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Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Hey! Inappropriate..." Vad said, blushing dark red and looking away.


Samuel Peters

Samuel went completely invisible and went behind him, slamming him to the wall and pinning his arm behind his back. "Smart ass fuck..." He whispered in his ear. "Don't tempt me..."

@Kai Hitachiin
Samuel Peters

Samuel flinched, but fighting for so long hardened him not to go crazy over it. He released his arm, but still kept him against the wall. "I've been fighting for three years, don't provoke me..." He released him and turned visible again. "And I've got the temper to match it too."

@Kai Hitachiin
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Hey! Inappropriate..." Vad said, blushing dark red and looking away.


Samuel Peters

Samuel went completely invisible and went behind him, slamming him to the wall and pinning his arm behind his back. "Smart ass fuck..." He whispered in his ear. "Don't tempt me..."

@Kai Hitachiin

Ru giggles poking vad's cheek. "You're too innocent,vaddy..." He told him. He himself was still blushing. "You can do what you want with me...I don't mind so go ahead... before I do.."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Yeah, I know..." Vad said quietly. "I don't need to... I don't have anything to do with you."


Samuel Peters

Since Samuel didn't have exactly what we'll say, 'perfect hearing'(He has hearing problems), he didn't hear him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever... but don't do it again." He let him go from the wall.

@Kai Hitachiin 
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Yeah, I know..." Vad said quietly. "I don't need to... I don't have anything to do with you."


Samuel Peters

Since Samuel didn't have exactly what we'll say, 'perfect hearing'(He has hearing problems), he didn't hear him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever... but don't do it again." He let him go from the wall.

@Kai Hitachiin 

"Fine...be that way.."He exhaled deeply looking kind of saddened by that. He became quiet. Roxanne frowned and sat up moving away then flopped facing away from vad. Ru pulled the blanket over himself and shoved his head under the pillow. 
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad didn't do anything to try and curb Ru's mood. He knew he wasn't ready to have sex yet. He sighed and stood up, leaning against the wall next to him.

Samuel Peters

Samuel sighed and shook his head. He turned invisible again and teleported to where Kai was. He, once again, pinned him to a wall. "Not this time..." He whispered creepily. "I said don't do it..."

@Kai Hitachiin
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad didn't do anything to try and curb Ru's mood. He knew he wasn't ready to have sex yet. He sighed and stood up, leaning against the wall next to him.


Ru would have been at least happy if vad had just said he liked him or thought he was pretty. He wouldn't have minded so much if vad would communicate with him instead of avoiding his questions. He even tried to making a opening to get a kiss but apparently vadvasvach didn't want to.  Roxanne felt stupid. There was no way in hell vad could like him and all he had accomplished was upsetting him. Roxanne started to cry and it was obvious by his voice.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and looked over. "What's wrong?" He asked, cocking his head. 


Samuel Peters

"Maybe..." Samuel whispered again. "I mean... I should beat the shit out of you... but I think being creepy suffices." He ran his hand down the side of Kai's face, being as weird as he usually was. He grabbed his throat, not hard enough to choke him, but hard enough to keep him still. "Do it again, and I'll choke you..." He let him off the wall again, but remained invisible.

@Kai Hitachiin
Samuel Peters

Kai could hear Samuel laugh faintly. "Don't bet on that..." He appeared in mid-air, like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. He went invisible again and teleported behind Kai. "I can leave in the blink of an eye..." He said, running his hand down Kai's neck and teleporting back in front of him.

@Kai Hitachiin
Kai shivers,"man your kinda creepy, I like that somewhat, it makes you interesting." Kai took out a notebook which contains the information of every supernatural he's met and starts writing in it and then puts it away." Anyway what now, you just gonna stay invisible and pop up randomly?"

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and looked over. "What's wrong?" He asked, cocking his head. 


Samuel Peters

"Maybe..." Samuel whispered again. "I mean... I should beat the shit out of you... but I think being creepy suffices." He ran his hand down the side of Kai's face, being as weird as he usually was. He grabbed his throat, not hard enough to choke him, but hard enough to keep him still. "Do it again, and I'll choke you..." He let him off the wall again, but remained invisible.

@Kai Hitachiin

Roxanne  sniffled and just continues to  bawl his eyes out.  "...you wouldn't understand! You never will! So just....leave me alone!"
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and walked to the door. "Fine. Come find me when you're willing to talk." He said, before walking out.


Samuel Peters

Samuel laughed a bit, becoming visible and grinning. "Ah yes, I know... my most defining trait." He flipped over in the air, looking at Kai. "I'll go invisible every now and then... usually when I wanna scare you."

@Kai Hitachiin
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and walked to the door. "Fine. Come find me when you're willing to talk." He said, before walking out.


Samuel Peters

Samuel laughed a bit, becoming visible and grinning. "Ah yes, I know... my most defining trait." He flipped over in the air, looking at Kai. "I'll go invisible every now and then... usually when I wanna scare you."

@Kai Hitachiin

(Geez. Lol. Vad is so dense. Also, how are we going to get him to man up?)

After a bit of crying alone and feeling stupid. he got up standing with a deep sigh and changed into a pink long sleeve shirt. Roxanne started walking going to go look for vadvasvach. He should just give up on trying. Vad didn't have anything to do with him. He was then stopped and slammed hard against the lockers. "well, well, well...I finally found you,roooxxxxannnneeee..." His ex had pinned the pan against the lockers and dug his nails into his flesh.
xD  Vad says it like it is. Anyways, he probably isn't going to be able to. He's too afraid of Lucifer to.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad was actually hanging out in hell, assuming that Ru wouldn't be able to find him there. Of course, he was right. All he was really doing was talking with some of the souls. Despite being so afraid of his demon side, he felt a lot safer in hell than in the actual world. He talked with them for a couple minutes, then sighed. "I have to go back... I need to deal with something." He said some demon tongue, and went back to the front of the school. He walked to the dorm to find Ru, only to find he wasn't there. "Guess he left trying to find me..." He walked back out of the dorms to look for him.


Samuel Peters

Samuel grinned and flipped upside down, still holding Kai with his legs. "Maybe for you, but it's quite fun for me..." He laid him on the floor, but remained suspended upside down.

@Kai Hitachiin
"Well while your hanging up there I'm gonna attempt to run again," takes off running and opens a door to a random classroom and hides behind the teachers desk. (The classroom is empty otherwise that would have been awkward lolol)


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