietly, trying to process what just occurred in the past few minutes.

Jack lays back down and turns to his side. He finally calmed down and his heartbeat was back to normal.
Mornuhama Loprak

"Oh, shit. I left my door open?" Mornuhama asked, looking up. "Oh. Well, whatever. It isn't like anyone's gonna rob me." Mornuhama laughed, propping his head up against the back of the bed. @IkutoForever2222
Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, sure you will." Mornuhama laughed. "It's not like I have a hundred thousand dollars stashed away in my desk, you know?" He put his arm around Valshe, nodding off. @IkutoForever2222

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