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The purple haired male was in a coma like state as he was carried off to god knows where. Yes he was alien, but a very rare kind. After about another 10 minutes he opened his eyes and looked over at Dorian. 

(just the eyes, thats the color of his )



Dorian looked down at him with his red eyes. carried him off to his room and set him down on the bed before walking away. He went to the table and set up some incense. the smell of lavender and vanilla started to fill the room. he came back to sit beside the male. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.
"at first....i was in a tank? a tube? and there was green liquid surrounding me....it felt like goo.....there were men....in white coats staring at me...." He looked at him. "then it changed and i was laying down as a man sewed my lips together....he said that i 'can't spill their secrets" so he sewed me up" He tried to calm his shaking body down by taking deep breaths. I am confused as to why i had those visions....." 


"i am fine....that was quite a nap" He whispered a little, then sat up and stretched. "what planet did i wake up on this time?" He tilted his head at the other male.

"at first....i was in a tank? a tube? and there was green liquid surrounding me....it felt like goo.....there were men....in white coats staring at me...." He looked at him. "then it changed and i was laying down as a man sewed my lips together....he said that i 'can't spill their secrets" so he sewed me up" He tried to calm his shaking body down by taking deep breaths. I am confused as to why i had those visions....." 


"i am fine....that was quite a nap" He whispered a little, then sat up and stretched. "what planet did i wake up on this time?" He tilted his head at the other male.


"Planet? This is earth if that's what you mean....I am Dorian." He told him. He studied the alien carefully before looking away as he entangled his fingers through his beads. The mouse became deep in thought for a moment before  standing up. 
Josh put an arm around 15 to try and help him calm down and stop the shaking. "Those visions are probably memories, you're just remembering things you forgot." He tried using a gentle tone and sound sympathetic. He really wasn't used to others and he was worried he would come across as not caring when he really was. "Come here and sit down, you're shaking pretty bad." He then led him to the bed so he could sit down. 
"I am Prince Rasmus" He replied and gave a small bow and looked around the area. "Earth huh....?" He smiled. "havent been here in like......2000 years...." He smiled. "what a messed up world it was back then....seems different now."


15 sat down and took in more deep breaths and the shaking calmed to almost nothing, his hands were jittery. "thank you Josh" He looked at him. "why was i in a tank?" He tilted his head. He bit his lip and then looked to Josh. "sorry about your door....i will fix it....i promise" He gave a small upset smile, trying to show that he was fine and there wasnt anything to worry about. "can you clean my lips please? They hurt so bad...."

"I don't know why you were in a tank but we can try and find out. And don't worry about the door, I'm more worried about your hand, it must hurt." Josh gave a small smile of relief, If he could be worried about the door it meant that he wasn't doing too bad and that was good. "Yes I can clean your lips now." He let go of 15 and grabbed the supplies and started to open them and prep them. "Turn towards me." He said and moved 15's head in his direction by grabbing his chin. "It's gonna sting, maybe a lot depends on how clean the wounds are to begin with so try not to pull away." He said holding an alcohol swab close to 15's lips. "Ready?" He asked with a nod. @IkutoForever2222
His hand did hurt, he didnt even remember punching the glass, it may be a spasm due to the vision. When hearing it will sting he mentally cringed. From his experienced, he HATED pain. 15 gave a nod when he asked if he was ready.

Josh began to clean the wounds, he'd have to do 15's hand afterwards. He put him hand on 15's face to help him from pulling away. Josh changed the swab every time he started to clean a new wound just to make sure things were clean and that all the wounds would heal without possible infection. Once he was done cleaning the wounds on the outside of his mouth he stopped. "I'm gonna have to clean the inside too, inside your mouth has even more bacteria than outside of it." He began getting more swabs ready. "Your gonna need to hold your lips flipped so that the wounds face me." @IkutoForever2222
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He blushed, he didnt know why, but it felt like it was something he would be shy about. Embarrassment. That was the word he was thinking about. He nodded a little and flipped his lips for him. It stung and his eyes watered, but he knew that it would help so he didnt complain.

"Sorry, I know it probably hurts." Josh started to clean the wounds as quick but as efficiently as possible. He stopped when done. "Now the lower lip." He nodded to the lower lip as he turned to get more swabs again. When 15 did so he continued as quickly as he could. For someone who had holes in his lips, 15 had rather nice lips. Immediately at the thought Josh began to become very aware of the boy beside him and began to blush a little and tried to hide it by keeping his head down somewhat. How could he be blushing now! Becoming self aware like this at a time like this. "I'm gonna do your hand now too." He said as he finished cleaning the last hole on 15's bottom lip. @IkutoForever2222
"I am Prince Rasmus" He replied and gave a small bow and looked around the area. "Earth huh....?" He smiled. "havent been here in like......2000 years...." He smiled. "what a messed up world it was back then....seems different now."


