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Takis Argyris

"Damn!" Takis said, falling over. "Holy hell, you sure know how to tackle..." He laughed, putting his arms around him.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Amigo, vamos! ¡No viví veintisiete años y vine aquí de Río para mirar tu basura!" Heliodoro yelled, covering his eyes.

Mei Rinsaku

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should flaunt your nudeness..." Mei giggled, pulling him back on the bed.

Takis Argyris

"Mmm... well, what can I say? I love screwing with you. As I said, you're cute as hell when you're blushing." Takis said, grinning.

Mei Rinsaku

"Smell... death?" Mei said, confused. He couldn't smell anything, although he couldn't ever really smell anything. 

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Oh sí ... Maté a un agente del gobierno afuera." Heliodoro said, shrugging.

Mei Rinsaku

"Bueno ... Si fuera alguien más, me sorprendería. Supongo que realmente no puedo estar contigo haciéndolo ..." Mei sighed.

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"screwing me?" He said in a whisper with a red face. "with me..." He sat up straddling his leg. "EEEK!" He put his hands on his cheeks and wiggled. "NUUU bad thoughts go away!"

"oh? what did he say?" Hisoka asked.

Kennedy returned after the quick "test". More like punishment. He had been strapped to a heavy chair and dropped into a tank full of bad chemicals, then pulled him back up before dropping him in again. It was repeated and it felt like he was drowning. He walking through the dorm soaked and shivering. The small male coughed and held his throat from accidentally swallowing the chemicals. He made mad it halfway between Mei's dorm and his own before collapsing, but was still conscious.

Takis Argyris

Takis started laughing his ass off. "Holy hell... every time man..." Takis laughed. "I said screwing with you, as in messing with you... not screwing you..." He doubled over laughing.

Mei Rinsaku

"He said he killed a government agent..." Mei sighed. "If it was anyone except a family member, I would be surprised."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro heard the thump outside and sighed. "Uno momento, por favor..." He said, getting up and walking out again. He didn't see anything at first. He looked left, and there was nothing. He looked right, and he saw Kennedy's unconscious body. "Jesús jodido cristo..." Heliodoro said to himself. He walked over and picked him up, walking over to his dorm again and putting him in his bed. He leaned against the wall to wait for him to wake up.

He puffed out his cheeks and turned away with a huff. "w-what..."

Hisoka looked at him. "smells delicious~"

Kennedy opened his eyes. "Helio......doro....." His voice was raspy and he started coughing again. It hurt.

"True..." Agui glanced to the side before looking back at Pittoo. "How can I make that up to you?"



Daisuke was smiling for ear to ear when he was being showered with kisses. Honestly, who wouldn't? Daisuke never felt more in love before in his entire life. The boy was never going to forget this moment. He went red hearing his lover murmur in his ear. Daisuke bit his lower lip slightly before speaking up. "Th-then maybe we should go somewhere more private.." 

"True..." Agui glanced to the side before looking back at Pittoo. "How can I make that up to you?"



Daisuke was smiling for ear to ear when he was being showered with kisses. Honestly, who wouldn't? Daisuke never felt more in love before in his entire life. The boy was never going to forget this moment. He went red hearing his lover murmur in his ear. Daisuke bit his lower lip slightly before speaking up. "Th-then maybe we should go somewhere more private.." 

"Like my room? Sounds like a plan.."he whispered picking his boyfriend up bridal style and carrying him off quickly back to his dorm room. He set him down on the bed. Orious' room was a black and red  very victorian Gothic style as well as a little dark. He didn't flip on the light knowing it was probably best to leave them off.
Takis Argyris

"Exactly what I was talking about... if anyone brings up sex, you blush like all hell." He laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his head. "You're weird... I guess I already knew that though..." He giggled, kissing Hisoka on the cheek.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked up at Kennedy when he spoke. "¿Sí? ¿Estás bien?" He asked.

"because i have never had real sex....its only been rape....but when i imagine having sex with you....y-youre naked..." He got a nosebleed and laid on the floor, face steaming.

Hisoka smiled happily.

He gave a little nod, then pointed to his throat. Telling him he couldnt speak right now.

Luke smirks then sneaks into the recording room watching him, 'Now just who is this...?'  Luke blurrs into the room where Kasper was singing in and appears behind him and waits for him to notice him.

Kasper  finished up the song and removed his headphones. He looked  up seeing Luke looking a bit suprised. "what are you doing here?" He asked over the mike at him and looked rather unsure of what to do.he raised a brow and approached crossing his arms.
Kasper  finished up the song and removed his headphones. He looked  up seeing Luke looking a bit suprised. "what are you doing here?" He asked over the mike at him and looked rather unsure of what to do.he raised a brow and approached crossing his arms.

"I just wanted to check up on my roommate? Cant I do that?" Luke smiled then layed down on the couch staring at him, "Are you done now? Cuz I was thinking we should do something... Maybe go by the Lake in the woods?"
Takis Argyris

Takis laughed and laid next to him, wiping the blood off Cadius' upper lip. "Well... that's kind of a given, that I'd be naked..."Takis laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked over at him and smiled as well. "You always look so happy... It makes you look cuter." Mei said.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Si, si." Heliodoro said, nodding his head and leaning back against the wall.

