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Takis Argyris

"No, it's fine..." Takis said. He took a step in and looked around the room. "Impressive setup..." 

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Bueno, supongo que es justo," Heliodoro said, grinning. "Estoy solo un poco paranoica..."

"I'm sorry to hear that...my Boyfriend dumped me to. i..kinda just isolated my self from others. your acutally the first guy to talk me in ages." he smiled." congrats on your baby! I didn't know merfolk hatached from eggs."


"Well it's no different than how harpies and gorgon lay eggs being closely related to avians and reptiles... mermaids are related to fish. " He explained as he held the egg close to keep it warm. He chuckled. "Is that so? Then we can be friends if you want."
"Wow, that's interesting !  I guess you learn something everyday huh? anyway, I would like to be friends .  besides, I want to see the cutie who hacthes from the egg~"grey said with a friendly smile

The boy slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the male, the first person he has ever met. He blinked at him and turned his head and you could see that his lips were sewed shut. He sat up and the jacket fell to just covering his crotch. He looked around, wondering what the heck everything was. he didnt even know what he was. He looked back at the other male and blinked at the ears on his head, then reached his hand up, wanting to touch one.


"we come here everyday...well...we were just on a trip so before we left we did" Julius laughed a little and threw a drum stick at Jolin and the boy became visible again, rubbing his now red forehead.

"b-brother..." His voice was sweet and small, a cute thing. Almost like candy.

"Estoy un poco celoso" He smiled and looked back at him. 

Jolin gave a small nod as a hello and sat down at the other piano and just looked between Cadi and Takis.

Julius rubbed the back of his head.  "im sorry....he is really shy" He cast a glance, more like a glare, to Jolin and Jolin seemed to disappear, but he was just blending in with his surroundings.

"Solo dije mirarme" Cheshire blushed and looked down.


well.....Rocco is more of a Fish boy......so he can only breath in air for a short amount of time....)


(Gives him a Wheelchair and special water helmet? Ohh and maybe eris' dorm has a pool too?)
yeah xD  they could have had it installed lol since he is a merman <3 )

Rocco was given a special helmet and decided it would be better if he was with another person, especially one of his kind. The moved to Eris's dorm room and knocked on it, pushing Rocco on a wheel chair with a blanket covering his tail so the cold air didnt irritate it. "excuse me?" The secretary called out.

Josh saw the stitches on the boys mouth and winced, that must have hurt a lot. He stood up straight to try and avoid the hand the boy had reached out knowing he was trying to touch his ears. "So much for telling me about what you're doing in a box." Josh said with a tiny sympathetic smile. "Can you stand?" He asked his features turning quizzical @IkutoForever2222.
Stand? What was that? He saw the other boy up on his two legs. Legs? Those seem nice, and handy. Haha hands.....handy. He tried to smile, but since his mouth was sewn closed it just made him wince and blood came out of the holes. He covered his mouth and slowly stood, wobbly, but he managed. He looked like a newborn deer trying to get up. The unknown male looked back at the person with the ears. This time he touched the males forehead, speaking with him telepathically. {Hi} He seemed so awkward already. 

"Wow, that's interesting !  I guess you learn something everyday huh? anyway, I would like to be friends .  besides, I want to see the cutie who hacthes from the egg~"grey said with a friendly smile


yeah xD  they could have had it installed lol since he is a merman <3 )

Rocco was given a special helmet and decided it would be better if he was with another person, especially one of his kind. The moved to Eris's dorm room and knocked on it, pushing Rocco on a wheel chair with a blanket covering his tail so the cold air didnt irritate it. "excuse me?" The secretary called out.


Eris nodded with a small smile and chuckled. "Yeah..I have a feeling she's gonna be pretty big, her daddy was pretty freaking huge. " He told him. he heard the knock on the door and went over to open it with the egg still cradled carefully in his arms in a blanket. He saw the two his eyes widened. "Hello, yes?"
Josh winced when the boy smiled seeing the stitches pull and rip a little. Damned that must have hurt. He flinched when the boy touched him, he really wasn't used to people or being touched. When he heard the word in his head, Josh pulled away and looked at the boy in shock for a minute. What the hell! he thought. After a second it occurred to him that he was at a school with a lot of different types and so he calmed down a little. "Hi." He hesitated and then realized the boy had let the jacket fall into the box. Josh reached down and picked it up." You might want to keep that on you and you might want to do something about those stitches on your mouth so that you can actually smile when you want to without ripping your mouth open." He gave another sympathetic smile. "Is there somewhere I can bring you?" @IkutoForever2222
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"we have a person who will be rooming with you for a while, he needs to be with his own kind" The secretary removed the blanket so Eris could see Rocco's tail. Rocco was such a mysterious looking fish, but he was a sweetheart. His eyes glowed orange and his body was gray. Along with his hair, which was a little darker. Rocco gave a wave since he couldnt exactly talk with the helmet on.

The boy shook his head. he didnt even know where he was, what this planet was called. He took his advice about the string that kept his mouth together. Slowly, he chewed the string that was on the inside and it snapped. Afterwards he pulled it out, then looked at his hands which had his fingernails painted black. "whoa....." He whispered. He finally smiled and blood dripped down his mouth and chin. "wherever you are going......"


