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The waiter nodded writing it down. "A tea and blt club,a milk tea and red velvet cupcake? " Ori nodded and the waiter left them. orious tilted his head looking at his boyfriend. "Where do you want to go after this? " He asked while they waited for their food to come.

"I'm not sure... How about you decide this time?" Daisuke didn't know the town very well. Hell, he would probably get lost if Ori wasn't guiding him around. "I'm sure you have a place here that you find special..."
"I'm not sure... How about you decide this time?" Daisuke didn't know the town very well. Hell, he would probably get lost if Ori wasn't guiding him around. "I'm sure you have a place here that you find special..."

Ori thought for a moment. Maybe he'd take daisuke to the park gardens.  They were beautiful around this time."Okay. Then it's a surprise." He told his boyfriend with a playful smile before turning his head away coughing roughly. It wasn't long before the waiter came and brought over their food and drinks. Orious straightened up taking a sip of his tea. "I should cook for you sometime.." he murmured.
Ori thought for a moment. Maybe he'd take daisuke to the park gardens.  They were beautiful around this time."Okay. Then it's a surprise." He told his boyfriend with a playful smile before turning his head away coughing roughly. It wasn't long before the waiter came and brought over their food and drinks. Orious straightened up taking a sip of his tea. "I should cook for you sometime.." he murmured.

He nodded. Daisuke loved surprises. You know, if they are from someone he can trust. Though the smaller boy looked a bit worried seeing his lover cough so roughly. Daisuke thanked the waiter and took a bite from his cupcake, the frosting getting on the tip of his nose. "Mhm.. I expect you to...." He joked around. "But I'm sure your cooking is great." He smiles sweetly.
He nodded. Daisuke loved surprises. You know, if they are from someone he can trust. Though the smaller boy looked a bit worried seeing his lover cough so roughly. Daisuke thanked the waiter and took a bite from his cupcake, the frosting getting on the tip of his nose. "Mhm.. I expect you to...." He joked around. "But I'm sure your cooking is great." He smiles sweetly.

Orious ate his food with a hum taking another drink of his tea. When he finished he wiped his mouth with a napkin as noticed the frosting on daisuke's nose. Ori then paid the bill and laid his head on his chin watching him finish.

His boyfriend was absolutely adorable. He wanted to eat him up. he smirked then leaned over licking the frosting off daisuke's nose.  He then gave him a playful nip too before giving him a kiss.
Orious ate his food with a hum taking another drink of his tea. When he finished he wiped his mouth with a napkin as noticed the frosting on daisuke's nose. Ori then paid the bill and laid his head on his chin watching him finish.

His boyfriend was absolutely adorable. He wanted to eat him up. he smirked then leaned over licking the frosting off daisuke's nose.  He then gave him a playful nip too before giving him a kiss.

After eating the cupcake, Daisuke started to takes sips of his milk tea. Just before Daisuke finished his milk tea Orious leaned over to lick off the frosting on Daisuke's nose. "Ew! Ori!" Daisuke giggled. He gave Orious a happy kiss back. He loved this man.
Azrael smile and put him down "ey its alright i understand demons like u" he said with a chuckle and he got out from the water 

Jason walk out of the clinic and went to the room were the kid was "Stop!" He said as he look at everyone 

Aurelion sat up and look at the window and smile "its almost lunch break" he said as hs wore his crown and stood up "what would u like me to cook for u" he ask with a smile @IkutoForever2222
After eating the cupcake, Daisuke started to takes sips of his milk tea. Just before Daisuke finished his milk tea Orious leaned over to lick off the frosting on Daisuke's nose. "Ew! Ori!" Daisuke giggled. He gave Orious a happy kiss back. He loved this man.

A grin spread on Orious' pale lips as he move a arm around  daisuke's shoulders before standing up taking his hands helping him up. When they stepped outside the sun was starting to set making the sky a beautiful orange that slowly would become night. He then gazed at daisuke leading him to a particular park and into the back where the large garden was. He stopped and that was when he moved  his arms around his boyfriend's hips.
Cadi blushed. "it still is..."

Hisoka smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "eh.....he seems like a good big brother though....as you can see....my big brother is hella ridiculous..." He smirked.

Kennedy was caught by the boss and he drove off after chloroforming him.

Pittoo sat in the corner of his room and tried to calm down. His door was still open because he wasnt in the mood to close it.


Bilal stood and looked at the water. "death..."

the men all looked at him. They couldnt touch the boy so they werent hurting him, they just had him trapped. "stay back..."

Est smiled. "surprise me~"

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

"Yeah, good point.. you just look so cute when you're blushing." Takis laughed. 

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah... but he did beat your ass..." Mei laughed. "I'm not gonna let that live down. Ever."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro snuck up to the side of the bed where Mei was on. He waited a couple of seconds, but hopped onto the bed, growling and snarling.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei's eyes widened when he saw the hellhound(He didn't know he could turn into a hellhound). "Holy shit!" Mei yelled, falling out of the bed. He blushed and covered himself, looking at the hellhound. "What the fuck is that?!"

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro hopped off the bed and turned back into a human. "Eso es lo que obtienes por golpearme en la cara!" He laughed.

A grin spread on Orious' pale lips as he move a arm around  daisuke's shoulders before standing up taking his hands helping him up. When they stepped outside the sun was starting to set making the sky a beautiful orange that slowly would become night. He then gazed at daisuke leading him to a particular park and into the back where the large garden was. He stopped and that was when he moved  his arms around his boyfriend's hips.

