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"Hell. Don't... hasn't anyone spoken to you about this? Don't tell me I'm the only one who knows about this," Lucian said, fiercely. He narrowed his eyes at the boy, whose name he still didn't know. "All right, you're coming with me so I can beat you black and blue." He pulled him into a nearby janitor's closet which was practically empty except for one mop bucket. The room was dark, pitch-black, but Lucian could see by the light of the boy's eyes. He picked the boy up by his throat, being careful not to choke him, and pushed him against the wall. "Answer me now." 


@Kira Times (HELLO!)
Kennedy gasped and then squeezed his eyes closed. "let me go!!!! of course you are the only one who knows!!!" He struggled to get free, not yet using his power, but if he didnt let go, he can show him at least one that will sure as hell scare the fellow. "its classified information...if you leak a word of it i will be forced to kill you!"

"Last question. Tell me your name. Answer that and I'll let you go," he said, tightening his grip only slightly, and then returning it to how it was before. 

Alright, I'll just go with where my characters left off. Please tell me if I mess anything up.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama was rushing to the office, and he felt Valshe slump. He checked his heart beat, and it seemed to be fine. "Good, he just passed out..." Mornuhama said, struggling to keep carrying him. He was having trouble, and kinda half-walked half-staggered the rest of the way to the office. The secretary saw Mornuhama carrying Valshe, then looked at Valshe, her eyes widening. "Just get the damn nurse and stop staring!" Mornuhama barked, scaring the secretary off to get the nurse. The nurse quickly came in, and checked Valshe out.

I'm gonna let you make the call on Valshe's injuries @IkutoForever2222

Takis Argyris

"Well, what's the difference?" Takis said, cocking his head at the boy. He had learned about Greek Mythology in school once, but never really payed attention. He didn't know that Nereids were only female, and that they were daughters of Poseidon. He mostly focused on the war parts of history anyways. @Marlow

Dominique Lachapelle

Dominique walked into the school, looking especially cute with his cat nested in his hair. He got to a locker, and put his stuff in, plucking his cat off his head and holding him while he did this. After he closed the locker, he started walking to class, but saw a clock, and frowned. He took out a bell schedule, and said, "Oh! I missed first period. Eh, whatever." Dominique said, putting it back in his bag.

Well he couldn't stay mad after hearing that and he had a revenge planning in his head so there was no reason to be mad anymore. "You guys always are getting me off subject! I was born ready for this stuff!" 


"Tell me, or I'll just happen to walk away and tell everyone about what I already know about you. Tell me your name, and I won't do anything even close, little fella." His grip tightened again, loosening just as quickly. His face got oddly close to the boy. "Tell me now." 

(I find it ironic Valshe just got fucked up by a vampire, as [And I know how gross this might sound to some people] I actually really like the taste of blood. No, I do not have an iron deficiency.)

Mornuhama Loprak

"Okay, good..." Mornuhama sighed. He had thought Valshe looked pretty messed up, but assumed it was just him. "I'm probably gonna be here for a bit with him..." Mornuhama said, propping Valshe's head up on his shoulder. He stared at Valshe as if he was awake, waiting for him to come to. @IkutoForever2222
His voice was strained for a second when he tightened, but when Lucian luciand his grip (im not sorry about the pun) he choked out. "Kennedy....."

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Lucian dropped him as promised, but instead of letting him leave the room, he hugged him close. "All right, Kennedy, now that I know your name, you aren't going anywhere. Okay?" 

@IkutoForever2222 (That pun killed me.)
haha i dont xD  i dont hate it either though :P  and i know.....it was hella bad lololol xD  ))

Valshe rested there, then slowly awoke, blinking  open his eyes and looking at him. His eyes were still pretty as ever.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama kind of started nodding off, when he felt Valshe start to wake up. He smiled at Valshe, lightly putting his hand on Valshe's chest. "It's probably best you wait a minute before moving around. You'll probably be pretty tired from all the blood loss." @IkutoForever2222

Sorry if my replying starts to seem a little sparatic, there's an event going on in my game.
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Kennedy blushed and didnt move, didnt really know what to do back. he has never hugged and has never heard of hugging. He has been in the testing tube all his life. He is practically a test tube baby.

Falling for his piercing blue eyes took only a matter of seconds, and Lucian was about to lean in and kiss him, but stopped, their lips on the verge of touching. He pushed Kennedy back, tossing a downcast look in his direction as he stared at the floor. "Fuck this shit. I can't do this to you." 

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama looked down at Valshe, running his hand through his hair. "Well.. you were definitely right about us needing to stick together, huh?" Mornuhama kind of laughed. 

Also about to head to the grocery store and pick up something for dinner, so I'll be gone for a couple of minutes.
"do what? what were you doing?" He honestly had NO idea. He hasnt even witnessed kissing or hugging, or experienced it for himself. "are you okay?"


Valshe smiled and relaxed against him. "you are comfy" 

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama giggled when Valshe said he was comfy. "Well, I've never been told that... on the other hand, I don't think I've ever had anyone laying on me..." He laughed, putting his arm over Valshe. @IkutoForever2222
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"Yes let us. Since you weren't here Danvi let me say again that. The fireworks are probably going to be the size of a smalll explosion and that plus the amount I'm planning to use which is all of them may or may not make the building a little bit unstable. So I can't say what will happen exactly. Anyway don't be mad if your new claimed spot goes down." he was basically saying any damage caused by ''Loki'' or his fireworks he wasn't liable for and it was their own faults so they couldn't get mad at him. "Understand? Good!" he disappeared for a few minutes to make the preparations then returned looking even more enthusiastic.

"You never know when you might need them. Then again, our lives are likely much, much different." He scanned the courtyard, looking for anyone to people watch. Some may call it creepy, but he didn't care. It gave him something to do other than idle chatter.

"I guess your right " the prince placed his hand out. A Snowflake appeared in front of him.

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