GOT TO GO GUYS! <3 (might be on later depending on how cold it is outside )
Cool, later bro,

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Takis Argyris[/COLOR]

Takis cocked his head at the now a bit red Jolin. "Hey, are you alright?" He walked over and picked the drumstick back up, handing it to Julius, but he kept his eyes on Jolin. 

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Heliodoro Rinsaku[/COLOR]

"¿Celoso? ¿Por qué...?" Heliodoro asked, moving a bit closer to the Cheshire and looking at him.


[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]Vadvesvach Ziolur[/COLOR]

"What do you mean...?" Vad asked, looking over at him and cocking his head. He had a feeling he knew, but decided to ask anyways.

Josh winced yet again as he saw the blood run down the boys mouth. "Well I'm going to class and as for the fact that one, you are naked and two, you aren't a student you can't go there. So..." He thought for a moment. "I guess I'll take you back to my room and dress you for starters. Follow me." He said and immediately handed the boy the jacket and turned around and started to walk back to his dorm. @IkutoForever2222
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Cool, later bro,

[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]Takis Argyris[/COLOR]

Takis cocked his head at the now a bit red Jolin. "Hey, are you alright?" He walked over and picked the drumstick back up, handing it to Julius, but he kept his eyes on Jolin. 

[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Heliodoro Rinsaku[/COLOR]

"¿Celoso? ¿Por qué...?" Heliodoro asked, moving a bit closer to the Cheshire and looking at him.


[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]Vadvesvach Ziolur[/COLOR]

"What do you mean...?" Vad asked, looking over at him and cocking his head. He had a feeling he knew, but decided to ask anyways.


"Well you don't like me touching you and you don't eat...how am I supposed to pursue you,sweetie?" He asked simply crossing a leg over the over as he drew a finger under his chin. He licked his lips. 
Vadvesvach Ziolur

Vadvesvach sighed and looked at Ru. "Just... don't... it's not going to happen. Trust me, a lot of people have tried that before." Of course, that was before he kind of burned down their homes and their lives, but he didn't exactly feel like mentioning that.

Vadvesvach Ziolur

Vadvesvach sighed and looked at Ru. "Just... don't... it's not going to happen. Trust me, a lot of people have tried that before." Of course, that was before he kind of burned down their homes and their lives, but he didn't exactly feel like mentioning that.


"Oh really? And why not? You can tell me anything... you can trust little me." He told him sweetly. Ru had picked up on the fact vadvasvach was hiding something so easily. He also looked like he wasn't the type who would take no for a anwser.
Vadvesvach Ziolur

"I'm not hiding anything..." Vad lied, looking away. "Even if I was, I don't know you enough to trust you..." He didn't actually trust anyone. Even his own family(Which made sense, considering his father was kinda the overlord of hell...)

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Jolin blushed slightly and nodded a bit, looking at Takis because he was actually talking to him.

"Porque tus ojos estaban en todas partes pero en mí cuando te estaba besando" He puffed out his cheeks.

The boy nodded and followed the one with ears. "what do i call you?" He asked as he wiped the blood from his mouth. The punk like male had odd markings on his cheeks and he had a number on the back of his neck along with a bar code, so you could scan him.

Takis Argyris

Takis nodded and went back next to Cadius. "Hell, since I nearly broke your door down, figure I should probably introduce myself... Takis." He said, saluting them in the usual fashion he did.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Sí... de nuevo, solo estoy paranoico..." Heliodoro sighed, shrugging. "No te preocupes aunque no es que yo estaba tramando algo." He chuckled, kissing him lightly on the nose.

Josh kept walking without looking behind him. The boy looked a little odd, he had colorful hair and Josh just couldn't get over the fact that his mouth was actually sewn shut. Who could do such a thing? He thought in a bit of distress. He'd have to clean the boys lips to insure the holes would heal and not infect and he wasn't sure if the boy would even fit in his clothes, he was a lot shorter than Josh.  "Joshua or Josh, you can pick. What do I call you?" he asked feeling like he probably should. He opened his bedroom door and walked into his room holding it open so that the boy could walk in after him. @IkutoForever2222
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Julius gave a salute back to him, just respecting him, not that he actually usually did that. "I am Julius and this is my little brother Jolin"

Cadius gave a little wave. "C-Cadi...."

Cheshire looked down and let go of him. "lo siento...."

The boy walked in and looked around. "the only thing i know about myself is....15" He looked at him and pointed to the back of his own neck. "says it right here....so....i guess that is my name" He gave a small smile and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. "i wonder.....who taught me to speak? What am i? what is this place we are living in? how many other beings live in general? Are there other places like this? " 15 thought about it, but shook his head, he simply did not know. His brain felt like it would explode from all the questions that were built up. "what is my body made of?" He poked himself, not sure what to call this pale smooth stuff all over his body.

Josh closed the door and stared at the boy or 15 as he seemed to deem his name was. " Well if you don't like 15 you could just name yourself whatever you want. As for what you am, you seem to just be a normal human with telepathic abilities but I can't say for sure, you smell like one anyways, Who taught you to talk, Your body is made of bones, skin, tendants, muscles, and organs. The other questions I think can wait, For now lets get you dressed." He said and walked over to his closet and started to look for what might suit and fit the boy. He found a plain black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "The only thing is I have a tail so all my pants have a whole for it, I can sew a patch where the hole is if you don't mind waiting a little for the pants." He said as he grabbed the shirt, a pair of underwear and socks from his dresser and then turned to the boy. @IkutoForever2222

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