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 " I'm surprised that you would agree with me. .." he looked to Vincent slightly , smiling. This guy seemed to be the kindest guy that he meet since he arrived a this school.

"Hm? Well, you did pay. I ought to return the favor, yes?" He replies, giving Jack an assuring look.

(Oops, I thought I hit Submit Reply, but I guess I didn't? o-o)
"Hm? Well, you did pay. I ought to return the favor, yes?" He replies, giving Jack an assuring look.

(Oops, I thought I hit Submit Reply, but I guess I didn't? o-o)

"Your too kind. Since ya agreed you can be my servant for the day." The spoiled said.
Wait, I thought Kennedy had left? @IkutoForever2222 Anyways, I'm down for that. Mei isn't doing anything right now, so if you can get Kennedy to find Mei, it's good.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked down and noticed Valshe looked kinda sleepy. "You can sleep if you want... I can wake you up later if we need to go." Mornuhama said, staring at Valshe. He was kinda sleepy himself, but didn't mind if Valshe slept and not him.
"Your too kind. Since ya agreed you can be my servant for the day." The spoiled said.

"Ser-servant?" He appeared bewildered, crimson eyes wide. "Oh... Well... A promise is a promise, after all." A sigh of defeat escaped his lips. "So what shall I do... "Master"?"

"Wait, please, Kennedy!" he grabbed his hand. "Don't leave." He couldn't hold back anymore. Perhaps it was lust rather than love, but he still wanted to be with Kennedy, just for a little longer. "Don't leave yet. You just... have to stay." 

The boy chuckled at the others bewilderment.  "You must carry me back to school "said Jack, slightly flustered at being called master.

"Ser-servant?" He appeared bewildered, crimson eyes wide. "Oh... Well... A promise is a promise, after all." A sigh of defeat escaped his lips. "So what shall I do... "Master"?"
Luckily, kennedy had his gloves on. He looked at him. "w-what...? i cant....i will get in trouble...." He looked down to the floor.

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Danny took his hands and ran his fingers through the guy's hair. I juat ADORE this boy's hair, he thought as he kissed Piko. So soft... So smooth. His very touch electrifies my body. I REALLY like him don't I? He's just so cute! Danny kissed Piko for a while and then pulled away with a sweet smile.

"I REALLY like you Piko" he said sheepishly.
Lucian pulled him back just a little bit. "Please. I won't ask you to do anything, just stay with me." He looked at the boy sadly, his eyes full of regret. Looking at his torso only made it worse. He felt his eyes become watery, brimming with tears. "Just stay."

The boy chuckled at the others bewilderment.  "You must carry me back to school "said Jack, slightly flustered at being called master.

"Ugh, why must I be a man of his word," he grumbled, "Fine, fine. Here goes..." Vincent wrapped an arm around the prince's legs and torso, lifting his body into a bridal-style position. "Alright," he mumbled, rolling his head around before beginning to return to the school, "let's get going..."
Lucius Scelium III

"It's a pleasure to meet you two, Rein and Takis." Lucius said, nodding "You don't have to be formal by the way, Takis. I know it's respectful but we are just two teens at school. You don't have to worry."

Lucius bowed before Takis. He seemed very military-like with his salute. Salutes are usually for formality so why not Lucius bow before him as well?

"Now who do you both have for you next class. I'm curious. Perhaps we are in classes together?"

(Where is Malhart by the way? I think them two should meet.)

@Imapeople000 @Marlow

Jonathan Slim

Jonathan walked outside for his lunch break. He didn't very much like being inside for lunch. It's boring. Having to sit where his job was to boss a bunch of teenagers was bad and the only places to sit were the student's desks, which were gross and he doesn't even own cleaning supplies so who knows what kind of germs are on there and there was also his desk, which was 50% covered by a huge computer. For these reasons, he liked the outside.

As Jonathan walked outside with a paper bag full of food, he was walking over to a bench and saw a student awakening from sleep. He walked over to the student to see if he was okay or perhaps he would give the student a lecture about how he shouldn't fall asleep during school. He wouldn't give a serious lecture. I'd just be a joke but you get the point.

"My, my, my!" Jonathan exclaimed dramatically "What have we here? Sleeping during school hours? Shame on you!"

Jonathan wasn't serious of course. He just likes to have a little bit of jokes around his fellow people in the school. He just hopes the student wouldn't take the joke literally.

"Just kidding! How was your nap!" Jonathan patted the student on the back, not caring whether or not this may make the student uncomfortable.

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"Really?! Okay!!!" Piko replied excitedly.


Kennedy blinked. "O-okay! Please dont cry...i will stay....just...i cant for long" The highly injured male looked t his hand. "And please dont touch my hand....you never know what it could do to you...." he sat down and leaned his bruised scarred back against the wall. His torso was very skinny, meaning he was under fed.

"No, hang on. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. You can go. But I'm not letting you go back to-to them. Whoever did this to you. Swear to me you won't, and then you can go wherever you want. Please." He wiped tears from his eyes, looking at the floor and muttering some incomprehensible curse words through clenched teeth. 

"Ugh, why must I be a man of his word," he grumbled, "Fine, fine. Here goes..." Vincent wrapped an arm around the prince's legs and torso, lifting his body into a bridal-style position. "Alright," he mumbled, rolling his head around before beginning to return to the school, "let's get going..."

It was slightly weird being carried around like this ... he must ignore this weird feeling in his chest."It wasn't that hard to carry me..was it " The prince teased. 
Malhart is just chilling in his room right now.

Takis Argyris

"I can't help it... war changes people..." Takis said, having a minor flashback. After a couple of seconds, he responded. "Not sure where I go next. I never got a schedule." Takis said, shrugging his shoulders. @TrueBananaz
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It was slightly weird being carried around like this ... he must ignore this weird feeling in his chest."It wasn't that hard to carry me..was it " The prince teased. 

"Not really, you're actually quite light," Vincent said, oblivious to Jack's thoughts, then adding, "though it might just be me... Now, I suggest you hold on tight. If I don't run, we're both going to be late."
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He looekd away. "its impossible....i have to go...they have trackers in me and everything....they have a thing in me to kill me if i go rogue....and if i run away....they will assume im rogue and its lights out for me" He was being serious. He was a weapon, not a person.

Lucius Scelium III

"Oh.." Lucius replies, trying to not ask him another question to make this seem like an interrogation "Weird, I'm pretty sure your schedule is in the office. If you'd join me just for today, I'm pretty sure you will be fine because you weren't given a schedule. I have someone called 'Mr. Sumnor' next."
Neptune looked at him and tilted his head. "kinda like walking for you i guess....but the water feels amazing on your skin and you feel so light....like you could float away into the blue sky" He looked up with a small smile.

Lucian let the tears fall freely down his cheeks, but his face suggested no emotion - he was expressionless. He covered his face with one hand, sobbing for a moment until he regained his composure. "All right. When can I see you again? Do you have to leave right now?"

"Not really, you're actually quite light," Vincent said, oblivious to Jack's thoughts, then adding, "though it might just be me... Now, I suggest you hold on tight. If I don't run, we're both going to be late."

"Of course I'm light...I'm not a fat pig you know " holding the man tighter.

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