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Kai glared at him (his bipolarness is showing) "I can't leave them alone or they will flip out I have to take them everywhere!"

he holds the bag closer and starts to laugh,"plus I love them." He smiles and looks at the bag.

Samuel Peters

Samuel looked back and sighed. "God dammit, this is gonna be a long day..." He took off after Kai. Samuel was actually pretty fast, since he was only 5'7" and exercised every day. He caught up quickly to Kai and picked him up again. "You're staggering like you had about five too many drinks, I'm not that slow..." He started walking back to the nurse's office again.

@Kai Hitachiin

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"What? No..." Vad sighed, face palming. He absolutely hated crying, and pretty much did whatever he could to stop it. He looked up at Ru and lightly kissed him on the cheek. "Again, I never said that..." He said quietly, blushing and looking off to the side.


Roxanne looked at him rubbing his eyes. "You're thinking it!"  He sniffles again. he covers his eyes. "why else would you avoid answering me! "
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vadvasvach shook his head. "I just... I don't want a relationship... I'm too unstable, and I don't want to kill someone I love..."


Samuel Peters

Samuel sighed and shook his head. "Hopefully, they can breathe..." The nurse came in, of course, with a needle. Samuel looked at the needle once and immediately held Kai down.

@Kai Hitachiin
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vadvasvach shook his head. "I just... I don't want a relationship... I'm too unstable, and I don't want to kill someone I love..."


Samuel Peters

Samuel sighed and shook his head. "Hopefully, they can breathe..." The nurse came in, of course, with a needle. Samuel looked at the needle once and immediately held Kai down.

@Kai Hitachiin

"You won't kill me,vadvasvach..." He told him rubbing his eyes and his gaze was on him. "I'm too durable and determined for that." He said with a sniffle. "And maybe if you got completely comfortable with me, you won't transform much.... you can use me as your sedative. My scent..."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Scent? Roxanne, that's not how it works..." Vad said quietly, shaking his head. "I transform when my body is weak or vulnerable. My father... Lucifer, takes me over. There's just no way to stop it..." He looked at Ru sadly.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Scent? Roxanne, that's not how it works..." Vad said quietly, shaking his head. "I transform when my body is weak or vulnerable. My father... Lucifer, takes me over. There's just no way to stop it..." He looked at Ru sadly.


"Oh..I thought it was a second side of you...my scent could be calming enough to make you human again." He told him then thought for a moment. "Or maybe you should place Your seal. Mark your territory by binding our souls, he can't hurt me using your body since I'll be protected by you." He explained. 
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vach shook his head again. "That's even more dangerous... he's too strong. Both of our souls would be destroyed, and he'd be able to use me as a catalyst forever."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vach shook his head again. "That's even more dangerous... he's too strong. Both of our souls would be destroyed, and he'd be able to use me as a catalyst forever."


"Wait...I know your eldest brother,sin...he's married to the son of death.. he's the demon of chaos." He said with his eyes widening in realization. he then started to think. " You should just tell him you plan on making me your mate, show dominance and turn me into a incubus... "
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad's eyes widened and he looked at Ru. "That's impossible... Sin's a full blood demon... I'm only a nephilim. Sin would destroy me."


"But he is your dad's favorite and he's my best friend...he knows me. He can help." he told him  blushing tilted up vad's chin. "Plus you aren't weak being the dominant so you make the first move."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"But... I'm not dominant... I'm by no means weak, but hell, we're talking about the overlord of hell and the second in line..." Vad said, his head cocked. "They're both far stronger than I'll ever be, because of my mother being human..."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"But... I'm not dominant... I'm by no means weak, but hell, we're talking about the overlord of hell and the second in line..." Vad said, his head cocked. "They're both far stronger than I'll ever be, because of my mother being human..."


"I mean you being dominant over me, vadvasvach. Once you have at least marked me we can talk to sin about things....I know him. He'll approve of things. But...it depends on if you do want to be with me...I mean I won't force you if you have no interest in me." He explained to him.
Vadvesvach Ziolur

"I still don't think he would. He's always demanding and protective of all my brothers, especially me. It's odd to think of a demon that way, but even demons honor familial ties." Vad huffed


Samuel Peters

"And I said I wasn't gonna promise that," Samuel said, trying to keep him down. He was having some trouble, but managed to pin his right arm against his chest. "God damn, would ya stay still? It's one fucking needle..." 

@Kai Hitachiin
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Juius smiled. "it was....but we have more than enough money...." He looked over at Jolin who was looking at...nothing. "Jolin? whats wrong?"

"man" He said quietly, before a portal appeared and Cadi's stepfather walked out of it. "aw man....im tired....and im out of Cadi.....i need to re fuel' 

Cadi gasped and started to back up, shaking his head, "im never going with you!!!" Though he ended up walking through a portal that was behind him and ended up clear across the rom by his step father. The man grabbed him. "alrighty....now that we have that taken care, i shall go" He had started to close the portal and when there was about 10 seconds left he hopped in. Making sure he couldnt be followed.

Cheshire blinked and tilted his head.  "¿Tú eres famoso?"


