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Jonathan Slim

Jonathan shrugs at the student's answer about belief "True... I don't blame you. We just met." He then looks at a watch on his left wrist and says "Well, my lunch break is almost over so I'll be heading back to my room. Is there anything else you'd like to ask before I go back to class?"
"I don't know...whatever you want to do "the bunny mummbled and stretched his arms.  The boy clearly forgot about the whole incident. He was busy grooming his messy hair.

"What is there to do? Hang out on the roof?" He thought over his question for a minute, before adding, "Just between you and me, I know how to get up there without getting caught. All I know is that there's some pool up there. Not sure what for, though..."
"You do it so you can live right?" Piko asks.


Kennedy gave nother small smile and nodded,nthen his body froze up and he gasped. Almost like he had a you know what, but he was actually shocked from the inside.


Neptune smiled and nodded, then moved to turn him flat, though he held him so his face wasnt under th water. "Good....now....cup your hands and act as if you are digging. He used one hand o show the motion, then held him again.

"A pool!I will be honored to come with you"The boy stepped down from the desk.

"How exactly are we going to get up there?" He said,  walking toward Vincent.
"A pool!I will be honored to come with you"The boy stepped down from the desk.

"How exactly are we going to get up there?" He said,  walking toward Vincent.

"Well, for one thing, I suggest you don't scream about it. I'd rather not get in trouble just for mentioning the roof. Come," he beckoned with his hand, guiding Jack towards the door as the bell rang, "Follow me closely."
"Let's go, then," Lucian said, ushering him in the direction they had been walking in. "I don't want to see you get hurt again. I'm sorry if I was holding you up before, back there..." He bit his lower lip. "So, where exactly do you go to do all these experiments?" 


Panda pretty much just walked around. There were a whole lot of guys which was to be expected in a all boys school. He wondered if any of the males there disliked being without the female gender. He knew he didn't mind being surrounded by guys and only guys. I wonder how many teachers came back. I wonder if anybody I met last year are still here. Wonder if there are going to be any clubs. What club would I join if there are any? I have to look at the options first. he began to space out. He should make this year more exciting than the last but how was he going to do that?


Aladdin had found food at the cafeteria and he felt stupid because that was the most obvious place to go. He stuffed his face with the tons of food he had to steal because the cafeteria people refused to give him the amount he asked for. He had used his magic to cause a distraction and used his distraction as a change to grab the food and run. Cafeteria food wasn't all that great but it was better than starving. Not like he cared about the quality all that much in the first place.....I'm tired. he whined to himself before sitting down on the ground. He leaned against the buildings wall and continued eating the food but he was dozing off slowly.
"Well, for one thing, I suggest you don't scream about it. I'd rather not get in trouble just for mentioning the roof. Come," he beckoned with his hand, guiding Jack towards the door as the bell rang, "Follow me closely."

"Fine.."he followed the boy towards the door.
Anubis walked into the school area in the dress that was in his picture. Alk the boys nearly choked on air at seeing a beautiful "girl".


Kennedy shrugged. "I dont know...they blind fold me"

"Fine.."he followed the boy towards the door.

The two found themselves in a crowd of students, making it almost impossible to follow each other in the great sea of people. Vincent's hand reached out and firmly grasped one of Jack's, pulling him into a dark, narrow hallway, filled with locked doors which led to former classrooms that were no longer in use.
The two found themselves in a crowd of students, making it almost impossible to follow each other in the great sea of people. Vincent's hand reached out and firmly grasped one of Jack's, pulling him into a dark, narrow hallway, filled with locked doors which led to former classrooms that were no longer in use.

Jack was suprised when Vincent grabbed his hand and pulled him in an unused classroom.

"Now what? Wait here until passing period ends.."The grumbled, pulling his hand away from the other male 
Jack was suprised when Vincent grabbed his hand and pulled him in an unused classroom.

"Now what? Wait here until passing period ends.."The grumbled, pulling his hand away from the other male 

"No, not at all!" He strides over to a corner of the musty room, grabbing a short pole about the width of his shoulders from underneath what would be the teacher's desk. He puts both of his hands on either end and pulls it outward, extending the pole. Afterward, Vincent lifts it up to a point on the ceiling, appearing to struggle as he seemingly prods at nothing. "It's awfully stubborn..."
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"Now.....what are you doing ?" asking the boy who was probing the ceiling with the pole.

"No, not at all!" He strides over to a corner of the musty room, grabbing a short pole about the width of his shoulders from underneath what would be the teacher's desk. He puts both of his hands on either end and pulls it outward, extending the pole. Afterward, Vincent lifts it up to a point on the ceiling, appearing to struggle as he seemingly prods at nothing.
"Am I allowed in there?" Lucian asked, sheepishly. His family was somewhat rich, but only to an extent, and they had barely had enough money to afford a nice car, much less a limo.

"Now.....what are you doing ?" asking the boy who was probing the ceiling with the pole.

"You'll see," he replied, giving the ceiling one last poke before releasing one hand from the pole. A ladder flew from the newly opened trapdoor on the ceiling, nearly landing on top of Vincent. He stopped its momentum with a single hand, casting the pole aside and using his newly freed hand to grab the lowest rung, carefully and quietly guiding it down onto the concrete floor. He let go of the ladder after it was secured, brushing off his hands and stepping back to observe his work. Vincent turned his head to face Jack. "Now do you get it?"

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