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"I still wonder how you knew about this " the  boy walked over to the ladder. 

"You should go up first . I need to be sure this route is safe."

"You'll see," he replied, giving the ceiling one last poke before releasing one hand from the pole. A ladder flew from the newly opened trapdoor on the ceiling, nearly landing on top of Vincent. He stopped its momentum with a single hand, casting the pole aside and using his newly freed hand to grab the lowest rung, carefully and quietly guiding it down onto the concrete floor. He let go of the ladder after it was secured, brushing off his hands and stepping back to observe his work. Vincent turned his head to face Jack. "Now do you get it?"
"I still wonder how you knew about this " the  boy walked over to the ladder. 

"You should go up first . I need to be sure this route is safe."

"As you wish, m'lord," he replied, ascending the ladder (fine booty alert), although he stopped partway, asking, "Are we still doing that?"
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"As you wish, m'lord," he replied, ascending the ladder (fine booty alert), although he stopped partway, asking, "Are we still doing that?"

(Lol..booty alert)

"Hurry on.." ,he said ignoring Vincent's question. He was taking all of his strength to not look at that guys...arse.

(Short reply so for now. My allergies are acting up :, ( 
(Lol..booty alert)

"Hurry on.." ,he said ignoring Vincent's question. He was taking all of his strength to not look at that guys...arse.

(Short reply so for now. My allergies are acting up :, ( 

(I had to draw attention to it somehow.  :P )

Vincent's head momentarily popped down from halfway through the ceiling, glancing at Jack with a raised eyebrow before shrugging it off as him just being nervous and continued up the ladder, his feet making soft metallic clanks with each rung climbed.

(It's alright! I can wait! c:)
Lucian nodded and stepped into the vehicle shortly after Kennedy. "This feels really... weird." The limo was eerily silent and so rich-looking, Luci felt really out of place.

Kennedy was blind folded as well as Lucian. The gov people didnt question Lucian because the pretty muchhad an idea of what happened. He leaned back and yawned, used to this sort of thing.

Danny walked hand in hand with Piko through the beautiful forest. The strolled romatically through the forest. Slowly and taking their sweet time. Danny let go of Piko's hand and stopped for a moment. He kneeled down in the patch of pretty white wildflowers. He came back up with a handful of flowers and offered them sweetly to Piko with a sheepish expression and a Kawaii blush.
Lucian was kind of flustered by the government people's treatment. They had just blindfolded him and they expected him to accept it. Great... He clutched Kennedy's hand tightly as the limo started to move.

Kennedy giggled. "Calm down.they will just ask you quesions and probably threaten you....but you will live" 


Neptun smiled nd slowly let him go, seeing what would happen.

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Lucian gulped. How could Kennedy say that so casually? "All right," he said, despite the growing sense of fear in his chest. He squeezed Kennedy's hand, smiling a little. "You'll be okay, all right?" 

Lucian's smile faded, a frown replacing it after hearing what Kennedy had to say. The limo traveled surprisingly fast - either that, or Lucian was too nervous and too busy thinking about what was going to happen. As the limo pulled to a stop, he heard the doors being unlocked. "Is that ... does that mean we can have these taken off?" he asked.

"Yeah" the blindfolds were taken ff and they were legit in the middle of nowhere. They led them down into an underground base. Kennedy went one way and he gov directed Lucian another way. Kennedy headed to the lab room amd Lucian headed to an interrogation room.

(I'm for a little bit)

Jack waited and climbed after Vincent.  He certainly would of choose of a different root than the the dusty old room.

(I had to draw attention to it somehow.  :P )

Vincent's head momentarily popped down from halfway through the ceiling, glancing at Jack with a raised eyebrow before shrugging it off as him just being nervous and continued up the ladder, his feet making soft metallic clanks with each rung climbed.

(It's alright! I can wait! c:)

Kennedy was strapped to a table to begin. The took Lucian into the room amd pretty much told him that if he told anyone about Kennedy they would kill him.

(I'm for a little bit)

Jack waited and climbed after Vincent.  He certainly would of choose of a different root than the the dusty old room.

The ladder led to a dark room, as large as a closet, with the only light source being a sliver of light poking out from under a door to the right. A figure sat crouched to Jack's right, waiting patiently for him to finish climbing up.
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama sat there, holding Valshe and still singing lightly. He looked up, and realized there were a bunch of students giving them weird looks. He shrugged his shoulders at them, and just kept singing.

Characters that are open:





Jack finished climbing. Tell room that he entered was certainly small. " This place is kind of small. Do they really make rooms like this?" he said , slightly leaning against the other boy.

The ladder led to a dark room, as large as a closet, with the only light source being a sliver of light poking out from under a door to the right. A figure sat crouched to Jack's right, waiting patiently for him to finish climbing up.

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