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xD  Seems like something that'd happen at my old school.

Samuel Peters

Samuel shook his head and laughed. He couldn't quite pinpoint his exact location, but he did know he was in the classroom. He teleported in and closed the door. "Kai... where are youuu?" He said, looking through the room. He didn't really think to check the desk. "Hmm..." He turned off the lights, hoping it would freak Kai out a bit.

@Kai Hitachiin
Kai tensed up and held his breath as the lights turned off and he heard Samuel's voice, unfortunately he couldnt hold his breath long and gasped for air but covered his mouth quickly hoping he didn't hear.

Samuel Peters

"Kai..." He growled quietly. He heard the breath over at the opposite side of the room. He floated over quickly, oddly being able to see pretty well in the dark. He was making out the shapes, and saw the shape of... a human crouched down. He got right next to him and whispered, "Kai... I found you..." He picked him up again and suspended him in the air again. This time, however, Samuel wasn't holding onto him. He just made Kai float.

@Kai Hitachiin
xD  Vad says it like it is. Anyways, he probably isn't going to be able to. He's too afraid of Lucifer to.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad was actually hanging out in hell, assuming that Ru wouldn't be able to find him there. Of course, he was right. All he was really doing was talking with some of the souls. Despite being so afraid of his demon side, he felt a lot safer in hell than in the actual world. He talked with them for a couple minutes, then sighed. "I have to go back... I need to deal with something." He said some demon tongue, and went back to the front of the school. He walked to the dorm to find Ru, only to find he wasn't there. "Guess he left trying to find me..." He walked back out of the dorms to look for him.


Samuel Peters

Samuel grinned and flipped upside down, still holding Kai with his legs. "Maybe for you, but it's quite fun for me..." He laid him on the floor, but remained suspended upside down.

@Kai Hitachiin

(Wait... so how will they end up a couple if he freaks out every time when Roxanne tries to do something and he won't  man up to express himself to Ru? )

Ru tried to kick and shove him off only to have his hair yanked. "Get off me!!!" He yelled turning his head away as his ex licked ru's ear as the Pan's face became red. Roxanne tried to push him off as tears flooded his face. His sweater got torn being pulled off. "Stop! Get off!" he yelled and slapped the guy hard. "You are mine, stupid bitch!" The male yelled at Roxanne.

"No  I'm not!! Leave me alone,please!" Ru begged.
I'll be honest, I have no idea... I'll have to think about what I can do.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and he couldn't find Ru. He leaned against a wall to contemplate his thoughts. He wasn't sure that he had a crush on Ru. I guess I kinda do on one hand... but on the other... I just don't know... His string of thoughts was broken by the sound of fabric tearing. And a familiar cry. Jesus, he's still crying?  Vad thought to himself. He followed the source of the crying, only to see Ru pushed up against a locker. "Umm... hello?" Vad said, a bit confused.


Samuel Peters

"Exactly..." Samuel said, laughing manically. "I like to make people fear... to send a cold shiver down their spine in a warm room..." He swept his hand lightly across Kai's face again, before moving under him.

@Kai Hitachiin
I'll be honest, I have no idea... I'll have to think about what I can do.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and he couldn't find Ru. He leaned against a wall to contemplate his thoughts. He wasn't sure that he had a crush on Ru. I guess I kinda do on one hand... but on the other... I just don't know... His string of thoughts was broken by the sound of fabric tearing. And a familiar cry. Jesus, he's still crying?  Vad thought to himself. He followed the source of the crying, only to see Ru pushed up against a locker. "Umm... hello?" Vad said, a bit confused.


Samuel Peters

"Exactly..." Samuel said, laughing manically. "I like to make people fear... to send a cold shiver down their spine in a warm room..." He swept his hand lightly across Kai's face again, before moving under him.

@Kai Hitachiin

 Ru was pinned by a large beastial looking guy more obviously Roxanne's ex boyfriend he mentioned earlier from the looks of it. "Let me go, brax!!" The pan was there against his will and was desperately struggling  to get away. The male looked at vad. "And who the hell are you?"

Grey blushed and kissed him back."I think your really cute and nice as well~" he smiled and didn't want to wake the baby, his voice lowered abit."is there anything you need? Maybe supplies ? "

Azrael look at him and close his eyes as he move and smell his scent and chuckle."sorry but u smell lovely" he said as he drink his blood a bit and let go "go back to hell bibbal" he said as he look down with tears in his eyes yet he doesnt wanted him to notice. As he turn around he look as the sun fall down "heal yourself and be safe" he said and smile

Jason look at him and smile widely "oh you do?!" he ask as he chuckle "i like that music too" he smile "i listen it all the time" 

Aurelion smile "can u bring me to hell until the sun sets... i would like to try and go there is that is okey Love" he said as he face him and he kissed him 

The male rubbed the back of his neck and looked at him. "um.....im Jordans caretaker.....i am supposed to be the one to teach him about the world" He smiled. "im Toni" He looked at him seriously. "him and his twin brother are the first test tube babies to have crazy powers" He was so excited.

Jordan tilted his head. "i have a brother? Whats a brother?"


The man looked at him. "i will shock you much more than you can handle......or.....i will shock him if you move any close" He held the tazer up to Cadius's nipple, but didnt touch him yet"

(will post cheshire in a min)


He shifted to his human form and straddled him, he was bigger than the male underneath him, but was small enough to where it wouldnt hurt if he sat on him.


Bilal  hugged him from behind and smiled. "i hope you feel better" He then disappeared.

Edogawa looked off to the side. "hey....can you please find a way to kill me?"

