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"Im sorry this happened... I should've been more careful."

"Luke... it's not your fault. I didn't even know quin existed. He just showed up with Lucius..." He told him quietly looking up at luke. Kasper rubbed his eyes. "Also,luke can we avoid making love for a while, I have a feeling  it'll hurt alot...I may be healed but everything is going to be really sore.."
"Wow..that's horrible . I guess you and I are very similar then huh?" Grey 's cheeks turn dark red . "y-you want to date me? i-i..I want to.."he paused and nodded."I want to date you to~ i-I'm good with children so I can help out."

Jordan blinked and tried harder to get the tail, finally catching it. He gave a giggle and then heard him say something about school. "School?" He didnt know what it was.


The step father looked over at Cadius who was passed out on the floor. "your body must be numb though......cause i held it longer than 5 seconds.....shall we begin the fun?" He smirked at Takis, then walked over to Cadius and stripped him completely. "Awww.....such a cute little guy isnt he?"

"¿Así que piensas que soy raro?" Cheshire kinda looked hurt, and the other Cheshire chuckled at his stupidity. 

"this is why imaginary "friends" shouldnt fall in love" He smirked.

Takis Argyris

"Kinda! But tha-... tha's not how a taser works..." Takis slurred.  He began stumbling over to him, although he fell halfway through. It seemed like he was more drunk that anything else.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Bueno... un poco," Heliodoro said, shrugging his shoulders. "Quiero decir... usted puede flotar. Y teleport. Creo que por lo menos es un poco raro."

"im sure it is" He smirked and tied Cadi up and smiled happily, pulling out a camera a taking pictures of him. "perfect~"

Cadi slowly awoke and blinked, looking at Takis on the ground and panicked. "MMM!" He had a gag on so he couldnt call out to him.

Cheshire looked down more and nodded a bit. He was strange and he knew it, but he couldnt help what he was.

Josh smiled at the giggle, this boy was just too cute. "Yeah school, it's where we learn things, things about life and our powers. You evidently have some so you could learn if you have more and how to control them."  He wiggled closer so that Jordan would have more tail to play with. "And like I said, you wouldn't have to sit around waiting for me to come back since I can't just skip school everyday." @IkutoForever2222
Jordan pet the tail now, being gentle with it. He looked over at him and smiled. "you are a good person.....i hope there are more people like you out in the world" He looked back at the ceiling and thought about school. It sounds fun and interesting, so maybe he should do it. He nodded a bit and closed his eyes.


"see?" He shifted back to his human form and it was the same as before, then he shifted into dragon form again and it was different colors.


Josh's smile slightly faded, "There are but there are some that aren't as nice." When he nodded at the school comment Josh's smile returned and pulled Jordan in to cuddle, which was weird for him but felt like the right move to do. He was nice to hold, and felt nice and warm, Josh had forgotten that that's what it felt like to cuddle someone else, he liked it, the warmth you could feel from the other's body and the feeling of his skin touching his, it was new but really nice. Josh looked down at Jordan's hair, it was so colorful and suited him quite nicely, he grabbed a strand of one of the colors and played with it a little. His hair was soft, he liked soft things, it was one of the reasons he took such good care of his tail and ears. Most wolves ignored their tails and ears but Josh actually enjoyed playing with his own tail, it calmed him down in the sense that the petting felt nice and the softness under his hands was soothing. "We can go see about enrolling you tomorrow morning before school starts." @IkutoForever2222
Jordan blushed when he was pulled close to the other male. {what is this feeling?}He wondered. When he started playing with his hair he gave another giggle. "that tickles...." Jordan has nerves in his hair since he is a test tube baby. Though it also felt nice so he smiled and closed his eyes, letting the other touch his hair as he touched Josh's tail. "bad people are no good....." He snuggled into the cuddle and closed his eyes tighter. "please dont leave me.....i want to stay next to you forever...." 

