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Dominique Lachapelle

Dominique bounced into the classroom, chewing a piece of gum along the way. He swept a look across the classroom, before sitting down in his desk. He took out his phone and started playing some games on it, his cat resting on his shoulders.

Aonghus Eibhear

Aonghus walked to class, reading his book as he walked down the hall. He got a few odd looks because of his outfit, but the bird on his shoulder screamed back at them, making a few kids startled. He walked into the classroom and sat down, still reading his book, and not even bothering to look up.

Harumi never understood social anxiety but he guessed he had it. "I don't think you would.....They're just jeans after all but me on the other hand...would never be able to wear a dress." he could not see himself being forced into one because things could and most likely would get kind of ugly.

@IkutoForever2222 (Must of been tired because I passed out. Update please because apparently a lot of stuff happened while I was knocked out.)
(Hey, at least he still has his boxers! Otherwise, this would be a lot weirder...)

Vincent did not move any further; he was simply there, fast asleep. It seemed doubtful that you could get him back up again at this state, or at least to move a significant distance.

Jack rolled over to the edge of the bed. His eyes finally gave up on him .  As he slept  he shifted back and forth , pulling the blanket over to his side.
Jack rolled over to the edge of the bed. His eyes finally gave up on him .  As he slept  he shifted back and forth , pulling the blanket over to his side.

The two of them then entered a bit of a blanket battle, starting when one of them pulling the blanket a little too far and the other retaliated by tugging the fabric back to them. It was painfully obvious that even in their sleep, they were trying to avoid coming into contact with the other. However, one strong pull caused Vincent to roll a bit closer still, resulting in the blanket being in a satisfactory position for both men. The silent battle ceased, although now the two of them were face to face and only a few inches apart.
Piko ran with him, his tail behi d him swaying a bitbas he did.


Anubis looked at him. "Do you have any clothes i can borrow? Or try on?"

@Kira Times

Kennedy huffed as he wrotr down. "I hate it.....i finally found someone who loved me and they shot him amd killed him right i front of me.....this was about 30 minutes ago....." He slid the paper back to him.

"This is too close",he thought.

His heart was beating faster and he could feel the blood rushing to his face. "Why am I feeling this....Come on think straight " he tries to shake away the images.  

The two of them then entered a bit of a blanket battle, starting when one of them pulling the blanket a little too far and the other retaliated by tugging the fabric back to them. It was painfully obvious that even in their sleep, they were trying to avoid coming into contact with the other. However, one strong pull caused Vincent to roll a bit closer still, resulting in the blanket being in a satisfactory position for both men. The silent battle ceased, although now the two of them were face to face and only a few inches apart.
Mei Rinsaku

Mei took the paper and scanned it again. He wrote back, 'They did that to my family. All of them. I killed most of them for it, at least.' and sent the paper back to him, a single tear going down his face (A rarity for him, as it's near impossible for him to cry anyways) @IkutoForever2222

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart decided to go ahead and walk back to the classroom. He got there, looked around, and said, "Yeah alright, this is good enough." He started talking about different parts of the brain and how they worked (He's Psychology and Physics). After a couple of minutes, he said, "I don't plan on giving any specific work on this, because it's boring as hell. The only thing I need you to do is watch a five minute video on it. The URL is on the board." He said, sitting back down in his chair. "Just do it whenever, as long as you've watched it before tomorrow.
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"This is too close",he thought.

His heart was beating faster and he could feel the blood rushing to his face. "Why am I feeling this....Come on think straight " he tries to shake away the images.  

Vincent didn't seem to respond, simply lying there sincerely, until his eyes flickered partway open, staring right at Jack with dark crimson eyes that seemed as if they could see right into the prince's soul, not in a terrifying way, but a mystifying, almost beautiful way. He practically appeared to be asleep with his lack of reaction, or maybe he just didn't care. It was hard telling.

They stop abruptly just outside the forest. In front of them is the spectacular sight of the bright shiny bustling city. It's beautiful. In front of them is a fast food burger joint. High class however. And BIG.

