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Dominique Lachapelle

Dominique heard someone ask him if he could watch the video. He turned around, and saw an incredibly hot guy a young boy with hair that looked like water. He looked at him for a second, before saying "Yeah, sure thing." He shifted the small tablet to where Rein could see, and put in a two-slot headphone port (It's something you plug into your headphone port so you can put in two pairs of earbuds. It's actually real, and pretty cool). He plugged his pair of earbuds back in, then plugged another pair and gave them to the boy. He waited for him to put the earbuds in, before turning on the video. @Marlow
Valshe shoved Anubis into the classroom again, finally done with his transformation.

Anubis squeaked and fell onto the floor on all fours, his face red from embarrassment. He felt so weird.




Rein | @Imapeople000 |

"Thank you!" he said enthusiastically. Rein stared at the earplugs for a second when they were handed to him, clueless as to what he was supposed to do with them. His eyes followed the other pair to the silver haired male's ears before he copied it and stuck the plugs inside, averting his gaze towards the tablet.
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(oh m gee! Anubis is HOT. Everybody stop making hot characters dang it!)


Danny was glad that his boyfriend already knew the lyrics to the song. Danny takes Piko into his arms and together they sing the song. Danny has no magic carpet. Instead he teleports them from place to place in the big city. Carrying Piko romantically he would sometimes jump of a buildings and teleport so fast in succession that it was the equivalent to flying on a magic carpet through the air. Danny and Piko flew through the city singing the song and seeing everything of the bright shiny city. They would jump onto buildings and dance.
xD  We will eventually stop. Eventually.

Aonghus Eibhear

Aonghus was reading, and he jumped when he heard Anubis fall on the floor. He looked down, and saw him on the ground on all fours. "Are you okay?" He asked, a couple of the chains on his leather outfit jingling. @IkutoForever2222
Piko would squeak every now and then, but was having the time of his life. He sang along with his lover, his heart beating a million miles per hour it seemed. Like it could pop from his chest.


xD he will prolly end updressing like a girl again out of habit )
Danny and Piko eventually teleported back in front of the burger joint just as the last line of the song was being sung. The equivalent of landing the magic carpet and stepping off.

Danny held Piko's hands in his own and stared into the boy's eyes.

He makes me feel warm inside. Noone has done that since... Since... I can't even remember if anyone EVER did that.

"See that Piko?" he asks cryptically.
With me...the character making is never ended lololol )

Anubis looked up at him. "I feel exposed....."


Valshe walked in with a makeover himself and an irritted face. He only wanted Anubis fixed up and got mixed up in the crap. And a gender switch of all things!!!

Aonghus Eibhear

Aonghus just looked at Anubis, confused. "Um... what?" He hadn't seen Anubis before, as he had been stuck in his book.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama put his phone away and kept reading his book. He looked back up when Valshe and Anubis walked in, and his eyes widened in surprise. Before, Valshe wasn't... well, the manliest guy in the world, but now, he seemed to have a feminine aura, of sorts. @IkutoForever2222
"I cant do this!" Anubis covered his chest, his girly voice echoing through the class.

Valshe walked to his seat, walking perfectly fine in heels, amnd sat down. "I cant believe he did this to me......that little bitch" Valshe was in a sour mood.

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Aonghus Eibhear

Aonghus just became more confused at his statement. "What's.. wrong?" He didn't know what to do, because he didn't know what Anubis was talking about.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked at Valshe, confused. "Do what? I mean, it's not like he can just turn you female... can he?" He looked over at Anubis, who had recently yelled. He didn't see him getting any response (As Anubis probably couldn't have heard him anyways) so he looked back to Valshe. @IkutoForever2222
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"When I say that I can show you a whole new world, I really mean it. I can show you the world, all you have to do... Is just take my hand... And we'll go." he said charmingly. He begins walking into the burger joint then turn around and extends a hand towards Piko. Wanting him to take it.
Anubis looked at him. "I have never worn anything but dresses......this...his is so differemt.....mum will kill me!"

Valshe shook his head. "No of course not...i would probably stab myself if he did....but look at me...im hideous" He huffed and looked off to the side. "Maybe you should get a makeover...see what he does to you..."


Izayoi laugjhed and smacked Kennedy's back as a friendly buddy gesture.

Kennedy jumped and at the same time his hair flashed and his desk callapsed into a thousand little pieces. "Tch...." -_-'

Izayoi blinked and slowky sat back down in his own desk. Wonder what would happen if he really scared him. Would the whole building fall? O.o
Kennedy is part of the Dark Side   I watch too much Star Wars

Mornuhama Loprak

"W...what?!" Mornuhama was kind of afraid. On one hand, he didn't think it would matter too much. On the other, he wasn't sure if he was comfortable with it. "I mean... I don't know..."

Aonghus Eibhear

"It isn't like your mom is at the school though, is she? I mean, assuming she isn't, you have until the next break before it really matters..." Aonghus said, trailing off. He couldn't see what Anubis was worrying about. He looked fine, and as he said, the problem with his mother wouldn't matter until a break. @IkutoForever2222
Valshe smirked and reachedout, taking his hand. "Oh come on....it will be a lot of fun!" He dragged him off.

"Dont i look weird though"?" Anubis looked up at the male with hope he didnt say yes.


Lol xD kennedy is a poor baby)
Mornuhama Loprak

"I doubt that..." Mornuhama said as Valshe dragged him away. When they came back, he tried to hide his face, but didn't have anything to hide it with. "This... this feels weird..." Mornuhama said, blushing.


Aonghus Eibhear

"What? No." Aonghus said, staring at Anubis. "You're getting worked up over nothing..." @IkutoForever2222
His reply was almost incoherent, slurred from his nearly completely unconscious state. "Mm? Wast th' matter? Can't a prince look another one in th' eye?"

"N-no...it's just that your pretty close and staring at me with th-ose red eyes of yours", he turns back over .

Danny couldn't hold his feelings in any longer. He HAD to do this right now. Piko was just simply too amazing to not. He was making him feel so in love.

He quickly and suddenly twirled Piko in a special position. He then tenderly bent the guy backwards and kissed him tenderly. Like a classical romantic movie. Like a tango move.

Many people in the burger joint gasp. Many stare. Some let out an "awww!"


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