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15 couldnt think of anything yet for a name. He kinda wanted someone to name him so he didnt have to choose himself. When Josh returned with some clothing, he examined him before looking at where the clothes go and put them on. The were big on him, but it was hella cute. He sat down on the edge of the bed. "thank you Josh...." He kinda wanted to cry because he didnt know what he was supposed to do in this world. His eyes filled with tears and reached up touching them. "i-im leaking....."

Takis Argyris

"Well, nice to meet y'all," Takis said, nodding. "Sorry for busting in like that... tried to knock first." He shrugged.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¿Lo siento? ¿Para qué?" Heliodoro asked, confused. He still had his hands on Cheshire's shoulders and he squeezed his arm a bit.

Josh watched him dress, the clothes were too big like he thought they would be but it kind of made him cute. He sat down to sew a patch on the pants. "Don't worry about it, it's not like I could let you walk around naked." When 15 said he was leaking Josh turned around. He immediately got up and stood in front of him and knelt, "You're just crying, it's what people do when they are either touched or sad. So why are you sad?" Josh said and put a hand on 15's cheek. Seeing his face up close it reminded him he needed to clean the boy's face, he'd do it in a minute after he sewed the pants and got him to stop crying. @IkutoForever2222
Julius shook his head. "nah its fine.....we dont often get visitors" {because we are the richest boys in school} he thought to himself.

"Ser demasiado pegajoso" (clingy = Sticky ) He covered his face.

"we have a person who will be rooming with you for a while, he needs to be with his own kind" The secretary removed the blanket so Eris could see Rocco's tail. Rocco was such a mysterious looking fish, but he was a sweetheart. His eyes glowed orange and his body was gray. Along with his hair, which was a little darker. Rocco gave a wave since he couldnt exactly talk with the helmet on.


Eris  nodded as he looked at Rocco. "Okay. Um can you get him to the pool room? My arms are kind of full at the moment.." he told the Secretary. He held his egg closely to his body and gestured with his head as he walked to a particular room. "Right here..."
"b-because.....i dont know anything....i feel as if im just a parasite latching myself onto this world..." He looked him in the eyes. "im sorry if im a nuisance....." He didnt even really know what he said even means, but  he was sure his feelings would come across.


The secretary helped Rocco into the pool, then left them to get to know each other.

Takis Argyris

"Mhm..." Takis said, looking around the room. "Damn, this has gotta be expensive... still really cool though."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro blinked for a second, and started laughing. "Eso está bien, usted no tiene que preocuparse por eso." He chuckled. "Además, las otras personas que realmente llego a interactuar ingenio son molestos los fans o la gente que tengo que vencer a la mierda de..."


Later bro
Josh gave the boy yet another sympathetic smile. "Believe it or not, that's what most people think. Just give it time you'll learn things and understand more about why you're here. And don't worry about that last part, I don't really mind, it's not like I have friends, so maybe you're actually here to give me someone to spend time with." He gave a genuine smile and instinctively kissed 15's head and stood up moving his hand from his cheek to the top of his head, "Now just breath and I'll get the pants all fixed and then we can take care of your lips." He said as he went to go back to fixing the pants. @IkutoForever2222 (It'S all good i have to go soon anyways since I'm heading home soon and it's a 4 hour drive)
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"I don't." He stated simply and removed the restraints completely as he offered his arm. "I am a animal, I care about nothing but him....drink my blood dry and save kasper, but I beg that you don't kill Lucius just break him." He explained. Demon blood was  definitely stronger than than a human's.  Kasper cried out with a yelp. He was in terrible condition.

"Not a chance..." Luke smirked then got up slowly and blurred behind Quin. Luke then bites into Quin's neck and took half of his blood then snapped his neck. Luke panted heavily, "Bastard." Luke then blurs behind Lucius and snaps his neck also then he walked toward Kasper, "We don't have much time... That will only slow him down. Luke picks Kasper up and blurs to safety.
"Not a chance..." Luke smirked then got up slowly and blurred behind Quin. Luke then bites into Quin's neck and took half of his blood then snapped his neck. Luke panted heavily, "Bastard." Luke then blurs behind Lucius and snaps his neck also then he walked toward Kasper, "We don't have much time... That will only slow him down. Luke picks Kasper up and blurs to safety.

Quin dropped down unconscious. Kasper hung on to luke with teary eyes burying his face into luke's chest. He was shaking terribly and sobbing hard. He was in pain both physically and emotionally. Their baby was dead and Kasper himself was lucky to be alive. Luke had been hurt."I'm a burden...this is my fault." He murmured in-between sobs.
Vadvesvach Ziolur

Vad became a bit flustered when he licked him. "Don't... do that..." Vad said, blushing and looking away. That was probably one of the few things that could embarrass him.