Bilal winced and bit his own lip. Tears came to his eyes because it hurt, but he just gave a small smile. "go on.....eat as much as you want~"

Edogawa took th music and listened to it, smiling slightly. "i love this song"

Est looked at him. "whatever you want my love"

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

15 put his hands over his heart and smiled. "friends" He whispered. It seemed like such a nice thing even though he wasnt sure what it was. Afterwards he put one hand on the spot that was kissed and closed his eyes. He could still feel it linger. It was so strange, the feeling of the kiss, but something so lovely about it it made his heart beat faster. This needed to happen more often because he enjoyed the feeling so much. 15 stood and walked over to Josh and leaned forward, kissing his forehead now. He gave a cute smile, even though his lips were hurt it still seemed cute. "doesnt it feel amazing?" he boy was learning slowly, and what he knew from a forehead kiss, was that it gave a feeling of warmth.



Rocco laid on the bottom of the pool, until he heard a baby cry and he swam to the top to see a beautiful little girl in the other males arms."awwww~~~"



Pittoo slowly awoke from his exhausted sleep. He was still tired from his "workout" earlier but he felt like he should get up and do something. The male got his clothes and headed to the showers only to think about the earlier event.



(sorry if i missed anyone :P  
Vadvesvach Ziolur

"I still don't think he would. He's always demanding and protective of all my brothers, especially me. It's odd to think of a demon that way, but even demons honor familial ties." Vad huffed


Samuel Peters

"And I said I wasn't gonna promise that," Samuel said, trying to keep him down. He was having some trouble, but managed to pin his right arm against his chest. "God damn, would ya stay still? It's one fucking needle..." 

@Kai Hitachiin

(Sin is one of my characters so I will be rping him)

"And yet again I'm friends with your brother, he actually knows me and he knows what I'm like..." he told him. he blushed and looked at him. "I know I like to flirt and tease you, but I'm actually really interested in you and I want to know everything about you..." He told him taking his hands in his own looking down. " I never wanted anyone this much in my life,vadvasvach....." He added and his face was bright red.
haha xD  its either my Anthro's or My prince dragon shifter <3 )

A large beam of light appeared, almost to a blinding point for the people looking. When the beam disappeared, there was a strange alien like orb, a large one. The orb lowered to the ground and it faded into nothingness. A male laid on the floor, looking very.....dead.


Josh looked at 15 in shock blinking slowly, he had gotten used to not touching anyone. The smile 15 had given him was adorable and he just couldn't help but give him a small smile back, his poor mouth, he really needed to help him clean that. "It feels new and different." He stood up and put a hand on 15's forehead again. "Some people get alienated from the feeling of someone else's touch. I'm one of them, but you, your learning it. You're gonna have a different feeling than me because I know what it's like, I'm just not used to it anymore." Josh decided to kissed 15 again where his hand was and so he moved his hand and leaned in to give him a kiss yet again. Once he did he turned around and grabbed the pants, he was feeling to awkward to look the boy in the face, and handed them to him. "Here the patch is done, they're good to go." As soon as the boy grabbed them he turned again and walked over to the bathroom to grab some cleaning supplies for 15's mouth. Josh grabbed the supplies that would work best and walked over to the bed. "Come here and sit, I'm gonna clean the wounds on your mouth." He put his hand beside him on the bed to indicate where he wanted 15 to sit. "Are you sure you don't want a different name than 15, it sounds so cold." @IkutoForever2222
haha xD  its either my Anthro's or My prince dragon shifter <3 )

A large beam of light appeared, almost to a blinding point for the people looking. When the beam disappeared, there was a strange alien like orb, a large one. The orb lowered to the ground and it faded into nothingness. A male laid on the floor, looking very.....dead.



Dorian was walking until he saw the figure on the ground and he stopped nudging it with his foot. The mouse demon  then crouched down before picking up the male and carrying him off. Dorian was very pretty and he dressed very different from the norm. 
The boy smiled at Josh's soft words and watched him as he left to go get supplies. As he did, he put his new pants on. The male walked over to the long mirror on the door that was on all the dorm rooms and looked at his reflection. Then he frowned and got flash backs of being created. In his vision he saw people in white coats staring at him, and green liquid was all around him. 15's eyes were glowing as he had the flashback and he didnt know that Josh wanted him to sit down. The vision didnt stop their. He had another flashback of a man talking to him as he sewed up his lips. {"we must sew your lips so you wont spill our secrets Fifteen"} 

The purple haired male was in a coma like state as he was carried off to god knows where. Yes he was alien, but a very rare kind. After about another 10 minutes he opened his eyes and looked over at Dorian. 

(just the eyes, thats the color of his )


Josh started at 15 as he was frozen in front of the door mirror. "15?" He asked. When he didn't answer Josh got up and put the supplies on the bed then walked over to the boy. He put a hand on 15's shoulder. "15 are you ok? What's wrong?" Josh looked him in the eye through the mirror @IkutoForever2222
15 gave a cry and the marks on his cheeks also glowed as he punched the mirror, the door blasted off and knocked down the door across from them as well. His fist was bloody and he blinked, looking around and his body trembled. "J-Josh...." He whispered out, in shock and hella confused as to what just happened.

Josh looked at 15 in shock. "15?..." He blinked confused and looked at 15's hand. "Are you ok?" He asked beginning to get worried about what had been going on in the boys head. The doors and mirror could be fixed but something was wrong with 15 and they had just met so Josh had no clue what he was really getting himself in but he knew he cared about 15 and couldn't leave him alone. "What happened? Where were you?" Josh looked at 15 in the eyes looking for the answer. @IkutoForever2222

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