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Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad looked at him and took his hand. "It'll be fine... probably. Okay, we at least won't die. I can say that much." He figured it wasn't much to console him, but hey, they would at least die. He walked in, grunting a bit when he pushed open the gate. Black plants were scattered around the castle, glittering with jewels instead of fruit.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad looked at him and took his hand. "It'll be fine... probably. Okay, we at least won't die. I can say that much." He figured it wasn't much to console him, but hey, they would at least die. He walked in, grunting a bit when he pushed open the gate. Black plants were scattered around the castle, glittering with jewels instead of fruit.


He nodded blushing. Ru looked around at the plants raising a brow. "okay.." he mumured. He couldn't help but to smile to himself. Vad had tried to console him which was in Ru's opinion was very sweet.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

They passed through a couple very interesting room. One was actually a small garden, with golden apples and pomegranates growing in it. There was another room that appeared to be made almost completely out of gold.


Finally, they got to Lucifer's throne room. Obviously, across the room, there was Lucifer.

The Throne:

Vadvasvach Ziolur

They passed through a couple very interesting room. One was actually a small garden, with golden apples and pomegranates growing in it. There was another room that appeared to be made almost completely out of gold.

Finally, they got to Lucifer's throne room. Obviously, across the room, there was Lucifer.

The Throne:


The satyr followed beside vad looking around. he followed him through the rooms to the throne room. Ru then  saw Lucifer taking a deep breath and slowly approached only to stop looking back at vad. He then looked up.
Lucifer(Or, Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

Lucifer watched Roxanne as he walked across the floor. He waited for him to look back to him, before booming, "What do you need, demon pan? And why is my son with you?" Lucifer had a deep voice(Duh), but it was still loud and resounding through the room.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded to Ru when he looked back at him. He was actually a bit nervous himself, and even sweating a bit, but tried not to show it.

Lucifer(Or, Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

Lucifer watched Roxanne as he walked across the floor. He waited for him to look back to him, before booming, "What do you need, demon pan? And why is my son with you?" Lucifer had a deep voice(Duh), but it was still loud and resounding through the room.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded to Ru when he looked back at him. He was actually a bit nervous himself, and even sweating a bit, but tried not to show it.


Roxanne looked up at lucifer with a little confidence taking vad's hand to try to comfort him. "We would like to ask if there is a way you'd be willing to let me and vadvasvach become mates..." He answered 
Lucifer(Or, Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

Lucifer blinked at Ru for a second, dumbfounded. After a couple seconds, he laughed, getting up. "You? And him? Please... I've never heard a better joke since Hell was created. Besides, why the hell would you want him? He's scrawnier than a cornish game hen..." He said, poking Vad in the rib cage.

Lucifer(Or, Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

Lucifer blinked at Ru for a second, dumbfounded. After a couple seconds, he laughed, getting up. "You? And him? Please... I've never heard a better joke since Hell was created. Besides, why the hell would you want him? He's scrawnier than a cornish game hen..." He said, poking Vad in the rib cage.


It was true roxanne had the body of a female model with goat legs and vadvasvach was skinny. Comparing the two made Ru seem out of his league. But nevertheless That didn't stop Ru. "I'm serious..I never wanted to be with someone this much before.... I'd do anything for him except kill myself or give any of him up because I'm not a idiot and I know where that can lead." he said staring up at lucifer knowing saying anything ment lucifer could take advantage  of him.
Lucifer(Or, Satan, Or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

He chuckled and brought his hand up under Ru's chin, making him look up. "Foolish satyr... do you really think I'd let you do that to my only vessel?" He let go of Ru and walked back to his throne, standing in front of it. "If you were to... well, have sex with him, ore be romantic with him, or any of the sort, that would make him stronger mentally. That would make it oh, so much harder for me to destroy..." He faked sadness, shaking his head in fake pity.

Lucifer(Or, Satan, Or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

He chuckled and brought his hand up under Ru's chin, making him look up. "Foolish satyr... do you really think I'd let you do that to my only vessel?" He let go of Ru and walked back to his throne, standing in front of it. "If you were to... well, have sex with him, or be romantic with him, or any of the sort, that would make him stronger mentally. That would make it oh, so much harder for me to destroy..." He faked sadness, shaking his head in fake pity.


"I understand that but....what if..." He then puased. "what if we find you a different vessel. Maybe a satyr or centaur, I mean I've had to let both sin and death use my body before. I didn't die,my body is full of regeration and I don't age anymore..." He explained suggesting the idea. "Plus if I expect you willingly it should work just as well right??"
Lucifer(Or Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

"My sons? Please. I could crush them both like bugs. They're both far weaker than me. I would destroy your body, satyr, and then I would be destroyed." Lucifer scoffed, sitting back down and looking in between the two. 

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad leaned over and whispered to Ru, "I didn't think this would work..."

Lucifer(Or Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

"My sons? Please. I could crush them both like bugs. They're both far weaker than me. I would destroy your body, satyr, and then I would be destroyed." Lucifer scoffed, sitting back down and looking in between the two. 

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad leaned over and whispered to Ru, "I didn't think this would work..."


(Omg satan messed up lmfao whhyyy. Death's son is married to sin. And death is his own god like satan is. Also now would be good for the deal you planned.)

He then raised a brow confused at Lucifer's mistake. "The god of Death...the grim reaper is not your son....if death can use my body so can you. Or do you have a better deal in mind??" He told him with a deep exhale now being just plain out straight forward. He glanced back at vad taking his hands in his own. He stared at satan. "If I won't do then what will?!"
Lucifer(Or Satan, or Bobblebub... whatever you wanna call him.)