Vadvesvach Ziolur

Vad became a bit flustered when he licked him. "Don't... do that..." Vad said, blushing and looking away. That was probably one of the few things that could embarrass him.


Hearing those words set him off and Ru sat back down. He had a sparkle in his eyes. "Can we at least be friends with benefits?" He couldn't help asking.
Vadvesvach Ziolur

Vad might've been the son of Satan, but he was at least a bit innocent... what I mean is, he didn't actually know what a 'friend with benefits' was. "Okay.. assuming that doesn't have another meaning besides what I'm thinking..." Vadvesvach said cautiously.

Vadvesvach Ziolur

Vad might've been the son of Satan, but he was at least a bit innocent... what I mean is, he didn't actually know what a 'friend with benefits' was. "Okay.. assuming that doesn't have another meaning besides what I'm thinking..." Vadvesvach said cautiously.


Ru grinned and pressed his lips to vadvasvach in a heavy kiss. He then gave him a lick down the neck nipping at the middle of his jugular. He ran a hand up the nephlim's shirt running his his nail over his chest.
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad pulled back almost immediately and jumped up. "No... no, that wasn't what I thought..." Vadvasvach panted. Sweat was pouring from his forehead, and he felt a deep sensation inside his stomach, almost like a... fire. Oh shit... Vad thought to himself. He wiped off some of the sweat from his brow and looked around nervously. "I need to go..." He panted heavily, bolting out the door and out the dorms to escape burning the school down.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad pulled back almost immediately and jumped up. "No... no, that wasn't what I thought..." Vadvasvach panted. Sweat was pouring from his forehead, and he felt a deep sensation inside his stomach, almost like a... fire. Oh shit... Vad thought to himself. He wiped off some of the sweat from his brow and looked around nervously. "I need to go..." He panted heavily, bolting out the door and out the dorms to escape burning the school down.


Ru got up and something clicked. He chased after vad as fast as he could. His hooves clacked on the floors as chased after him. His horns and tail began to show as a pink fire emitted off him as he ran. There were many types of satyr and he was a breed know as a devil pan. They were called so due to them being mistaken for demons. it didn't take him long to catch up with vach and grab his arms yanking him close. His body was surrounded by pink fire as he seemed immune to it. His eyes glowed. "don't run away..."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

"No... I need to go.. I can't... not again..." Vad panted, struggling against Ru. Since he was currently skinny as hell, he couldn't break out of his grip. He looked at Ru and took a shaky breath. "If you don't leave now... you are going to die..." He said, his voice all of a sudden firm and commanding.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

"No... I need to go.. I can't... not again..." Vad panted, struggling against Ru. Since he was currently skinny as hell, he couldn't break out of his grip. He looked at Ru and took a shaky breath. "If you don't leave now... you are going to die..." He said, his voice all of a sudden firm and commanding.


"No. Not in a million years. You're like me...you are full of fire,vach." Ru told him and he hugged him tightly not letting him go.  He kissed his neck. "You can't hurt me.."
Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad just shook his head and sighed. "You fool... you've just killed the entire school..." Vadvasvach's voice was significantly deeper, and a ring of fire engulfed him. When it dissipated, he had turned into his demon form.


Vad picked Ru up by the neck and held him in the air. "Fool... you should've run..." He sighed, shaking his head.

Vadvasvach Ziolur

Vad just shook his head and sighed. "You fool... you've just killed the entire school..." Vadvasvach's voice was significantly deeper, and a ring of fire engulfed him. When it dissipated, he had turned into his demon form.

Vad picked Ru up by the neck and held him in the air. "Fool... you should've run..." He sighed, shaking his head.


Ru stared at him not struggling but grinned. "oohhh can call you daddy?" he asked. He wasn't afraid or worried one bit. Ru seemed confident in things. The pan himself was emitting pink fire and the fire from vadvasvach didn't effect him but mingled with his own flames in a sort of balance. Somehow it felt good and it seemed like Ru had a calming effect from his fire mingling with vach's. 
Vadvasvach Ziolur(Demon)

"Don't taunt me, bastard..." Vad growled, tightening his grip. He slammed Ru against a tree and ripped one of the many chains off his wrists, tying Ru around the tree. "Since you refuse to feel pain, I'll just have to destroy the others..." He said, turning towards the school. "Oh, imagine their screams, their horror... their burning bodies writhing on the ground... all because of you..." He said maliciously, turning towards Ru.

-the person I was doing this with hasn't written since Friday, should I wait a bit longer or just reintroduce my character to the story?-

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