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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama sighed, and leaned his head slightly against Valshe's shoulder, tired from the day. "Man, I'm shot..." He said, putting his arms around Valshe. "I mean, carrying you here wasn't the easiest of tasks." Mornuhama laughed, smiling. @IkutoForever2222
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama laughed again, "I know. What I meant was I'm not exactly the strongest person ever." He said, patting Valshe's head. "I wouldn't call you fat, don't worry." He laughed. @IkutoForever2222
Lucius raises his right eyebrow in inquiry "Pardon me for asking but... Who?" He then took another bite of his sandwich and swallowed quickly, realizing how stupid he was "Oh dear, I'm so sorry for interfering with your conversation." Lucius nodded to the boy with the pink hair "I'm Lucius though, Lucius Scelium III, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Anyways, I'll let you proceed with your conversation if you'd like. I'm pretty sure that's personal anyhow."

@Imapeople000 @Marlow

Danny leads Piko into a bathroom to clean up. He takes a paper towel and dampens it. He slowly, catefully and softly cleans the blood off Piko's face. Delicately, tenderly, sweetly.

"There there... Now that's better honeypie" he coos at his boyfriend.
Mornuhama Loprak

"D'aww..." Mornuhama kinda laughed. "Well, I already had before." He whispered back, smiling. @IkutoForever2222

Takis Argyris

"No, it's quite alright. I was just asking him what he was doing," Takis said, standing up and facing Lucius. "Takis Nicodemas Argyris," He said, saluting to Lucius. He knew it was too formal for greeting someone at school, but he had grown used to being formal, and couldn't stop doing it. @TrueBananaz @Marlow
Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah, actually. I wondered about it the first time I saw you, but actually started thinking about it when we left class. I make up my mind quickly." Mornuhama laughed. @IkutoForever2222
"Your certainly a creative person. Luckly, the Waiter seemed to know  what you wanted."he said. He lifted his ice cream up to his mouth, locking it.

"Ah," he said, a bit flattered by the observation, "Thank you. But I do believe we should get back before we're yelled at."

(Sorry for delay, I got distracted ; o ; )
"Yeah..."he responded. He walked outside , finishing his ice cream along the way.

(That's fine :3)

"Ah," he said, a bit flattered by the observation, "Thank you. But I do believe we should get back before we're yelled at."

(Sorry for delay, I got distracted ; o ; )
Mornuhama Loprak

"Yeah... sure, I'd like that," Mornuhama said, blushing as well. "Any particular place you wanna go? I'll eat just about any food you put in front of me." He said, laughing.
"Yeah..."he responded. He walked outside , finishing his ice cream along the way.

(That's fine :3)

"You know, that was a very smart idea," Vincent stated as they continued their walk back. "I'm not burning up as much anymore. Then again, we were standing in an air conditioned building just now," he added with a mild hint of a grin.
Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama frowned. "Are you sure? I mean, we can always just split the bill, or I could pay it..." He usually didn't object to a free meal, but didn't usually like having his date pay for everything when he went out to eat with someone. @IkutoForever2222
"You know, that was a very smart idea," Vincent stated as they continued their walk back. "I'm not burning up as much anymore. Then again, we were standing in an air conditioned building just now," he added with a mild hint of a grin.

" Your welcome!  You owe something in return ,though" he grinned.   He didn't need the money , but it would be nice for someone to treat him.
" Your welcome!  You owe something in return ,though" he grinned.   He didn't need the money , but it would be nice for someone to treat him.

"Oh, don't worry. Just say the word, and I'll be on it," Vincent assured Jack, a soft smile spreading across his features.
 " I'm surprised that you would agree with me. .." he looked to Vincent slightly , smiling. This guy seemed to be the kindest guy that he meet since he arrived a this school.

"Oh, don't worry. Just say the word, and I'll be on it," Vincent assured Jack, a soft smile spreading across his features.

Somewhere in the school Pandemonium or Panda as he usually goes by wandered, singing some kind of song that sounded similar to a chant of some kind. He had missed class because of....''circumstances'' out of his control but he didn't really think it would be a problem. He could of just said what happened and he wouldn't get in any trouble. He was sure the teachers would understand and forgive him completely. Since he had already missed class he was on the look out for....anything really.  He also was touring the building and drawing a map so that he would know the layout of everything because he probably was going to forget. Hmm...Where to next? he looked around for anything that peeked his interest even a little bit.


Renshou stirred slightly out of his  sleep and as he began wake up he noticed that wherever he was it was  dark and kind of cramped. He tried to stretch but he found it difficult and stopped once he realized that him moving was just making it ten times more uncomfortable.  Where am I? I fall asleep at the oddest places sometimes... he yawned before feeling around for anything that could tell him where he had fell asleep at this time. After awhile he decided he would be able to get out easier if he turned back into his original form so he did. Soon as he started floating he bumped into a shelf and something that he couldn't see almost fell on him. It made a loud thumping noise that was followed by some other thumping noises and a break sound. He hoped whatever that was it was nothing important. Now that he had more space he could now see what looked like a crack he would be able to slip through.

Like anybody else he slipped through and now it was much brighter. Turned out he was in a closet, he had no idea why but he had fell asleep inside or was taken there by some students. He yawned then transformed back into a human before walking towards his classroom even if it hadn't started yet and wouldn't begin in awhile. He just didn't have anything else to do right now so he would just save his energy for later
Mornuhama Loprak

"Well... okay. Thanks though." Mornuhama said, smiling and hugging Valshe. At this point, he didn't want to leave either, but he figured they might have to for class sometime. @IkutoForever2222

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