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"I guess your right " the prince placed his hand out. A Snowflake appeared in front of him.

He stretched himself out and exhaled deeply, proceeding to ask a question somewhat out of the blue while retaining his lack of eye contact. "So, what did you say about ice cream?"
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama blushed when Valshe asked him if he liked it. "I mean... well...there can only be so many answers... fine. Yes." Mornuhama said, looking away, his face turning into a deep red. "What about you? I think I know the answer anyways, but... I figured I'd ask." @IkutoForever2222
"Huh...Oh yeah !"he turned his attention to Vincent. There is an ice cream shop nearby , we probably get some before classes start again " he placed his hand back down.

He stretched himself out and exhaled deeply, proceeding to ask a question somewhat out of the blue while retaining his lack of eye contact. "So, what did you say about ice cream?"
"Huh...Oh yeah !"he turned his attention to Vincent. There is an ice cream shop nearby , we probably get some before classes start again " he placed his hand back down.

Vincent nodded, turning back to look at the prince. "I'd reckon it's nearly second period. We should hurry over there if want to get back in time for class." He picked up his cloak and swung it over his shoulder. He wasn't planning on putting it back on anytime soon. Come to think of it, the man's glimmering armor was beginning to bug him, too.
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"It's nothing," Lucian muttered, smiling weakly. "You wouldn't know anyway." Trying to resist temptation was pointless, he only wanted to do more to Kennedy but could not.

"Onward then!"the prince grabbed his bag and started to lead the way. They arrived to ice cream shop in 5 minutes.

"I can pay for the both of us" he said walking up to the counter.

Vincent nodded, turning back to look at the prince. "I'd reckon it's nearly second period. We should hurry over there if want to get back in time for class." He picked up his cloak and swung it over his shoulder. He wasn't planning on putting it back on anytime soon.
Valshe looked at him. "i love it"


Kennedy looked down, saddened that he had no idea. "right....i will leave now....it was nice to actually talk to someone my age..." He walked around him and opened the janitors door.

Rein sat up straight before he responded, "Ahhh- Well, Nereids are the beautiful daughters of Nereus, and sometimes a part of Poseidon's entourage from what I was told. I think one of there were...20? No, 50, of them." 

@Imapeople000 |

Sorry for the late response.
"Onward then!"the prince grabbed his bag and started to lead the way. They arrived to ice cream shop in 5 minutes.

"I can pay for the both of us" he said walking up to the counter.

"Seems like my sarcastic comment was predicted," the black-haired man quipped, "I was going to joke about having you pay. For that, you get a plus one in my book."

(I'm leaving for about an hour in 15 minutes. If I don't reply soon-ish, you know why.)
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama hid his face for a second, but stopped and laughed. "Okay, I guess I do owe you that for teasing you in your office. I still stand my ground with that though, you look cute with dyed hair." @IkutoForever2222

Takis Argyris

"Huh. Where'd you learn all this, son? I lived in Greece and never knew that. Of course, we don't believe in the old myths anymore, but still..." Takis said, slightly irritated. He could tell the boy was pretty smart, for the most part. But he didn't see anything else in him that he admired so greatly: Bravery, loyalty, courage... okay, courage and bravery are the same thing, but still. @Marlow

Back from the store!

Also, @Marlow, don't sweat it.
"Seems like my sarcastic comment was predicted," the black-haired man quipped, "I was going to joke about having you pay. For that, you get a plus one in my book."

(I'm leaving for about an hour in 15 minutes. If I don't reply soon-ish, you know why.)

"Seems like a coincidence , but I'll gladly take the point . He leaned against the counter , "What flavor would you like.?I'm getting vanilla."
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama kind of laughed, and saw Valshe blushing. "A good sign. You're doing a lot better, I can tell." He said, looking at Valshe. "You don't need to if you don't want to, but I'd suggest trying to move around a bit, make sure you've recovered. Might be a bit jittery though, so I can help, if you need." @IkutoForever2222
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"Seems like a coincidence , but I'll gladly take the point . He leaned against the counter , "What flavor would you like.?I'm getting vanilla."

"I'm more of an uncommon "red velveteer" myself," he stated, inventing a new word on the fly and moving his head towards the respective ice cream container, in case the other student didn't entirely understand.

