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"Sorry Sir. I'll take responsibility for Jordan, the other not so much; I don't know him." Josh glared at the new boy. "Oh and about getting them enrolled." He said turning to the principal. "If it is alright with you Sir, I can bring Jordan to the office tomorrow to start all the paperwork and what not." He may have appeared like everything was ok but in his head he was still confused and a bit out of place; the boy had said Jordan's power was light and that if he had just left him alone he wouldn't be so innocent and know nothing like he does. Did that mean that it was his fault that Jordan will take so long to learn everything? He had just wanted to help. What was someone supposed to do when they found a naked boy in a box for crying out loud! And this Lagi, he had a horrible personality, Josh didn't like him at all, he was smug and full of himself and looked down on Jordan, at least Jordan was kind, Lagi was rude didn't seem to care about others, even his own brother. @IkutoForever2222
The male rubbed the back of his neck and looked at him. "um.....im Jordans caretaker.....i am supposed to be the one to teach him about the world" He smiled. "im Toni" He looked at him seriously. "him and his twin brother are the first test tube babies to have crazy powers" He was so excited.

Jordan tilted his head. "i have a brother? Whats a brother?"


The man looked at him. "i will shock you much more than you can handle......or.....i will shock him if you move any close" He held the tazer up to Cadius's nipple, but didnt touch him yet"

(will post cheshire in a min)


He shifted to his human form and straddled him, he was bigger than the male underneath him, but was small enough to where it wouldnt hurt if he sat on him.


Bilal  hugged him from behind and smiled. "i hope you feel better" He then disappeared.

Edogawa looked off to the side. "hey....can you please find a way to kill me?"

"i havent been since i was little....i dont even remember if i am allowed" 

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Dorian blushed bright red. "Rasmus!!" He squeaked looking suprised. He didn't even try to shove the dragon prince off knowing it would end the same way no matter what he tried. The mouse slid his arms over his shoulders pouting a little.
Kai sighed and reached for his bag...but where was it? "I LOST MY BAG!!!!!! MY BABIES ARE IN THERE!!! YIN,YANG PLEASE BE OKAY." Kai starts crying and breathing hard, he falls onto his knees and curls up in the fetal position crying and gasping for breath. He felt like he couldn't breathe, and his heart was pounding.

(panic attack)

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Takis Argyris

"Kill him? Please..." Takis scoffed. "Tazers aren't made with enough volts to kill someone. And besides, I could shoot you before you could taze him long enough to kill him."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Sí, te amo demasiado..." Heliodoro sighed, kissing him on the cheek.


Vadvasvach Ziolur

"...Girlfriend...?" Vad said, confused. Nevertheless, he still yelled, "Stop!". He ran up and jumped onto Brax's back, choking him from behind.


Samuel Peters

Samuel watched him on the floor. "Dude, calm the fuck down..." Samuel said. He teleported back to the nurse's office, where he'd left his bag. He teleported back again, putting it down next to him. "It was in the nurse's office... calm down..."

@Kai Hitachiin
He smirked and pressed a button and a knife came out of the tazer, sparks of electricity going around it. "oh i can....."

Cheshire smiled and hugged him tighter, the other CHeshire gagged pretendedly and shook his head. "so strange..." He grinned with his sharp teach.


Kuriko tapped his foot. "i dont really know if i want unstable boys with brother-complex's in MY school.....but i have no choice but to accept him...or them...." He handed Josh a note with Valshe's  and Mornu's dorm room. "Valshe is the student council president....he is in charge of enrolling students.....he is either in his room, or his friends dorm room"

Jordan remained quiet and Lagi huffed.


The male laughed and moved off him. "im just messing with you.....did you know....back then it was illegal for a guy to be with a guy....i was just trying to see if that was the case with now"

Kai kept gasping for breath,"c-can't...try-ing." Kai closed his eyes and took deep breathes and this continued for about 5 mins before his breathing finally went back to normal. 

Josh nodded. "Thank you Sir. I appreciate it." He turned to Jordan and Lagi. 'Let's go." He smiled at Jordan grabbing his hand once again and didn't fully acknowlge Lagi and began to walk towards the book he had told his friend about before all the commotion had interrupted them. "Goodbye Sir, I'll do my best to keep them out of trouble." He waved his free hand. "Now, your brother might find this book stupid but it's called a dictionary, it has every word in it and it gives a description for each word. I thought it might be a good idea since you don't understand certain words. Reading this book is rather boring and dull but it's very informative and can widen your reach when it comes to vocabulary." Josh said as they turned down an isle and he stopped in front of some books and reached for one giving it to Jordan. "It's big and changes every couple of years because new words are invented all the time or old words develop new meanings."  @IkutoForever2222
"Wah! i dont think the dictionary is stupid! the best book in the world today" He put his hands on his hips again. "i have yet to read it" Even though he already knew every word possible, he seemed interested. "maybe we can read it together Onee"

Jordan blushed from embarrassment. "r-really? Sure" He smiled and looked through the book, randomly pointing at one then reading the definition, before showing it to his brother. They both laughed at the silly word and smiled. Jordan didnt know what to think of his brother, he was confusing his feelings.

Lagi looked up and smirked at Josh, his plan was to get rid of him and steal his brother away.