Josh's heart throbbed at those last words that Jordan had said. God this boy was gonna make him explode with feelings. "If I can, I'll stay with you as long as possible." He said and hugged him a little tighter and continued to play with his colorful hair. "This is nice, I like cuddling with you, it's super comforting and comfortable." He said thinking out loud. "We should go check the school grounds later today, but not right now, I wanna stay like this for a couple more minutes." Josh smiled and nuzzled his nose into Jordan's hair. @IkutoForever2222
"hehe" He smiled and poked his sides, seeing if the other male was ticklish. "yeah....its nice....it feels like im protected by you" He smiled and looked at him. "safe forever" He closed his eyes and yawned a bit, he had been asleep for a long time, so why did he feel like this?

Josh didn't really moved, he wasn't ticklish where the boy was attempting to tickle him, he simply squirmed a tiny bit cause of the strength in the fingers that were poking him. "Well you are, for as long as I can." Why was he making such a promise, Josh barely knew this boy except that he was made and not born and that he was excessively cute and that he wanted to protect him. "If you're tired you can take a nap, I'll stay here and wake you up in a bit and then I can show you the school grounds that way you have an idea when you start." @IkutoForever2222
"a nap...." He wasnt quite sure what a nap was, but it sounded good to him. He closed his eyes and it was like he was a robot or something, his body just turned off and he was asleep. His hair went gray and his markings went gray, his skin color also paled quite a bit.

Josh watched as Jordan just paled and everything went grey. "What the..." He didn't understand. What had happened? Was it just a side effect of when he fell asleep? He hadn't looked like that when he had fist found him sleeping, but it did sound like that was his first time waking up. His breathing was normal and so was his heart beat. Josh decided it was ok, he was still learning about this boy and all his weird capabilities, he'd keep an eye out and if something didn't seem right he would wake Jordan up. @IkutoForever2222
"Wow..that's horrible . I guess you and I are very similar then huh?" Grey 's cheeks turn dark red . "y-you want to date me? i-i..I want to.."he paused and nodded."I want to date you to~ i-I'm good with children so I can help out."


Eris blushed like looking at him with his emerald green eyes. He smiles at him .  "You're a extremely sweet and a rather handsome guy, grey and I'm really interested in you...so your anwser just  made  me happy.. thankyou."  He tells  him giving him a kiss on the cheek before looking back down at Eliza who was now asleep. 
Jordan pet the tail now, being gentle with it. He looked over at him and smiled. "you are a good person.....i hope there are more people like you out in the world" He looked back at the ceiling and thought about school. It sounds fun and interesting, so maybe he should do it. He nodded a bit and closed his eyes.


"see?" He shifted back to his human form and it was the same as before, then he shifted into dragon form again and it was different colors.


Dorian  got up and  went back over to sit next to the dragon. He rubbed his hand under the beast's chin and down his chest scratching him. 
Jordan remained asleep for a while, his body was now the color of his hair, but that is what happens when he sleeps, he looks like a dead man.


He made a satisfied noise and his body gave a delighted shake. Rasmus rubbed his head against the other male, acting like an animal.

Jordan remained asleep for a while, his body was now the color of his hair, but that is what happens when he sleeps, he looks like a dead man.


He made a satisfied noise and his body gave a delighted shake. Rasmus rubbed his head against the other male, acting like an animal.


The mouse smirked. " So even princes like this?" He teased a little bit as he rubbed rasmus' chin  looking down at him with amused red eyes. "Cute.."
Jordan was now grey and Josh was getting even more worried, this wasn't normal from what he had seen. He decided to wake Jordan up, it had already been a while that he was sleeping and they could go out and look around the school anyways. He started to gently shake the boy and said gently. "Jordan wake up, I need you to wake up. Jordan." @IkutoForever2222
His tail wagged and he pounced oon the other male, licking his cheek. "of course i like it! it feels so good!"


Jordan groaned and opened his eyes, all his colors rushed back into him, and the event looked hella awsome. "w-what?" He sat up and stretched.

Josh sighed with relief. "Are you ok, you feel fine? You got all grey while sleeping and I still don't know much about you so I wasn't sure if I should worry or not." He gave a small smile of relief. @IkutoForever2222

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