Quill   |Open|

Sitting in one of the opened windows to the library was a red-haired lad whose nose was stuck in a leather-bound book propped on his lap. The sun made for excellent lighting and the smell of the fresh air kept Quinn from feeling confined. His trinket adorned backpack sat on the floor against the wall where he had previously placed it, the tiny clock that hung from his waist band ticked away as time passed. The sound of people talking echoed to his pointed ears but his attention remained absorbed into his reading material.

Rein | @Imapeople000 |

"The other spirits taught me," Rein shrugged a small gesture with a gentle smile, "As I said, I did meet one of them. I just can't remember her name." The boy's features shifted into a small pout for a minute moment until he turned his head back to the bowl of ice-cream. Almost strategically he reached for the cone itself and pulled it from the cold slop before it could dip into it and started to eat it.
"Red velveteer? Ah! You mean that " He turned and payed for the treats. Jack handed Vincent the ice cream cone. "There."

"I'm more of an uncommon "red velveteer" myself," he stated, inventing a new word on the fly and moving his head towards the respective ice cream container, in case the other student didn't entirely understand.
It was lunch break for Lucius. Usually during lunch breaks in school, friend talk to friends and eat. This doesn't account for Lucius. He sees it as a free time for study. The only thing he eats is a sandwich every day. He likes to sit outside in the warm air and do some homework before it's due later. He sits at a table so he doesn't have to use a clipboard and creates a shadow around him so it isn't too hot. He sits across from two young boy. One with blue hair, the other with pink hair. They are talking but that doesn't bother Lucius. He continues with his homework. He has to write an essay for his writing teacher and it's due in three days. Lucius glaces up as the boy with the blue hair. It seems he's left his ice cream cone in a bowl and it's melting in the warm sun.

Lucius looks back at his essay and nonchalantly notes "Your ice cream is melting." While still doing his work.

Lucius continues his work for a little bit until finally reaching the final sentence. He then slowly eats his sandwich while eavesdropping into their conversation and thought to himself about the differences between a nereid and a water spirit. He didn't care. He was just curious. He thought it had something to do with Greek Mythology. He then saw the boy with the blue hair eat the cone covered in melted ice cream.

"I'm curious, Water Spirit." Lucius inquired "Who were your parents. Human, Spirits, or something else, and did you have any trouble in the world with the people who call themselves "normal", the humans without gifts? I'm sorry for butting in. You just seem interesting, my dear."

@Imapeople000 @Marlow
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama laughed as he put his arm around Valsh to steady him. "I literally said you didn't need to," He said, giggling, "You can go ahead and sit back down now if you need to." @IkutoForever2222

Takis Agryris

Takis was talking with Rein, when Lucius had chimed, asking Rein some questions. Takis grunted, a bit annoyed, but didn't say anything. 
"Red velveteer? Ah! You mean that " He turned and payed for the treats. Jack handed Vincent the ice cream cone. "There."

"A blend of "red velvet" and "musketeer". Clever, huh?" The young man looked somewhat amused, given the momentary flicker of light that shone in his eyes. He followed up his response a second later. "Okay, I'll admit, that was fairly dumb. But what's the fun in inventing words if they're not partially so?"

Wisps of water like hair curled against the air as he shook his head, "I am one of few akin to water itself. I do not have any one or two parents, only the guardians and spirits who were there when I awoke. I didn't have a real physical form such as this one, and I don't know where I came from; that knowledge was kept from me." He took another bite from the cone and ate it before he sounded again, the color of his finger scales fading to a light blue, "Humans.... I watched them, but I've encountered few that I know of. I'm here because of one, actually."
"Your certainly a creative person. Luckly, the Waiter seemed to know  what you wanted."he said. He lifted his ice cream up to his mouth, locking it.

"A blend of "red velvet" and "musketeer". Clever, huh?" The young man looked somewhat amused, given the momentary flicker of light that shone in his eyes. He followed up his response a second later. "Okay, I'll admit, that was fairly dumb. But what's the fun in inventing words if they're not partially so?"
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama leaned back against the set of chairs, running his fingers through Valshe's hair again. He was trying to think of something to say, but couldn't, so he just sat there smiling. @IkutoForever2222

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