Cadius blushed darker and looked at him with a vulnerable cute look. "i-i know......im sorry..." He whispered.

"im only happy cause you are with me..." HIsoka looked at him. "and im a stupid ass clown"

He looked off to the side, thinking about Takaba.

Takis Argyris

"It's fine... Besides, I think it's quite flattering you keep thinking about having sex with me..." Takis teased, laughing.

Mei Rinsaku

"Yes, but a cute stupid ass clown..." Mei giggled, snuggling into Hisoka.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro watched him for a bit while he was recovering. "Parece que estás pensando bastante profundamente ... ¿qué pasa?"

He got another nosebleed and looked off to the side. "p-please dont get me even more worked up...." He had a hard on.

"awww.....my baby!" He pinned him and kissed him.

"T-Takaba...." He whispered so his voice wouldnt hurt. "El hombre que mataste fue mi amigo....." He then gasped and held his chest before letting out a pained cry. His desk on the other side of the room cracked then exploded in a million pieces.

Takis Argyris

"'Worked up'?" Takis asked, not knowing what he meant. Of course, he looked down at Cadius' junk, assuming that's what he meant. "Ah... worked up..." Takis laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei kissed him back and laughed. "Hey, I'm no baby.... I mean, maybe your's, but I'm not a baby..." Mei said.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¡Kennedy! ¡¿Estás bien?!" Heliodoro yelled, rushing over to him. He ducked down to avoid some of the shrapnel from the desk, but quickly got back up. "¿Necesitas ayuda?" He asked.

"d-d-d-dont look...." He covered it with his hands and bit his lip harder than last time.

"my bae~?" He smiled down at him. "wanna get a lock on the door?"

Kenedy actually had memory takken from Mei when he was younger so he looked up at Heliodoro with teary eyes and said. "D-Duele hermano...."

"I just wanted to check up on my roommate? Cant I do that?" Luke smiled then layed down on the couch staring at him, "Are you done now? Cuz I was thinking we should do something... Maybe go by the Lake in the woods?"

Kasper shrugged looking at luke with his red eyes. The demon crossed his arms. "Oh really now? hmm...and yes I am done for the day." He replied and exhaled. he listened to  Luke's idea of wanting to do something. "That's rather specific, and what do you propose we do there?" He asked pursing his lips and tilted his head before smirking.
Takis Argyris

"Ah, it's fine. We're the only people here, and I don't give a damn if you have a boner or not." Takis laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"It probably wouldn't matter... half the people in this damn school could break it down or go through the door..." Mei huffed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¿Qué? Pensé que me dijiste que sólo te hacían parecer a Mei..." Heliodoro asked, confused.

"its embarrassing because its you..." Cadi looked over at him.

"eh thats probably true..." He chuckled.

"yo.....no...." He lost consciousness and was fading quickly. Of course this was a part of the experiment.

Kasper shrugged looking at luke with his red eyes. The demon crossed his arms. "Oh really now? hmm...and yes I am done for the day." He replied and exhaled. he listened to  Luke's idea of wanting to do something. "That's rather specific, and what do you propose we do there?" He asked pursing his lips and tilted his head before smirking.

"Well I dont know about you but I'd rather get cleaned up in a lake... Besides..." Luke sat up slowly stretching, "Since we can't have animals on school grounds... I had to keep mine back at the house still... I like home better than the dorms here." Luke got up groaning abit. Luke had gotten into a fight with someone before he came to the Academy and his healing factor wasn't really working right at the moment, But he didn't want to worry Kasper with it even though its taking its toll on Luke more so than any other normal Hybrid.
Takis Argyris

"Listen, you have to remember: I've lived with and commanded full grown men for a nice four years of my life. The shit I've heard makes me invulnerable to anything dealing with sex," Takis laughed. "Hell, they bragged about there sex lives every fucking chance they had."

Mei Rinsaku

"I mean... it sure as hell won't stop me though..." Mei grinned.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro blinked and looked around. He wasn't really sure what to do, as he wasn't trained in any medical care. Hell, he was trained to do the exact opposite of that. "Umm... Kennedy? ¿Estás bien?" He asked.

Cadi looked at him. "w-well.....im different.....have you ever had real sex before?" He asked.

Hisoka got off him and stretched. "i guess it would be dumb to go round three....we can wait a day or two...let your body have the chance to relax"

He didnt answer and his breath became faint.

Takis Argyris

"What? No, absolutely not..." Takis said, shaking his head.

Mei Rinsaku

"Hey, I'm tougher than you think..." Mei laughed, grinning. "But I suppose that's fair."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro heard his breathing thin a bit. "Umm... KENNEDY?!" He said, his voice growing louder as he started to panic. "Oh dios, oh dios!" He picked Kennedy up and started rushing to the main school building, not sure what to do.


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