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Kai looked up and said ,"ya I'm fine." Kai smiled and stood up, grabbing his bag. He opened his bag to make sure Yin and Yang were okay, then shut his bag once they started meowing. He looked back at the guy,"I'm Kai."


Aspero stood back up with a nod. "okay. That's good to know." He said holding the book close. He heard the cats meowing and his tail flicked up behind him. "I'm aspero..and may I ask why are you carrying around cats in your bag?" He asked raising a brow. 
Kai laughed," erm well you see, I don't like leaving them anywhere so I take them with me and they are fine with it. And it's not like I leave them in there all day, I do take them out when I find a place to do it."

Kai laughed," erm well you see, I don't like leaving them anywhere so I take them with me and they are fine with it. And it's not like I leave them in there all day, I do take them out when I find a place to do it."


Aspero chuckled with a slightly amused look purring.  "You can let them out any time, animals actually are allowed here. " He told him and crossed his arms. Aspero tilted his head to the side. "Well, I probably should get to the artroom."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"It won't work... but we can if you want..." Vad said quietly. His eyes widened when Roxanne kissed him, but he didn't go ape shit this time. "Hey now... remember the last time you tried that..?" Vad said when he had pulled away from the kiss.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"It won't work... but we can if you want..." Vad said quietly. His eyes widened when Roxanne kissed him, but he didn't go ape shit this time. "Hey now... remember the last time you tried that..?" Vad said when he had pulled away from the kiss.


"I know but you didn't transform this time.." He says in response blushing. Ru touched his nose to his cheek before getting up and grabbed one of his hand mirrors handing it to vad. "I would like to try.."

(Maybe this is how they get paired is they talk to lucifer and a deal is made so the two can be together?)
Kai smiles,"the art room? Can I come?! Please please please!!!???" Kai jumps up and down exitedly.


Aspero  nodded. "I don't mind. " he says tossing the book up and a portal opened sucking it up then closes. He starts walking in the same direction he had originally before turning  down another hall. The cat pushed open the door snapping his fingers and the large art studio lit up. He then stepped inside looking back. 
Kai looked around the art studio excited. "Wow! It's amazing in here!!!" Kai walked around looking at all the supplies before setting his bag down letting the kittens roam. 


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Kai looked around the art studio excited. "Wow! It's amazing in here!!!" Kai walked around looking at all the supplies before setting his bag down letting the kittens roam. 


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Aspero  started to get out materials. He then phased seeing the kittens changing full cat form before approaching the kittens. He sniffed at them cutely only to touch noses showing them it was safe. The grown red cat then nudged kai looking up at him with a meow as if to say make yourself comfortable. 
"Oh my life your a cat now!" Kai reached down and rubbed  Aspero's ears.

"Cats are my favorite animals in case you couldn't tell." Kai laughed.


Aspero purred rubbing his head against kai. "..this is just my feral form, I am still a cat as a person.." He told him giving him a little paw pat on the nose. He then looked back at the kittens meowing at them.
Kai stopped rubbing his ears and stroked his back,"so your an artist I take it?" Kai smiled and looked around for the kittens only to spot them curled up and sleeping.


"Somewhat... I'm also the art teacher." He told him with a meow. His ears flicked and he got down only to jump up on the desk changing back to person form. 
It'll probably work, but it'll probably also end out more in Lucifer's favor than their's.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"I was thinking actually going to hell..." Vad said, cocking his head. "I don't even know what scrying is..."

It'll probably work, but it'll probably also end out more in Lucifer's favor than their's.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"I was thinking actually going to hell..." Vad said, cocking his head. "I don't even know what scrying is..."


(How so?)

"Okay then let's go to hell." He told him moving his arm around one of vad's. He smiled and nuzzled his shoulder before looking up at him. Ru looked at him cutely. 
I'm thinking about it... but it will be revealed later. MYSTERY INTENSIFIES

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded at him, and said, "ໃຫ້ຈິດວິນຍານຂອງທີ່ຖືກສາບແຊ່ງໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາກັບໂລກໃຕ້." It was a bit creepy, since a bunch of hands came up from the ground and literally pulled them into hell. But luckily, they got there okay. 

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I'm thinking about it... but it will be revealed later. MYSTERY INTENSIFIES

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded at him, and said, "ໃຫ້ຈິດວິນຍານຂອງທີ່ຖືກສາບແຊ່ງໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາກັບໂລກໃຕ້." It was a bit creepy, since a bunch of hands came up from the ground and literally pulled them into hell. But luckily, they got there okay. 


He looked around Curiously  before standing beside vad. He looked at him blushing. "Lead the way..." He told him crossing his arms and tilting his head a little. He sure hoped this would go down well.
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Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded and started walking. It was definitely your sterotypical hell. People being tortured, fire, tornadoes, the usual. But there was also good parts of it. One part was just a field where people were walking. Another part was what appeared to be a tropical island. But they got there pretty easily, while some of the undead were watching them. "Well... here we are," Vadvasvach said, motioning upwards to the large castle before them. "I don't like him, but I do have to say, my father's housing is... impressive."


Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded and started walking. It was definitely your sterotypical hell. People being tortured, fire, tornadoes, the usual. But there was also good parts of it. One part was just a field where people were walking. Another part was what appeared to be a tropical island. But they got there pretty easily, while some of the undead were watching them. "Well... here we are," Vadvasvach said, motioning upwards to the large castle before them. "I don't like him, but I do have to say, my father's housing is... impressive."


Ru walked next to vad. He looked around observing his surroundings taking note of the undead and fire. He tilted his head nodding looking up at the castle. "Yeah.." he said. Roxanne  would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit worried. He hoped things would work out alright.

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