Josh simply ignored Lagi and smiled at Jordan, he seemed to be excited about the book. His brother worried him though, he didn't like him at all, he had a bad personality. "Here look at this word." He flipped the book to the word 'friendship' and 'friend'. "Read these two words. That's what describes me and you." He then put a hand on Jordan's head and ruffled his hair with a gentle smile. He hoped they could keep being friends for a very long time and that they wouldn't have to face much difficulty keeping their friendship alive and well. @IkutoForever2222 (see yah)
Takis Argyris

Takis sighed and shook his head. "Many people have sustained chest wounds and lived... I know a couple people who have, and I've seen and helped too many to count. A knife, especially such as one that you're using, is far to small to reach the heart cavity, and is more likely to break...

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked over at the other Cheshire and laughed. "Oh, lo que sea..." He stuck his tongue out at him.


Samuel Peters

Samuel just stood there for a second, dumbfounded. "Dude... they're... they're just cats... there's literally a pet store not even a mile away from the school..." He said.

@Kai Hitachiin
Takis Argyris

"Kill him? Please..." Takis scoffed. "Tazers aren't made with enough volts to kill someone. And besides, I could shoot you before you could taze him long enough to kill him."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Sí, te amo demasiado..." Heliodoro sighed, kissing him on the cheek.


Vadvasvach Ziolur

"...Girlfriend...?" Vad said, confused. Nevertheless, he still yelled, "Stop!". He ran up and jumped onto Brax's back, choking him from behind.


Samuel Peters

Samuel watched him on the floor. "Dude, calm the fuck down..." Samuel said. He teleported back to the nurse's office, where he'd left his bag. He teleported back again, putting it down next to him. "It was in the nurse's office... calm down..."

@Kai Hitachiin

Brax gagged  and  grabbed  onto his arm digging his nails into his flesh. He then threw him off as he popped his own neck. "You little brat! I'm going to destroy you!" He snarled.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad got up and scoffed, looking to the side. "You'll have to kill them first..." He spoke in demon tongue, and about twenty undead soldiers arose from the ground. "Even if you do, I'll just summon them again..."

Kai glared and he stood up and walked over to Samuel and pokes him harshly in the chest," now listen here, I don't care what you think but to me those cats are family! And you can't just replace family!" Kai glared angrily at him.

Samuel Peters

"What? Of course you can... foster parents, step parents, adopted children, disowned children..." Samuel said, counting on his fingers. "And don't touch me again unless you really wanna fight."

@Kai Hitachiin
Kai looked at him shocked, he couldn't believe what he heard. "You think it's that easy....sure you can get a new one but they will never replace the ones you lost!" Kai raised his hand and slapped Samuel.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad got up and scoffed, looking to the side. "You'll have to kill them first..." He spoke in demon tongue, and about twenty undead soldiers arose from the ground. "Even if you do, I'll just summon them again..."


Brax's eye twitched and he backed away slowly grabbing ru's arm yanking him up roughly. "Screw that!" He growled.  He had  made Roxanne's arm bleed as he dragged him down the hallway kicking around desperately. "No!no!no!!! Stoooppp!!" He begged.
He smirked and pressed a button and a knife came out of the tazer, sparks of electricity going around it. "oh i can....."

Cheshire smiled and hugged him tighter, the other CHeshire gagged pretendedly and shook his head. "so strange..." He grinned with his sharp teach.


Kuriko tapped his foot. "i dont really know if i want unstable boys with brother-complex's in MY school.....but i have no choice but to accept him...or them...." He handed Josh a note with Valshe's  and Mornu's dorm room. "Valshe is the student council president....he is in charge of enrolling students.....he is either in his room, or his friends dorm room"

Jordan remained quiet and Lagi huffed.


The male laughed and moved off him. "im just messing with you.....did you know....back then it was illegal for a guy to be with a guy....i was just trying to see if that was the case with now"


"Hmm..and yet I never followed that law.." he told him with a exhale. He seemed both disappointed and relieved. 
Samuel Peters

In what seemed like less than a second, Samuel had him against the wall by his throat. He tightened his grip, choking him. "You do not ever try to hit me. And you sure as hell do not tell me about familial problems. I've had plenty of them. Got that?"

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and spoke in more demon tongue. The soldiers flanked Brax in an arrow formation towards his front. The only way out of it was behind him, where Vad was. He was now in what seemed like old and rusted armor, with a sword made of magma. 


Samuel Peters

In what seemed like less than a second, Samuel had him against the wall by his throat. He tightened his grip, choking him. "You do not ever try to hit me. And you sure as hell do not tell me about familial problems. I've had plenty of them. Got that?"

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad sighed and spoke in more demon tongue. The soldiers flanked Brax in an arrow formation towards his front. The only way out of it was behind him, where Vad was. He was now in what seemed like old and rusted armor, with a sword made of magma. 



Brax picked up Roxanne throwing the pan right at him and bolted for it. "You can keep him! " He yelled. Ru was on the floor having smacked into it face first to have received a large bruise on his cheek. He was cover in cuts bruises and his clothing was ruined.
Samuel Peters

"You're lucky I didn't book you across the floor..." Samuel growled, dropping him.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad walked over and offered his hand to Ru. "Roxanne, are you okay?" He looked up at the undead and sent them back to hell.

Samuel Peters

Samuel leaned against the wall, looking at him devoid of emotion. "You honestly deserved a lot more, for the way I usually react to people trying to fight me..."

@Kai Hitachiin
Samuel Peters

"You're lucky I didn't book you across the floor..." Samuel growled, dropping him.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad walked over and offered his hand to Ru. "Roxanne, are you okay?" He looked up at the undead and sent them back to hell.


Ru took vad's hand and got up. he was shaking a bit. "..not quiet..at least I'm not dead.." he told him rubbing his cheek where there was a big bruise.

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