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"Hey there! aren't you the cutest thing"Grey walked up beside Eris and grabbed the baby's hand carefully."wow, she's so pretty~ " 

Kai ran through the doors in a rush, he over slept on the first day he was supposed to be going to his new school. And just to make things even better, he tripped over his own feet and ran into someone, taking them both to the ground. Kai hit his head on something hard and his vision went black for a few seconds before returning to normal,well almost. His glasses had fallen off during the fall and now he can't really see anything. Kai layed there in a daze unmoving until the person under him started moving, he quickly rolled off and sat up looking in the direction he thinks the person is standing. "S-sorry," Kai stuttered.
Samuel Peters

Samuel had been listening to country(For once in his life, with earbuds on) when someone bashed into him. He fell to the ground and the other person fell on him. "God damn!" Samuel groaned, standing up and rubbing his back.  "The hell'd you trip on anyways?" He looked at the person who had fallen on him, and he kinda looked like himself. He looked over on the ground to pick up his stray earbuds, and noticed a pair of glasses. "Yo, these yours?" He picked them up and showed them to him, putting his earbuds in his pocket.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"W-what? Why are you asking me? Ask someone else..." Vad said, blushing and looking off to the side. He knew he sounded stupid, but he didn't want to answer.

Kai could just barley make out the shape of his glasses, he grabbed them and put them on and blinked a couple of times and quickly stood up. "I really am sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I tripped and knocked you down and I'm really sorry!"

"Hey there! aren't you the cutest thing"Grey walked up beside Eris and grabbed the baby's hand carefully."wow, she's so pretty~ " 


Eliza grabbed onto Grey's finger as she continued to stare up. She chirps. Eris smiled. " Eliza...sweet girl. I'm your mama." He whispered softly. He gave her a kiss on her forehead. He then looked up at grey. She then made a small whimper. "I probably should feed her..."
Samuel Peters

"Nah, you're good," Samuel laughed, picking up his bag. "I'll never do ya wrong for makin' a mistake once. Twice, and I'll knock the shit out of ya." He still had a smile on his face like he had said something perfectly normal.

@Kai Hitachiin
Kai laughed nervously," I can't say it won't happen again, I'm pretty clumsy." He smiled and leaned over to grab the bag he dropped when a sudden light headed feeling fell over him and he fell to his knees. He rubbed the back of his head (that he hit on the ground) and felt something warm and sticky, he looked at his hand and saw blood. He smiled up at the guy, "I think I need to go to the nurse, I think I hit my head."

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Samuel Peters

"Hell, not all I can say except be ready to fight when you do," Samuel chuckled. He attempted to grab Kai when he fell, but failed. He saw the blood in his hair, and cocked his head. Honestly, he liked the taste of blood, even though he wasn't a vampire. But he figured it'd be kinda creepy for him just to latch his mouth onto the back of his head. "Alright, you need any help?"

@Kai Hitachiin
Kai looked at him, "nope, I have the magic of the octopus fair on my side!" (He's making shit up btw) Kai gets up and stumbles a bit before walking off in a random direction (it's the wrong way). "Octopus fairy lead the way!"

Samuel Peters

Samuel watched him as he stumbled off... into the wrong hallway. He walked after him, not needing to run because he wasn't really going that fast anyways, and said, "Dude, are you trippin' balls or something? The fuck is an octopus fairy? And whoever she is, she's one dumb bitch, cause she led you the wrong way..." He picked Kai up and faced him the other way. "That way. Tell that to the dumbass fairy."

@Kai Hitachiin
Samuel Peters

Samuel had been listening to country(For once in his life, with earbuds on) when someone bashed into him. He fell to the ground and the other person fell on him. "God damn!" Samuel groaned, standing up and rubbing his back.  "The hell'd you trip on anyways?" He looked at the person who had fallen on him, and he kinda looked like himself. He looked over on the ground to pick up his stray earbuds, and noticed a pair of glasses. "Yo, these yours?" He picked them up and showed them to him, putting his earbuds in his pocket.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"W-what? Why are you asking me? Ask someone else..." Vad said, blushing and looking off to the side. He knew he sounded stupid, but he didn't want to answer.


"So does that mean I'm ugly,vach?" He asked looking disheartened as he ate another snap pea. He looked up at him with sad eyes. "I'm not good enough for you? I'm just a gross ugly goat?"
Kai glared,"do not dis the octofairy she is all knowing, if she wants me to go that way then I'm going that way." Kai continued to walk in the direction he was going,"and there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

Samuel Peters

Samuel sighed and rolled his eyes. "Except I'm a lot stronger than I look..." He picked Kai up like a wooden plank and started walking the right way. "Man, please tell me you don't always act this stupid..."

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"I didn't say that... I just... don't wanna answer..." Vad said, moving his eyes away from his gaze once more. He didn't want to answer because he didn't want a relationship. Chances are he'd kill the person later anyways.

Kai squirmed and tried to get away,"put me down I can walk I can walk!" Kai glared and stuck out his tongue.

(he takes a lot of meds so those plus hitting his head and blood loss is making him act weird, also just a warning, he's very bipolar) 

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Samuel Peters

"Yes, but the wrong damn way..." Sam sighed, walking to the nurse's office. He looked the nurse straight in the eye and said, "I think he's fucked up in the head. He's acting pretty screwy." The nurse laughed, and Samuel put Kai down in a chair. "I swear, if you leave I will chase you around the school until I can bring you back here... not that you're walking that fast anyways though."

@Kai Hitachiin

xD  It'll probably just piss Samuel off or make him laugh. 
Samuel Peters

Samuel sighed and rolled his eyes. "Except I'm a lot stronger than I look..." He picked Kai up like a wooden plank and started walking the right way. "Man, please tell me you don't always act this stupid..."

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"I didn't say that... I just... don't wanna answer..." Vad said, moving his eyes away from his gaze once more. He didn't want to answer because he didn't want a relationship. Chances are he'd kill the person later anyways.


" You think I'm hideous don't you?..." He asked starting to sniffle and tears slid down his cheeks. He started to eat mouthfuls of salad as he started to cry soon enough just losing his appetite. He put his box to the side rubbing his eyes silently. 
Samuel Peters

Samuel looked back and sighed. "God dammit, this is gonna be a long day..." He took off after Kai. Samuel was actually pretty fast, since he was only 5'7" and exercised every day. He caught up quickly to Kai and picked him up again. "You're staggering like you had about five too many drinks, I'm not that slow..." He started walking back to the nurse's office again.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"What? No..." Vad sighed, face palming. He absolutely hated crying, and pretty much did whatever he could to stop it. He looked up at Ru and lightly kissed him on the cheek. "Again, I never said that..." He said quietly, blushing and looking off to the side.

Samuel Peters

Sam sighed and shook his head. "Dude, you better hope no cops are around, or I think you'll get arrested for drug abuse..." He walked back into the nurse's office again and sat Kai down, leaning against the wall and watching him this time.

@Kai Hitachiin
" I swear to god if I see any needles I'm gonna be gone before you can even blink!" Kai looks around checking for needles but then he heard two soft meows and he grabbed his bag off the floor and unzipped it a tiny bit,"shhh be quiet," he whispered into the bag then zipped it up again.

Samuel Peters

"I can't make any promises, but I can already tell you I'll catch up eventually..." Samuel said. He looked down at the meowing, and when Kai whispered into his bag, he said, "You know, if you're gonna keep cats, probably a bad idea to put them in your bag..."

@Kai Hitachiin

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