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Jack finished climbing. Tell room that he entered was certainly small. " This place is kind of small. Do they really make rooms like this?" he said , slightly leaning against the other boy.

"It's a supply closet, that's why it's so small. C'mon, get clear of the trapdoor so I can close it," he said, shifting himself onto his hands and knees to reach for what appeared to be a crank.
Anubis's eye twitched when he was called a girl, but immediately went girl mode. "Haha...thank you....my teacher is Malhart?" He smiled at Machi.

Neptune swam next to him. "You got it! Now i will teach you how to swim in place." He moved in front of him and put his hands on his sides.

@Kenopsia iTS ALL GOOD ))
"It's a supply closet, that's why it's so small. C'mon, get clear of the trapdoor so I can close it," he said, shifting himself onto his hands and knees to reach for what appeared to be a crank.

Jack scooted back away from the trap door. 
Jack scooted back away from the trap door. 

Vincent shifted his weight to the side, crawling over to the crank a bit more and beginning to turn it. (I like to imagine his ass shaking a little in Jack's face; it's pretty funny) The ladder slowly collapsed and rose up, before completely closing up and shutting the trapdoor behind it. He took the rope attached to the back of the door and put it around a hook on the wall, effectively locking it into place. "All good to go now. You can open that door and get some fresh air, if you'd like."
Maybe xD )

Neptune looked at him. "It will be okay....im here with you" He then explined how to stay in one place. (Its too hard to explain so lets pretend he told him lol )

Anubis winced a little and lifted his hand, looking at the blood. "Oh please do....it stings a bit~" {baka...that hurt...what the hell?} He thought to himself, but kept a cute and pretty look on his face.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart watched the two boys (I say two boys because Malhart usually would've assumed Anubis was a girl, but the office told him about Anubis) walk into the room in an odd fashion, and saw Machi accidentally cut Anubis. It didn't seem like much to Malhart so he just leaned back in his seat, watching the two. @Kenopsia 

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama sat with his arms around Valshe, before looking around for a clock. He looked at the clock on the far wall, and noticed it was a bit late. He frowned and looked back down at Valshe. He didn't want to wake him, but he also figured they needed to go to class (Ya know, because it's school and all...). He decided to wait for a couple minutes for Valshe to wake up, and if he didn't, he would just wake him up himself. @IkutoForever2222
Vincent shifted his weight to the side, crawling over to the crank a bit more and beginning to turn it. (I like to imagine his ass shaking a little in Jack's face; it's pretty funny) The ladder slowly collapsed and rose up, before completely closing up and shutting the trapdoor behind it. He took the rope attached to the back of the door and put it around a hook on the wall, effectively locking it into place. "All good to go now. You can open that door and get some fresh air, if you'd like."

Jack was still avoiding looking while Vincent cranked  and closed the door  "O-okay" , he quickly opened the door to free himself from the small area .

"Finally free"
Jack was still avoiding looking while Vincent cranked  and closed the door  "O-okay" , he quickly opened the door to free himself from the small area .

"Finally free"

The taller man stepped out from the shadows of the closet and followed Jack outside of the room containing the closet and a rather precarious-looking staircase, looking out over the afternoon skyline. "It's much nicer up here, isn't it?"

@Kenopsia @IkutoForever2222 (We're on the roof now, thought you should know.)
The taller man stepped out from the shadows of the closet and followed Jack outside of the room containing the closet and a rather precarious-looking staircase, looking out over the afternoon skyline. "It's much nicer up here, isn't it?"

@Kenopsia @IkutoForever2222 (We're on the roof now, thought you should know.)

(I'm about to get some more sleep in so I can feel better)

"Yes , it's not dusty or a covered in mold." He looked up at the stairs.
(I'm about to get some more sleep in so I can feel better)

"Yes , it's not dusty or a covered in mold." He looked up at the stairs.

(Okay, have a good rest.)

"One reason why I didn't want to take that way," he explained, "Also because it's fairly obvious if someone goes up them. My way? Not so much."
It was useless, Valshe was sleeping like a baby and was really comfortable.


Anubis's eye really twitched now. He sat down and crossed his arms. "He really has some nerve...." It was so odd hearing him speak because he sounded like a girl too.

Neptune moved the males hands away from his face and practically kissed him as he pulled him under water. The kiss wasnt for anything romantic, once under water, he pulled back and a bubble went around Konas head so he could breath.

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Neptune smiled at him.  "We are at the very bottom of a very deep pool.......even if they decide to swim....they would run out of breath by the time they got here" He spike to him as if they were above surface. Neps hair floated around his face and he smiled again.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama felt like he needed to wake Valshe up, but he just... didn't want to. He looked at Valshe, and thought, He looks cute sleeping...  He kind of laughed to himself, and looked around. He figured if class started someone else could wake them up. He started to nod off a bit, trying to keep himself awake. Finally, he fell asleep, his arms still around Valshe. @IkutoForever2222
*nubis went to a urinal and lifted up the front of the dress and went pee. Letting out a relieved sigh because he thought his bladder could burst. When he was finished he washed his hands, but was suddenly pushed up against the wall by a boyhad just got out of the stall. The boy smirked and went in for a kis. Anubis out of no where, made a massive amount of sand cover that boys body and hardened the sand to where it was practically unbreakable. "I have a penis jack ass...." Anubis reached outhis hand and made a fist, the head of the guy blasting to the side from the attack and he passed out on the floor. Anubis could have easily killed him, but decided not to since they were at school.

Neptune looked at Kona, and as if reading his mind said. "Dont worry.....the bubble will stay for as long as i want....yes we will have to wait, but its worth it.....the view is pretty" He was talking aboutthe sun coming through the water. Nep swam around Kona and smiled, playing with him.


Valshe was asleep for about another 10 minutes begore some random boy shook them awake. "Break is over....next hour is starting soon"

@Kenopsia @IkutoForever2222

As the bunny prince to his side enjoyed the view from the roof, Vincent moved over to the pool, curious as to why it was there. A pool on a roof wasn't too odd, but on a school roof? That's an entirely different story. As he peeked over the edge, spotting some clothes and a mask nearby, he noticed two oddly colored blobs in the shimmering blue water. They were far too deep to recognize, but definitely large enough to be human(oid). This turn of events absolutely startled him, but he knew there was no way he could dive that far underwater without support. Unless... the plan that came to Vincent was far too risky, as he had never tried it before, but there had to be something he could do.
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