"Darling?" He asks as they stand there catching their breath and looking at gorgeous city.

"I can show you the woooooorld!" He begins and takes Piko's hands sand looks into his eyes. Uh oh. Piko better be ok with him randomly breaking into song like in musicals, cuz he tends to do that a lot. He has a good voice too so it could actually be quite pleasant if Piko let it...
Valshe opened up his laptop and typed in the url, watching the video after he plugged in headphones.

Kennedy saw the tear go down Meis face and it cause him to cry again too. He reached over and rubbed his back, trying to comfort him.


"I have clothes but they're all mine's. All of them are kind of loose anyway." he wasn't carrying them around right now because he had no reason to. So right now he only had the clothes on his back.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked at Kennedy oddly, not because he was crying, because he had rubbed his back. Seldom he had ever been touched, and his mask was already going into self-defense mode because of it. Metal bars extended around his body, covering everything but his eyes, and clasping Kennedy's hands inside of the back part of it(That was a part of the defense mechanism.). @IkutoForever2222

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama took out his phone and looked up the url. He watched the video, then put his phone away again.

Dominique Lachapelle

Dominique grinned at Malhart, but after getting a cold stare back, took out a tablet and watched the video.

Takis Argyris

Takis took out a small laptop from a side pocket on his military bag, and watched the video. He put the laptop away once he finished it and sat back up at attention.

Aonghus Eibhear

Aonghus put his book away briefly and watched the video on his phone, before taking his book back out and continued reading it.
 Jack blushed even more when he looked into those crimson eyes. He finally turned around to look away.

Vincent didn't seem to respond, simply lying there sincerely, until his eyes flickered partway open, staring right at Jack with dark crimson eyes that seemed as if they could see right into the prince's soul, not in a terrifying way, but a mystifying, almost beautiful way. He practically appeared to be asleep with his lack of reaction, or maybe he just didn't care. It was hard telling.
Kennedy gasped and closed his eyes tight. "S-stop.....it hurts.....if my hand.....if the skin touches you.......you turn.....to ash" He was fairly loud cause he was in pain, so student went wide eyed at hearing his power, well, one of them.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei wasn't perturbed by his powers, but he still had his mask let go. He wrote, 'Sorry, my mask has a defense mechanism. You wouldn't be able to touch me anyways.' and passed the paper to him. He took out a small laptop & headphones and listened to the video, before putting it away. @IkutoForever2222

"See you whenever." he waved goodbye and watched him go off but then some kind of realization hit. He might of been going to the same class he was but he wasn't sure about that.

@IkutoForever2222 (So I'm sort of confused. Does everyone just go to the same class or something?)
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Pretty much...makes things easier....so they can all interact )

Valshe saw Anubis walk in with a saddened look so he tikted his head. "Whats the matter Nubi?"

"I dont want to be a girl anymore.....and my ears are cramped up! I have had to hide them forever!" He was angry at this, his most precious body parts had to stay hidden.

Valshe smiled and stood. "Come with me...i know just the thing for you....i can fix you up" He took Anubis's hand and headed to the drama room.

Kennedy held his hand close to his chest, he already had bruises everywhere, whats one more gonna change. "Sorry...." He whispered to Mei before looking at the wet desk, groaning a bit.


@Kira Times


URL. Rein blinked and slowly lifted his head to see the board. A slight confused expression stirred his calm visage as he realized what it was. Technology was another thing the boy didn't excel in, and didn't own. He glanced around until his eyes settled on one of the other boys near him. The cat on his shoulder caught his attention and he mentally questioned himself about not noticing the animal sooner. "Excuse me," the boy spoke, his nails shifting into an old color as they mixed and he curled his fingers away from view, "May I watch?" @Imapeople000
 Jack blushed even more when he looked into those crimson eyes. He finally turned around to look away.

His reply was almost incoherent, slurred from his nearly completely unconscious state. "Mm? Wast th' matter? Can't a prince look another one in th' eye?"

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