"All residents of hell are my children, pan..." Lucifer said, getting up and looking out towards hell. "All the souls... good and bad... even people you assume are gods. They are far weaker than me. You two... not yet. But all eventually dies, pan. Every thing that has a will to live. Children, women, even plants... they will all be mine eventually." He looked up at Ru when he said what will. "Well... Vad is the only vessel I have... besides Sin, he's the only person with my blood... and Sin's a bit too powerful for me to control. Even if he is weak..." He growled. "So, make your deal Pan. But Vadvasvach will remain to be mine. That, is the only catch."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad scoffed and looked away. "Shut up..." He muttered quietly to himself. Nevertheless, Satan still heard.


Lucifer looked back at Vad, his eyes widened. "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad looked up, afraid at first, but he took a deep breath and said, "I said shut up. You're an annoying bastard."


Lucifer walked over to Vad, bringing his chin up to face him as he had with Ru. "Hmph... foolish child..." He picked him up and threw him across the room, smashing him into a wall. 

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad hit the wall with a loud 'thud'. When he hit it, a plum of smoke went up, almost hitting the ceiling. It was there for about ten minutes, before it finally dissipated, revealing Vad. But.., Vad was different. A lot different.


"...he doesn't live in hell,you are not death. Death lives in the gateway just as the other gods, you are no stronger or lesser than they. i should know because they are why I'm like this." He stated with a deep exhale. His eyes went wide at the thing going on between lucifer and vadvasvach blushing. Vad defied his father. Even though he was scared vad gained confidence in himself. he wondered if it was because of him that vad was rebelling. So maybe they had a chance without anyone's help and  vad could make his own decisions without worrying about lucifer.

Lucifer growled at Roxanne. "I'll explain later..." He walked forward and looked up at Vad. Vad was far taller than him now, nearly thirty feet tall. Still though, Lucifer didn't stand down. 

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Hmph. You look tiny now, father. Like I could crush you like a bug," Vad growled, staring down at him. Two hydra heads spun down his legs and attempted to attack Lucifer.


Lucifer dodged out of the way of their attacks, jumping halfway across the room. "Don't try to contest me, Vadvasvach. I will destroy you..."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"No you won't, father. I'm too strong for you now..." Vad boomed, levitating forwards towards him. He came above him and attempted to crush him, but he managed to hold Vad up.


Lucifer grunted as he held Vad up, struggling to carry the tremendous weight of the now demon lord. "I will... never... succumb to you!"

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"It's too late father. Give up," Vad growled, pushing down more weight towards him.


When Vad started to press down more onto him, Satan started losing his grip. "No... not like this..." He said. Finally, Vad came crashing down on him.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad finally crushed him, a large boom resounding through hell. When he rose back up, Lucifer wasn't there. There wasn't even anything where he was, he was just... gone.


A deep voice, that sounded mostly like Lucifer, resounded through the hall. "Well done, Vadvasvach. You've killed your father. Prepare..."


Lucifer growled at Roxanne. "I'll explain later..." He walked forward and looked up at Vad. Vad was far taller than him now, nearly thirty feet tall. Still though, Lucifer didn't stand down. 

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Hmph. You look tiny now, father. Like I could crush you like a bug," Vad growled, staring down at him. Two hydra heads spun down his legs and attempted to attack Lucifer.


Lucifer dodged out of the way of their attacks, jumping halfway across the room. "Don't try to contest me, Vadvasvach. I will destroy you..."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"No you won't, father. I'm too strong for you now..." Vad boomed, levitating forwards towards him. He came above him and attempted to crush him, but he managed to hold Vad up.


Lucifer grunted as he held Vad up, struggling to carry the tremendous weight of the now demon lord. "I will... never... succumb to you!"

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"It's too late father. Give up," Vad growled, pushing down more weight towards him.


When Vad started to press down more onto him, Satan started losing his grip. "No... not like this..." He said. Finally, Vad came crashing down on him.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad finally crushed him, a large boom resounding through hell. When he rose back up, Lucifer wasn't there. There wasn't even anything where he was, he was just... gone.


A deep voice, that sounded mostly like Lucifer, resounded through the hall. "Well done, Vadvasvach. You've killed your father. Prepare..."


Roxanne watched the whole thing. He didn't expect any of it. Vadvasvach killed lucifer. That ment he'd either become the new satan or sin would resume his place as king of hell. He stared up at vadvasvach in awe blushing. "Vadvasvach...what just happened?!" He called out. Roxanne felt so tiny,so little now.
Grey blushed and nodded."that's really awesome . .your really special . " he nodded."S-Sure..we can.."


"Special? Not really. All the dorm rooms are like this,you could even have yours customized to your liking...all you have to do is put a

 Sticky note on your front door and a spirit will fix the place up.." he explained getting up and put eliza down in her crib before showing grey to his room. He went to the big bed plopped down.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad turned back around and looked at Roxanne. "I killed him... for now. There's no doubt he'll be back. For now though, I'm... I'm the king of hell, I guess..."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad looked down and blushed(Although it was kinda hard to tell). "O-oh yeah... Sorry... I forgot..." Smoke surrounded Vad again and when it dissipated once more, he was human again. There was still a hydra head on his leg, but it didn't really do anything.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad looked down and blushed(Although it was kinda hard to tell). "O-oh yeah... Sorry... I forgot..." Smoke surrounded Vad again and when it dissipated once more, he was human again. There was still a hydra head on his leg, but it didn't really do anything.


Ru  approached vad slowly and came over moving his arms

around his shoulders. He blushed looking at his face. "Well, looks like we don't have to worry about your dad and you seem to be controlling your powers better..." He told him. He licked his lips.

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