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"If I tell you then you have to promise to not do anything stupid..." Luke sighed and had no other choice since he couldn't compel Kasper to forget about it.

"I won't do anything stupid...who do You think I am?" He anwsered  exhaled deeply pointing to his stomach. "If I wasn't careful that wouldn't be a good idea.." he told him crossing his arms as he looked away blushing before staring at luke.
"i wasnt trying to make you feel uncomfortable....i was trying to make you feel good...." Cadi looked down, defeated.

Hisoka groaned in his sleep and tensed.


Noiz nodded and waited.

Adam gasped and closed the shower curtain, avoiding eye contact so he didnt see his scarred blind one.


Mew found the kit and got it walking by. He smirked. "... don't worry I didn't see anything. " He said chuckling and opened up the kit.
Takis Argyris

"Oh, whatever," Takis said, crawling over and hugging him from behind.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked at the spot where he had been and blinked. "Oh yeah... I forgot he was a demon..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro, on the other hand, was amazingly confused. "¿Que demonios?" He yelled, jumping up. 

Mei Rinsaku

"Dijo que tenía que irse al infierno ... no sé por qué." Mei said, shaking his head.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro thought back to Cheshire, with him disappearing and what not. Me pregunto si es un demonio... He thought to himself.

"I won't do anything stupid...who do You think I am?" He anwsered  exhaled deeply pointing to his stomach. "If I wasn't careful that wouldn't be a good idea.." he told him crossing his arms as he looked away blushing before staring at luke.

"Fine... I'll answer your questions... What do you want to ask me first?"
"Who is 'he' and what is going on,babe?" he asked tilting his head to look at luke with his red eyes.  Kasper blew some air and moved to face the hybrid. He waited for a explaination.

Luke looked up, "He's my doppelganger... And a doppelgangers main goal is to make their look-alikes life a living hell... He looks like me and has my genes... Hes the same but the only difference is hes the exact opposite of me but he can act like me... His name is Lucius... He gave me these scars as a reminder."
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Luke looked up, "He's my doppelganger... And a doppelgangers main goal is to make their look-alikes life a living hell... He looks like me and has my genes... Hes the same but the only difference is hes the exact opposite of me but he can act like me... His name is Lucius... He gave me these scars as a reminder."

"Well, then maybe it's time  leave a seal on you? Your  Doppler won't be able to mimic my binding seal, " he told luke. 
"If you do that then he will get one to... We are linked... He feeds on the humans while I choose the animal blood."

"Hmm...so how am I supposed to tell the difference if he pretends to be you?" he asked  pursing his lips. He tilted his eyes and moved a hand on Luke's cheek blushing. He then withdrew his hand. He then looked nervous. "Also, Luke...how do you feel about the idea of a...um... little one?" He asked raising a brow.
"Hmm...so how am I supposed to tell the difference if he pretends to be you?" he asked  pursing his lips. He tilted his eyes and moved a hand on Luke's cheek blushing. He then withdrew his hand. He then looked nervous. "Also, Luke...how do you feel about the idea of a...um... little one?" He asked raising a brow.

"That's the problem..." Luke sighed then blushed giving Kasper a strange look when he mentioned kids, "Your not serious are you?"
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"That's the problem..." Luke sighed then blushed giving Kasper a strange look when he mentioned kids, "Your not serious are you?"

He looked up giving a straight face but was blushing."Do I look like I'm joking?" He asked him. Kasper placed his hands on Luke's shoulders looking at him with his red eyes staring.
He looked up giving a straight face but was blushing."Do I look like I'm joking?" He asked him. Kasper placed his hands on Luke's shoulders looking at him with his red eyes staring.

"I can't... Your already in danger and adding a kid to the mix is not smart..."
(Sorry! I couldn't continue this RP because my monitor cord broke. I will create a new character and start fresh to prevent any more confusion!)
"I can't... Your already in danger and adding a kid to the mix is not smart..."