15 sat down and took in more deep breaths and the shaking calmed to almost nothing, his hands were jittery. "thank you Josh" He looked at him. "why was i in a tank?" He tilted his head. He bit his lip and then looked to Josh. "sorry about your door....i will fix it....i promise" He gave a small upset smile, trying to show that he was fine and there wasnt anything to worry about. "can you clean my lips please? They hurt so bad...."


(I always think of the dorms as magical apartments...the inside is bigger than the outside and takes shape depending on the needs of who is staying there.)

Dorian  tilted his head a little as he watched rasmus. He smiled a little bit in response to his good manners and chuckled. "Is that so? Well you are in a school... this is my dorm.. I teach medicine and alchemy,  "he told him as he sat down at his desk opening a book. 
He moved his lips around and smiled a bit. "thanks so much" Then he remembered him asking about his name. "i was hoping someone could name me.....because i can't decide myself....i honestly don't know about any names" He gave a small chuckle then saw him avoiding looking at him. "whats wrong?"


Rasmus smiled and looked at him. "that is very interesting indeed....." He thought before he changed forms. His body went dragon form, he was a smaller dragon.


Josh shifted at the question. "Nothing's wrong, like I said before, I'm not used to people." It then accrued to him what the boy had said right before. "You want someone to name you because you can't think of anything?" Josh looked up at the boy. "Well what's the fist thing you think of when you think of names?" He asked looking down at 15's hand and grabbed both the hand and a swab. "I'm gonna clean it now, like your lips it's gonna sting." @IkutoForever2222
"its fine....i know it will help." He then closed his eyes and started to think. "um.....only numbers.....and Josh" He gave a cute smile. "i like your name....i want one similar to yours"

Josh's face turned red. How could he be so cute! He tried focusing on cleaning his hand. "We'll you could have name that starts with a J. Mine is actually Joshua but I like Josh better, Joshua sounds like a little kid, makes me feel like I'm 5."  He continued to clean the hand but was almost finished. "Almost done, I'm gonna bandage it just cause it's still bleeding a little." @IkutoForever2222
"right.....um.....i dont know any names......so....can you help me?" He tilted his head and looked at him. He smiled and reached up with his other hand and touched his cat ear.

He moved his lips around and smiled a bit. "thanks so much" Then he remembered him asking about his name. "i was hoping someone could name me.....because i can't decide myself....i honestly don't know about any names" He gave a small chuckle then saw him avoiding looking at him. "whats wrong?"


Rasmus smiled and looked at him. "that is very interesting indeed....." He thought before he changed forms. His body went dragon form, he was a smaller dragon.


The mouse's ears twitched as he looked up. He saw there was no longer a man but a small dragon in his place. Dorian's eyes widened in suprise but he quickly looked away and  at the book flipping to a certain page.
He blinked and blushed, letting go of his ear. "i-im sorry...." 15 went back to thinking of names, even though he had no idea of any other names.


He hopped over to the mirror and looked at his reflection. He smiled a bit, well, as much as he could in dragon form. His colors were different every time he shifted.

Josh smiled. "It's ok, I guess you can play with them if you want, kids tend to like them because they're soft, same with my tail. I like them too, since they're soft I mean, soft things are always nice. Most things in life aren't. Jason is always a nice name, or Jordan, James, Joseph, which is my last name, Jake, or Jayden." He started naming names to change the subject. He grabbed a bandage and started to wrap the cut and bruised hand. He was careful to not wrap it too tight and to make sure he did enough layers of it, Once done he cut and pinned the fabric. @IkutoForever2222
The feeling of the hand stroking his ear actually felt soothing and nice. "All done and yeah I do it's a nice name. So Jordan it is. Sounds way better than 15 I have to say." He smiled and started to clean up all the supplies. "Gonna have to stop playing with my ear for a second. I'm gonna go put this stuff away." He said moving to get up. "I'll let you play with them more if that would make you happy." It was weird, all he wanted to do right now was keep making the boy smile and not feel pain, too bad the one came with the other due to the holes. @IkutoForever2222
He blinked and blushed, letting go of his ear. "i-im sorry...." 15 went back to thinking of names, even though he had no idea of any other names.


He hopped over to the mirror and looked at his reflection. He smiled a bit, well, as much as he could in dragon form. His colors were different every time he shifted.


Dorian looked over his shoulder. "... admiring yourself much?" He asked him. 
"okay" He thought to himself about his new name and smiled happily. He liked this name and believed it was the second best name in the entire world. The best one would be Josh. He gave the cutest damned smile possible and laid down on the bed. "i like it....Jordan...my new name is Jordan...." He reached up and played with his own hair. "i wish i had ears....whoever created you is smart..."


(school is about to end....i will probably be on later because it is warm outside. I dont have internet at home, but if i sit in a certain spot outside, i connect to someones internet xD  )
Rasmus smirked and hopped up on the bed. He was the size of a saint bernard so it was easy for him to move around. "my forms are different every time i shift....i was just wondering what this one looked like"


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