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Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vadvasvach huffed and looked away. "Fine... but this doesn't mean anything. It's just a favor..." He picked Ru up, being surprisingly strong for being so skinny. He started carrying Ru to their dorm, keeping his head down to avoid the stares.

"Oh course !  it's like a dream come true. man, I wish I had a cub of my own..but helping you raise your little girl is close enough I suppose~" Grey's eyes started to shine some."i already have some stuff in mind..clothes anyway . "


Eris couldn't help but to luagh a little bit and blushed. Grey was something else. It was then he leaned over and gave grey a small kiss on the cheek. Before turning back forward. " I named her Eliza.." he told him. He then looked down noticing the egg moved a there was a light crack as a purple tail fin slapped itself halfway out of the blue shell. Eris' eyes grew wide.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vadvasvach huffed and looked away. "Fine... but this doesn't mean anything. It's just a favor..." He picked Ru up, being surprisingly strong for being so skinny. He started carrying Ru to their dorm, keeping his head down to avoid the stares.


He held onto vad with a sigh. He started at him with his multicolored eyes and blushed.  He realized that he was curious about vach. he wasn't like any guy he met. Roxanne wanted to know everything about him. It was odd that he became quiet nor was he smiling. "You can call me Roxanne...Ru is my nickname. I don't normally like others calling me Roxanne but....I want you to." He told him looking away.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"Alright..." Vad said quietly, nodding. He got to their dorm and laid Ru down on his bed. "Again, this was just a favor... it still doesn't mean anything..." He walked over to his own bed and sat down.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad shook his head. "I thought it just meant friends... but assuming from your next response after I said sure, I take it I'm wrong...?"


"It's like Your my friend  but you can also cuddle and have sex with me anytime you want..." He explained  grabbing a pillow and pushed it under his busted leg. "But I guess I'm not pretty enough for you...." He pouted.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"I don't know you enough..." Vad said, shaking his head. "And I don't want to hurt you again... I've already hurt too many people." He said quietly.

Grey blushed some and stood there in shock for a moment .  he was speechless ,  feeling a warm senstation inside .  he then turned towards the egg and smiled brightly . "Oh my gosh..is the...i..wow! " this was his first time seeing something like this." The name is perfect ! " 

Grey blushed some and stood there in shock for a moment .  he was speechless ,  feeling a warm senstation inside .  he then turned towards the egg and smiled brightly . "Oh my gosh..is the...i..wow! " this was his first time seeing something like this." The name is perfect ! " 


The top of the egg popped open cracking it. The egg wiggled as it hatched. The infant pokes her head out and makes a small whine. Eris helps her free from the rest of the egg and cleans her up in the water before cradling his baby girl in his arms . He made sure that he was the first thing Eliza saw. He wrapped up eliza in a blanket with a smile as she stared up at him. "Happy birthday,sweetie. " He murmured softly at his cooing child.
Grey eyes kept shining ,  looking at Eliza ."Aww...shes so perfect.  Congratulations again on your baby." The anthro smiled."wow, this really made my day!  I was feeling really depressed. "

Grey eyes kept shining ,  looking at Eliza ."Aww...shes so perfect.  Congratulations again on your baby." The anthro smiled."wow, this really made my day!  I was feeling really depressed. "


Eris patted the spot next to him.  He looked up at the cheetah."Hey grey, come meet eliza." He told him smiling and held his chubby infant daughter close to his chest.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"I don't know you enough..." Vad said, shaking his head. "And I don't want to hurt you again... I've already hurt too many people." He said quietly.


"You don't have to...also I don't mind if you hurt me....at least you're not doing it on purpose like my ex.." he told him. "My leg is just completely broken and it'll heal.."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad shook his head and looked away. "It wasn't that I didn't want to hurt you because you didn't want me to... I don't want to... I'm tired of it..." He said quietly. "I hate hurting people, but I can't help it..."

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad shook his head and looked away. "It wasn't that I didn't want to hurt you because you didn't want me to... I don't want to... I'm tired of it..." He said quietly. "I hate hurting people, but I can't help it..."


"I know, I know you don't want to hurt others vach. I know you didn't want to hurt me. It was a accident. That's why I don't mind..." He told him with a little smile. "Plus my regenration abilities help alot in these scenarios...so don't worry about it so much."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded and laid down, looking up at the ceiling. He was thinking about everything that had happened, which was odd, interesting, and annoying. More than anything, he thought about the odd person across the room from him he'd now have to spend a year with. I probably won't mind... he thought.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad nodded and laid down, looking up at the ceiling. He was thinking about everything that had happened, which was odd, interesting, and annoying. More than anything, he thought about the odd person across the room from him he'd now have to spend a year with. I probably won't mind... he thought.


Roxanne exhaled deeply and started humming. He puased. "Vad..hey could you get the box lunch I have in the fridge??"
Luke layed down with his boyfriend and bit his wrist then put it to Kasper's lips, "Here... This can heal you too... So drink... Im fine." Luke closed his eyes slowly and let his boyfriend drink his blood to heal him.

Kasper grabbed the wrist he was offered and sucked on it swallowing some of his blood. It wasn't long till he stopped licking his wrist tenderly.  He laid back down as his injuries started healing. he moved closer to his boyfriend. "... Luke,i love you...don't ever leave me" He murmured softly and tiredly snuggling up to luke.
Kasper grabbed the wrist he was offered and sucked on it swallowing some of his blood. It wasn't long till he stopped licking his wrist tenderly.  He laid back down as his injuries started healing. he moved closer to his boyfriend. "... Luke,i love you...don't ever leave me" He murmured softly and tiredly snuggling up to luke.

The wound closed and healed and Luke runs his hands in Kasper's hair. He looks down at his boyfriend sighing, "I love you too." Luke then looks up at the ceiling deep in thought.
-it's 9:18 pm, Tuesday, 4 days since the person I was doing this with last posted, and by the looks of it was last on, I think I'm just going to reintroduce my character-
Josh gave the boy yet another sympathetic smile. "Believe it or not, that's what most people think. Just give it time you'll learn things and understand more about why you're here. And don't worry about that last part, I don't really mind, it's not like I have friends, so maybe you're actually here to give me someone to spend time with." He gave a genuine smile and instinctively kissed 15's head and stood up moving his hand from his cheek to the top of his head, "Now just breath and I'll get the pants all fixed and then we can take care of your lips." He said as he went to go back to fixing the pants. @IkutoForever2222
The wound closed and healed and Luke runs his hands in Kasper's hair. He looks down at his boyfriend sighing, "I love you too." Luke then looks up at the ceiling deep in thought.

Kasper closes his eyes. He had finally seemed a bit calmed down. Luke's touch was soothing. He didn't think he could go through what they had to  again. He also knew he probably couldn't have another baby for a while.

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