"Um... yeah but... it's a little too late for that." he whispered. Kasper looked away a little as his red eyes teared up. "I got myself checked out.... this morning..." He murmured and sniffles a little. "Sorry.."
"Um... yeah but... it's a little too late for that." he whispered. Kasper looked away a little as his red eyes teared up. "I got myself checked out.... this morning..." He murmured and sniffles a little. "Sorry.."

Lukes eyes spiked open as he blushes and looks down, "That's all the more reason to not get involved in this... He could kill the baby."

Kasper looked at up at luke with teary eyes like he was ready to cry. "Are you upset about this?" He asked softly to his boyfriend kasper blushing even redder. He wouldn't get involved so much since luke asked him not to. If he was going to have the child he might as well do what luke asked him to. He understood why luke was so protective over him and he had a feeling that luke was going to be more protective now that he knew that Kasper was pregnant and with his baby. he moved his arms slowly around Luke's shoulders as looked him directly in the eyes. He was shaking. "Luke....I won't get too involved if you don't want me too but, it helps knowing what's going on ... I'll even be able to avoid situations this way.." he told him tilting his head.  
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"Love you.." He mumbled back, before snuggling up to Orious. Daisuke then closed his eyes and drifted off to dreamland. 

Ori woke  later opening his eyes and shifted up right in the bed looking down at daisuke. He brushed his finger through his hair smiling. The vampire leaned down leaving a kiss on the human's cheek before getting up and going into the bathroom drawing water in the tub. He liked hot baths. He'd bathe then cook breakfast.
Azrael look at him and smile "hey i gotta ask u something. Does my story have any sence?" He ask him

Jason look at him "i see... hey kind how about you try to close your eyes and calm down. I want to help you " he said as he look at him 

 Aurelion look at him and though of something as he chuckle and lean on his as he bite on his ears teasing him "i want you to explore my Solar System" he said teasingly and laugh 

"Hm? Yeah of course I licked it off. You don't taste too bad." Agui gave a sly wink before looking even more amused. "Really now? Well sorry if I were to use magic to try to fix that situation I might have turned your dick into a freshly cooked hotdog."

Ori woke  later opening his eyes and shifted up right in the bed looking down at daisuke. He brushed his finger through his hair smiling. The vampire leaned down leaving a kiss on the human's cheek before getting up and going into the bathroom drawing water in the tub. He liked hot baths. He'd bathe then cook breakfast.

Daisuke was still sound asleep, snoring slightly. He had the habit to do so. Both snoring and sometimes even talking in his sleep. Which was rare for him to do. But whenever he did you can literally ask him anything and he would respond with nothing but the truth. It was funny how it worked.
Cadi blushed and looked back at him. "w-what..."

Cheshire appeared floating in the air next to Heliodoro. He whispered in his ear. "¿curioso?"


Adam wrapped a towel around his waist. "w-why are you in here...?"


HEHEHEHE xD  I had to <3



Bilal tilted his head. "of course it made sense.....i am really sorry you had to go through that..."

Edogawa sighed and looked off to the side, closing his eyes and calming down the best he could.

Est gave a moan, because his ears were one of his major sensitive spots, and he blushed darkly, looking at him. "i-i will gladly~"

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

"w-w-what!? a.....a hotdog...." He turned around and leaned his forehead against the wall.

Takis Argyris

Takis didn't say anything, just leaned his head on Cadius shoulder and smiled.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro jumped a bit at the voice in his ear. "En efecto..." Heliodoro said, looking at him as he floated in the air.

Mei Rinsaku

"He's... floating?" Mei said, really to himself. He pulled the blankets up to his neck, a bit embarrassed that someone he didn't know was in the same room as himself while he was naked.

Cadi smiled a bit and leaned on him a little as well.

He laughed and landed on the floor."Solo soy un amigo imaginario" He gave Mei a wink. "i can still see your body even if you try and hide it"


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