"i havent been since i was little....i dont even remember if i am allowed" 

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Samuel Peters

"Ah fine," Samuel chuckled. He let Kai away from the air, catching him right before he smacked against the floor. "Ruining all my fun..." He chuckled, turning the lights on in the room.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"The fuck am I? The fuck are you?" Vad said, cocking his head at him. "And what are you doing with Roxanne?"


Takis Argyris

Takis took out his gun and pointed it at his chest, towards his lung. "Hey now, watch what you do... I can kill you right now."

Josh turned to Jordan. "A brother is a sibling, they share your DNA so it means you and him are similar." He said trying at the same time to understand that this meant Jordan was gonna have to leave. He turned to the other male. "Why should he go back with people who sued his mouth shut." @IkutoForever2222
"ah......i didnt now that was done....it was probablymy old man....he always goes to crazy extents to keep his secrets....well....secret" He sighed. "im sorry that happened...." He walked closer, raising his hands to show he was friendly. "anyway....i see you made a nice friend Fif- um- Jordan....school is a nice place to learn a lot of things....it is also my job to teach you....so if you want to stay here with your friend i will allow it....just as long as you come and visit me every now and then so i can record your progress...." He looked at Josh. "i will volunteer as this schools nurse....so thats where you can find me if you have any questions about him" He reached out and handed him a photo, but made sure Jordan didnt see it. "show it to him when the time is right....."


Josh looked at the guy and took the picture and looked at it and nodded. "Maybe you should make sure the old man doesn't do ridiculous shit like that then. So Jordan?" He turned to look at him. "DO you wanna stay and go to school here or do you want to go with him?" He slid the photo in his pocket. @IkutoForever2222
Samuel Peters

"Ah fine," Samuel chuckled. He let Kai away from the air, catching him right before he smacked against the floor. "Ruining all my fun..." He chuckled, turning the lights on in the room.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"The fuck am I? The fuck are you?" Vad said, cocking his head at him. "And what are you doing with Roxanne?"


Takis Argyris

Takis took out his gun and pointed it at his chest, towards his lung. "Hey now, watch what you do... I can kill you right now."


Brax  dropped Roxanne and approached him. He eyed vad for a good moment before looking back at Ru. "Don't tell me..." He then grinned and snorted before. "You like him!!  You dumb slut! " He cackled and then grabbed Roxanne's wrist.  "I am taking my girlfriend back! " His ex growled dropping him down. Ru was shaking and tried to cover up. "No! I'm not yours!"
"i want to stay here with you forever" He smiled happily and hugged Josh. "no way im leaving..." He looked at the other male. "thank you.....i understand you don't want to tell me everything right away....i will wait patiently" He let go of Josh.

Toni gave a nod and a happy sigh. "so adorable"

Josh smiled at Jordan, he really was adorable. He placed a hand on his head. "I'd like that too." He turned to the other guy with a serious look, he was still uneasy about him. "Thank you for letting him stay." He nodded and turned back to the boy. "Want to continue our tour of the library, there's a book I think you'd like, it's not a typical book, but it'll give you information on words you don't know." He smiled again. @IkutoForever2222
Grey blushed and kissed him back."I think your really cute and nice as well~" he smiled and didn't want to wake the baby, his voice lowered abit."is there anything you need? Maybe supplies ? "


Eris smiled giving him a nuzzle. "not right now but we probably should do some clothes shopping later, she only a few onesies and some socks. " He told grey. He hummed a little softly.
Toni smiled and left to ask Jordans brother, 16, to go meet 15.

Jordan smiled and looked at him happily. "yes!"

"may i go with you? Onee-san" He looked back and say a male with the coolest eyes he had ever seen.


Jordan looked at the other male. "u-um....sure...maybe you can learn new things too!"

"i already know everything possible...if you would have stayed in your box....and let Toni find you....you would know everything too" He walked over to him, his attitude was kinda bad. "but i dont mind having a mental older brother......" He smirked a bit and put his hands on his hips. "lets go....lead the way"

Jordan didnt know what he meant, but he could tell by the tone of his voice it wasnt good. "im not mental....the driver was under the influence and didnt latch the back well so my box fell out....then Josh saved me....i owe him my life...."

"you mean you respect someone who prevented you from being the smartest being in the world...well....besides me"

"i dont like you...." He frowned a bit. "

"it is just brotherly love.....a love hate relationship is the best kind."

Jordan glared. "let me guess.....you still only have a number for a name......MINE is Jordan"

"Mine is Lagi.....yeah....you would have gotten a name....and it sure as hell would be better than "Jordan". He laughed a bit.

This pissed off Jordan and his hair tips, along with his eyes and cheek marks started to glow brightly and a crazy blast of power came off him and knocked Lagi on the floor. "i was given this name by the greatest person i will ever meet.....so insulting the name is as much as insulting him......do you want to die?"

Lagi blinked. "light? thats your power?" He smirked, then chuckled. His body burst into....fire? yes, it was a type of fire. Black Fire to be exact. "well im darkness....and everyone knows that darkness destroys light" His power was a lot more enhanced than Jordans because he had tests when he got to Toni's place that perfected his power.

The Principal appeared next to them and grabbed them both by the ears and their powers stopped. Kuriko glared. "YOU IDIOTS! THIS IS A LIBRARY! If there is even one book damaged....you will both have detention...even if you arent enrolled yet....also you will buy a replacement....now...stop this fighting or i will make you both sit in my office for the rest of the day..." He growled in his dragon like manner and crossed his arms. "yada yada...." He huffed.


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