Daisuke was amazed seeing the garden. "Woah...." His eyes were wide when seeing it. Everything was just so beautiful. The garden was very pretty at this time. It seemed like Orious knew this really well. Or he just so happened to take Daisuke there at the right time. Daisuke looked up at Orious who had his arms around Daisuke's hips. "You never cease to amaze me.." That was true. Everything Orious did today was just unbelievable. Including the events that happened before they went to town. 


Agui stopped at the doorframe of Pittoo's room. He knocked on it before slowly walking in, seeing Pittoo in the corner. The  taller male walked up to him and sat next to the angel. "Hey... There's nothing to be ashamed of.." He said softly to the angel. Agui wanted to give him a pat on the shoulder or something but he had to avoid physical touch for a while until Pittoo is okay with it.


 Kasper was sitting alone as he  play a piece of music and starting to nod his head at first slowly. He then began to sing as he brought the computer mic close closing his eyes. His voice was actually rather beautiful for a guy. Art and music were the thing he was interested in while being good at. He was even the artist known as ghost cat who never showed his face only his artwork and even wore masks when he did gigs or interviews persay.
He was surprised seeing the angel's true personality. "Why should you be ashamed for just one moan?" Agui asked gently. "I said 'please' in the worst way with a lot of students watching and hearing it." He sighed a bit remembering, he'll never unlive that. "There's no need for you to be ashamed.." Agui holds back a gentle smile. "Besides your moan was pretty cute..." He mumbled.

Takis Argyris

"Bullshit. You look cuter than a fucking kitten riding a skateboard." Takis laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked a bit flustered as he got back onto the bed, and under the covers. "Eso me asustó la mierda..." Mei said quietly.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Te lo mereces," Heliodoro said, going and sitting down across the room. "¿No pueden por lo menos ponerse ropa mientras estoy aquí?" He sighed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei laughed a bit and looked at Hisoka. "He asked why we can't at least wear clothes while he's here..." He looked back to Heliodoro and said, "Es mucho más caliente, por eso ..."

Daisuke was amazed seeing the garden. "Woah...." His eyes were wide when seeing it. Everything was just so beautiful. The garden was very pretty at this time. It seemed like Orious knew this really well. Or he just so happened to take Daisuke there at the right time. Daisuke looked up at Orious who had his arms around Daisuke's hips. "You never cease to amaze me.." That was true. Everything Orious did today was just unbelievable. Including the events that happened before they went to town. 


Agui stopped at the doorframe of Pittoo's room. He knocked on it before slowly walking in, seeing Pittoo in the corner. The  taller male walked up to him and sat next to the angel. "Hey... There's nothing to be ashamed of.." He said softly to the angel. Agui wanted to give him a pat on the shoulder or something but he had to avoid physical touch for a while until Pittoo is okay with it.


Orious  then began by kissing  his forehead then moved down to his eyelids then nose and mouth.  He then moved down continuing down his neck then down his shoulders as he showered daisuke in kisses even kissing his palms and fingers. he paused briefly tilting his head with his lips a inch from his boyfriend's. "I want make love to you..." He murmured  softly in the human's ear.
((Where do I go to sighn my character up?))


 Kasper was sitting alone as he  play a piece of music and starting to nod his head at first slowly. He then began to sing as he brought the computer mic close closing his eyes. His voice was actually rather beautiful for a guy. Art and music were the thing he was interested in while being good at. He was even the artist known as ghost cat who never showed his face only his artwork and even wore masks when he did gigs or interviews persay.

When Luke arrived at the Academy the first thing he did was set up his room. Luke couldn't help but look at his roommate things. He wanted to find him first so he picked up some of his roommates things then he closed his eyes sniffing his clothes. Once Luke picked up his scent he opened his glowing eyes slowly then stood up and blurred to Kaspers location following his scent.
"True..." Agui glanced to the side before looking back at Pittoo. "How can I make that up to you?"



Orious  then began by kissing  his forehead then moved down to his eyelids then nose and mouth.  He then moved down continuing down his neck then down his shoulders as he showered daisuke in kisses even kissing his palms and fingers. he paused briefly tilting his head with his lips a inch from his boyfriend's. "I want make love to you..." He murmured  softly in the human's ear.

Daisuke was smiling for ear to ear when he was being showered with kisses. Honestly, who wouldn't? Daisuke never felt more in love before in his entire life. The boy was never going to forget this moment. He went red hearing his lover murmur in his ear. Daisuke bit his lower lip slightly before speaking up. "Th-then maybe we should go somewhere more private.." 
When Luke arrived at the Academy the first thing he did was set up his room. Luke couldn't help but look at his roommate things. He wanted to find him first so he picked up some of his roommates things then he closed his eyes sniffing his clothes. Once Luke picked up his scent he opened his glowing eyes slowly then stood up and blurred to Kaspers location following his scent.

"And there's nothing that  I can do except bury my love for you...the brightness of the sun will give me enough...to bury my love for you...bury my love in moon dust...I long to hear your voice.. but  still i make the choice..to bury my loveee ..in the moon dust. " He sang out. he was recording his singing and he seemed to moving to the rhythm a little with his hand on the side of his headphones.  He was tall with pale skin and tattoos, red eyes, and Raven black hair. 
"And there's nothing that  I can do except bury my love for you...the brightness of the sun will give me enough...to bury my love for you...bury my love in moon dust...I long to hear your voice.. but  still i make the choice..to bury my loveee ..in the moon dust. " He sang out. he was recording his singing and he seemed to moving to the rhythm a little with his hand on the side of his headphones.  He was tall with pale skin and tattoos, red eyes, and Raven black hair. 

Luke smirks then sneaks into the recording room watching him, 'Now just who is this...?'  Luke blurrs into the room where Kasper was singing in and appears behind him and waits for him to notice him.

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