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Vincent scrowled as he undid his cloak and loosened the leather straps holding his shoulderplates and chestplate to his body. There was less risk without them. He contemplated taking off his shirt as well, since the weather wasn't warm enough for it to dry quickly, but he didn't for two reasons. One was that, following the weather logic, he'd have to get rid of his pants, too. Which he was not planning on doing. At all. The second was that he felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought of it. Shoving these thoughts aside, he pulled himself in, somewhat hesitant at first, but then the man remembered his objective and went all in. Vincent began to swim down, just far enough so that he had a clearer view of the strange figures while also being able to return to the surface quickly.

@IkutoForever2222 @Kenopsia
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Neptune smiled at him, knowing the feeling of his tail was weird but smooth and a bit satisfying. He laid on his stomach on the bottom of the pool and propped his elbow up, resting his chin in his hand.

Curious as to why there was a bubble with two humonoid figures inside, one he thought he had seen before and the other completely unknown to him, Vincent attempted to swim deeper. However, he briefly began to run out of air, causing him to cease his descent. His monochrome outfit of gray tunic and even darker gray pants billowed outward from the loss of motion. Just before the man fully retreated to the surface, he tried to focus on conjuring his elemental magic. Although it was fire and would likely go out immediately (that is, if it was summoned at all), it had the potential to create an air bubble for him to use. Needless to say, it did virtually nothing, spare for the tiny, useless bubbles that formed around his super-heated hands. Vincent surfaced and went right into a coughing fit. This is what happens when you're out of practice...

@IkutoForever2222 @Kenopsia
Valshe put his hands on Mornus chest and patted. "Yeah?"


Neptune then noticed a temp change and looked up. He glared at the unwelcome guest in his pool. He swam up at the guy so fast, you almost couldnt see him. He grabbed Vincent around the waist and shot out of the water into the air, like really high into the air.


Vincent clung to the side of the pool, coughing weakly. "Damn... shouldn't have opened my mouth so early..." He glanced back down at the pool. The figures were still down there. His curiosity was still peaked. How irritating. He inhaled deeply and decided to try again, dunking his head under the water and trying to perfect his attempt at an air bubble beforehand. That is, until he was tackled. His crimson eyes widened in horror as he flew up into the air. A scream tried to escape him, but the air was rushing by too quickly.

@Kenopsia @IkutoForever2222
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Mornuhama Loprak

"Um... well..." Mornuhama blushed more, trying to explain. "I mean... well," He sighed. He couldn't really figure out another way to tell him besides just saying it outright. "You're kinda... straddling me right now..." He said, blushing like crazy. @IkutoForever2222
Vincent scrowled as he undid his cloak and loosened the leather straps holding his shoulderplates and chestplate to his body. There was less risk without them. He contemplated taking off his shirt as well, since the weather wasn't warm enough for it to dry quickly, but he didn't for two reasons. One was that, following the weather logic, he'd have to get rid of his pants, too. Which he was not planning on doing. At all. The second was that he felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought of it. Shoving these thoughts aside, he pulled himself in, somewhat hesitant at first, but then the man remembered his objective and went all in. Vincent began to swim down, just far enough so that he had a clearer view of the strange figures while also being able to return to the surface quickly.

@IkutoForever2222 @Kenopsia

Jack sat at the edge of the pool. Letting his legs get soaked by the cold water. He wasn't sure if he should swim since he had no swimwear on.
Jack sat at the edge of the pool. Letting his legs get soaked by the cold water. He wasn't sure if he should swim since he had no swimwear on.

(Just so ya know, Vincent kinda just got thrown into the sky by Neptune down there.)
Neptune faced the wwater and then spread out allhis fins, pracically gliding down gently. Once he floated down to the surface he put vincent up on the edge of the pool. "Please dont mess with the water temperature...it could make me sick." The beautiful male said calmly.


Mornuhama Loprak

"It's fine..." Mornuhama said, still blushing. He wasn't angry, just embarrassed. "So... umm.. ready to go?" Mornuhama asked, looking at Valshe. He was still embarrassed, but just decided not to think too much about it. @IkutoForever2222
Neptune faced the wwater and then spread out allhis fins, pracically gliding down gently. Once he floated down to the surface he put vincent up on the edge of the pool. "Please dont mess with the water temperature...it could make me sick." The beautiful male said calmly.



"I'm sorry," he apologized, between heavy breaths, "I didn't know..." Raven bangs covered one of Vincent's eyes, while mostly hiding the other. His drenched tunic clung to his toned body, which trembled with each soft pant releasing itself from his lungs.

(Yeah, I know, I was just saying it in the simplest way possible.)


(Vincent dove into the water after seeing two people underwater. He thought they might have drowned. He tried to use his fire magic to create a bubble for him to breath in. It changed the temperature of the water a bit, which Neptune didn't take too kindly to.)

Jack watched , he didn't need to be involve with that idiot and the pool god.

(Vincent angered the Pool God)
Nepune pushed his blonde curly hair back. "Its okay..you guys arent supposed to be up here you know"



Valshe gave a slow nod, and started wlking. His face so red it covered his ears.


Lol pool god xD )

"Well, there's nothing much better to do," Vincent replied, lifting a hand to brush his jet black bangs out of his face. "And believe me, I wasn't aware that you were here... Now, if you could let go of me, I'd appreciate it greatly."
xD Neptune the Pool God. Sounds like a crappy movie someone'd make. 

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama walked with Valshe, close to him. He looked over, and noticed he was still blushing. "Listen, it's fine... you didn't even know that you were doing it in the first place." Mornuhama said. Honestly, he thought that made it a bit worse, but he thought it might console him a bit. @IkutoForever2222
"Why do we have to leave. It's seems a little unfair to hog the pool to yourself."The prince said to Neptune.

Neptune saw that his hands were still on his waist and he blushed darkly, letting him go. "Im sorry...just...i dont know...." he liked the company he was getting, but wanted what was best for Kona. "Can you leave please? "



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