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Neptune had a happy tear escape his eyes. He looked at the beautiful trinket and smiled. "THANK YOU!!!!" he yelled after him, knowing he was probably down the stairs by now. He dove under water and went to the bottom, clutching the marble to his chest.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart walked up the stairs, and rand into Kona. He stared blankly at him, and went ghetto again. "Boy, I swear to god, if you don't gettcho ass to class, you will be one dead son of a bitch," He said angrily. He was about to continue yelling at him, but he heard someone yell after him. He looked up the stairs, confused, as he didn't see anyone else when he looked up there. "Move aside, boy." He said, moving Kona to one side as he walked up the stairs. @IkutoForever2222 @Kenopsia

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama smiled, and took his earbuds & phone out of his bag, turning on his music. He quietly sang with the music he was listening to. (I can leave some links to songs along the way. Here's the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFkcAH-m9W0 Again, one of my favorite songs, as it has a bunch of the artists I love in it, notably Willy Nelson and Johnny Cash.)
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"My servant must be easily flustered. I see that your not entirely innocent as I thought " Jack stood up from his bed.

"I'll be taking a quick shower. Are ya still going to be here?"

He simply blinked, trying to fully process the other's statement. In all honesty, he was far too tired to think straight, so he just ignored it. "Mhm, yes... I'll be here..."
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He simply blinked, trying to fully process the other's statement. In all honesty, he was far too tired to think straight, so he just ignored it. "Mhm, yes... I'll be here..."

Jack grabbed a towel and a pair of clothes. "Fine then...I'll be out in a few minutes. He went inside the bathroom and undressed. He stepped into the shower , turning the knob to cold.

He simply blinked, trying to fully process the other's statement. In all honesty, he was far too tired to think straight, so he just ignored it. "Mhm, yes... I'll be here..."

Rein |Open|

The boy padded over to the lockers and placed the unneeded books that were given to him inside into a neat line. A hum emitted from his throat that resembled the tune of a siren's song as he closed the metal door and clasped dainty fingers around the strap to his bag when he began to walk to class. Rein didn't see the harm in humming the weakly enchanting melody since there wasn't anyone around from what he could see. Then again, his eyes were focused on the orb of water circling around his unclasped hand.
(I know I'm quitting RPN in a little while, butttt I have to just kill my character lol) 

Lucian gulped. "That doesn't scare me."
Jack grabbed a towel and a pair of clothes. "Fine then...I'll be out in a few minutes. He went inside the bathroom and undressed. He stepped into the shower , turning the knob to cold.

As soon as Jack left the room, Vincent glanced at his shoulder. The sight of metal and dark fabric met his gaze. With a sigh, he unclasped his cloak and loosened the leather straps keeping his armor pressed against his body. He glanced down at his shirt, which was still dripping wet. "Well, it is only for a few minutes... and I don't want to get the bed soaked because of me, so... screw it." And so, for the second time today, he lost his shirt, then collapsed into the bed face-first, falling asleep almost instantaneously. Never was he so grateful for a bed in his life.
Lucian could feel sweat going down the side of his face. "Please let me see Kennedy. I won't speak a word of this to anyone if you let me see him."

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Malhart Sumnor

Malhart walked to the top of the stairs, and attempted to open the trapdoor. He couldn't, because it was locked. After attempting to for a second or two, he summoned a battering ram of shadow-crystal, and broke it in half, climbing up into it. He climbed up the ladder, and came up to the top, seeing the pool. He looked down, and noticed a blot at the bottom (He couldn't tell what it was). "What... is that?" Malhart said to himself. He converted himself to pure darkness (So he didn't have to deal with breathing), and dived into the water. @IkutoForever2222
Jack dried himself off. Placing on his boxers and a simple white tank top. He exited the bathroom to reveal Vincent was sleeping on his bed... his bed! "You idiot! Your getting my bed wet."The boy stomped over to the man on the bed and leaned over him. "Wakey up"

As soon as Jack left the room, Vincent glanced at his shoulder. The sight of metal and dark fabric met his gaze. With a sigh, he unclasped his cloak and loosened the leather straps keeping his armor pressed against his body. He glanced down at his shirt, which was still dripping wet. "Well, it is only for a few minutes... and I don't want to get the bed soaked because of me, so... screw it." And so, for the second time today, he lost his shirt, then collapsed into the bed face-first, falling asleep almost instantaneously. Never was he so grateful for a bed in his life.
Jack dried himself off. Placing on his boxers and a simple white tank top. He exited the bathroom to reveal Vincent was sleeping on his bed... his bed! "You idiot! Your getting my bed wet."The boy stomped over to the man on the bed and leaned over him. "Wakey up"

"My legs are hanging off the bed; my shirt isn't touching the bed at all," he mumbled weakly, somewhat muffled. "Your bed's fine... Just let me sleep..."
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"I was about to lay down on my bed , but you are on it. "Jack complained. 

"Where am I suppose to take a nap now. The prince needs his beauty sleep."

"My legs are hanging off the bed, my shirt isn't touching the bed at all," he mumbled weakly, somewhat muffled. "Your bed's fine..."
The gov nodded and the men pulled their guns away. He turned and picked up a remote, flicking on a screen and kennedy was on it, a camera watching him. Kennedy was walking out by a building to test the strength of his new power. Blood covered him because he went through hell again when they forced it inside. The gov leader had a walky talky and gave the okay to Kennedy. Kennedy bit his lip before walking up to the abandoned building and practically screamed. His black hair glowed a bright blue and the building in front of him exploded into a million pieces, lots of them landed on Kennedy, burying him. The leader nodded at the success. "Get him out of the rubble and tube him" The other males in the room nodded and headed that way.


Neptune smiled and laid on his stomach at the bottom, he closed his eyes, unaware of the angry teacher headed his way. The mal was still, so it probably looked like he was dead or something. But he had just yelled to Kona so it was obvious he was alive.


"I was about to lay down on my bed , but you are on it. "Jack complained. 

"Where am I suppose to take a nap now. The prince needs his beauty sleep."

He rolls onto his back, a tired, but unamused look on his face. "You still can, it's not like I'm taking up the whole bed. There's plenty of space," he replied, his eyes still closed. "And if you're that worried about getting your bed drenched, it's not like my pants are surgically attached to me." It was evident that he honestly didn't care what happened, as long as he got some rest in. "I was a mess last night and I'm a mess today, alright? I'm not in the mood for complaints."
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(I have a plan to kill off my character, but it involves meeting with Kennedy, and it also involves me controlling one government official. Tell me if you approve~) 

"NO!!!" Lucian screamed and started to punch the TV, breaking it and smashing the glass. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! HE'S HUMAN!! TH-THIS IS HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION! LET ME SEE HIM IN PERSON!" he screamed, grabbing the collar of a gov.

"Share a bed with you?...Gods....I'm tired and I have no other  choice. "

Jack flopped onto the other side of the bed. He couldn't belive what's happening. He hoped things aren't going escalate any farther than this.

He rolls onto his back, a tired, but unamused look on his face. "You still can, it's not like I'm taking up the whole bed. There's plenty of space," he replied, his eyes still closed. "And if you're that worried about getting your bed drenched, it's not like my pants are surgically attached to me." It was evident that he honestly didn't care what happened, as long as he got some rest in. "I was a mess last night and I'm a mess today."
Mornuhama Loprak

(New song update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xisCu5u6kvQ)

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart swiftly swam to the bottom, spotting Neptune. He stared at him for a second, before saying, "I don't really know who the fuck you are, but if you're in my class, you better hurry the hell up and get there." He swam back up to the top, jumping out at the side of the pool (Still as darkness). @IkutoForever2222
(Its fine ^^ )

The gov sighed and nodded, giving the diretions to the other gov men and taking Lucian to Kennedy. Kennedy was bleeding all over now, but he didnt seem to be affected. He was so used to pain. "L-Lucian...." He looked at him in shock.


Neptune gasped and blinked at the shadow, creeped out. He sharpened his teeth at him amd moved away, but realized he had already swam to the top. He went back to normal and tilted his head* "weird"


"Share a bed with you?...Gods....I'm tired and I have no other  choice. "

Jack flopped onto the other side of the bed. He couldn't belive what's happening. He hoped things aren't going escalate any farther than this.

"...We're on the same page 'den..." Half-asleep, he raised one of his hands just enough to stroke the fur on the prince's ears one last time, before dropping it and simultaneously closing his drooping eyelids.
(All right, maybe this post and one more, and maybe one more... and I'll be done!! :)  )

Lucian screamed and ran to Kennedy, giving his bloody, skinny body and tattered clothes a huge hug. His voice choked as tears ran down his face. "I-I- I love you so fucking much!"

Jack didn't protest , but let the man stroke his ear before he fell asleep. 

"...We're on the same page 'den..." Half-asleep, he raised one of his hands just enough to stroke the fur on the prince's ears one last time, before dropping it and simultaneously closing his drooping eyelids.

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