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Takis Argyris

"Oh, no you don't..." Takis said, hugging him back. "I don't think I would even if you did..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei laughed. "Mainly because I don't want him to see us completely naked again..." He crawled over and snuggled next to Hisoka.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Espera, ¿pueden hacer copias de personas? Eso es raro ... ¿No significa eso técnicamente que somos hermanos?" Heliodoro asked, blinking and looking at Kennedy.

Cadi looked at him, then looked away with a small smile, staying silent and enjoying the peace.

Hisoka held him close and stroked his arm for relaxation.

He gave a small smile. "Acabo de cabiar para que parezca Mei" He closed his eyes a stretched a little.

"I-I'd like milk tea and a red velvet cupcake." He gave the menu to the waiter. Daisuke fixed his hair which was covering his face and moved it to the side. The smaller boy smiled shyly at his boyfriend. 

The waiter nodded writing it down. "A tea and blt club,a milk tea and red velvet cupcake? " Ori nodded and the waiter left them. orious tilted his head looking at his boyfriend. "Where do you want to go after this? " He asked while they waited for their food to come.
Takis Argyris

Takis smiled as well, turning into a dragon and laying next to Cadius.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei smiled softly and kissed Hisoka. "Hell, gotta say... this is hella lot better than going to class." He laughed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Eso es raro ... Y espeluznante como el infierno. Pero siempre hicieron una mierda extraña con Mei, así que no me puedo sorprender ..." Heliodoro sighed.

Cadi leaned against him and closed his eyes, never wanting to be seperate from him.

"right? to bad we cant do this every day..."

"Deberías ir antes de que te hagan daño" He looked away and bit his lip.

Takis Argyris

Takis smiled and looked at Cadius. "How long have I even been here? I probably should've gone to classes... but fuck it." He laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Hell, who said we couldn't?" Mei laughed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro shrugged and said, "Lo haré si quieres, pero sé que no me pueden lastimar. Ya les he peleado antes."

"sorry....you can go if you want...." Cadi gave him a small smile, but his eyes showed that he didnt want him to leave.

"oh? have i turned you naughty?" He smirked at Mei.

He blinked when he realized he now understood him and that he could actually talk back. What happened? Two minutes ago he had no idea. "Sería mejor para ti ... si te fuiste ... lo siento" He gave him a small smile. "Ellos me conseguirán eventualmente..."

Takis Argyris

Takis shook his head. "Hell naw. I'd rather be here than in class every damn day. I already know all the shit they teach us in class..." 

Mei Rinsaku

Mei laughed a bit. "It isn't that you changed me... I've always been like this. I'm just very, very good at hiding it."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"No, yo entiendo ..." He said, nodding his head. He walked to the door, and right before he left, he looked back and said, "Si me necesitas de nuevo, ven a buscarme. Probablemente estaré aquí un poco por mi hermano ..." He sighed with this last part and walked back down the hall towards Hisoka's room.

"i dont....i never really got te chance to go to classes" He gave a sad sigh. "but thats fine now that im with you.."

"oh? well....now i know something we have in common....we are both bad boys" He whispered in his ear the last part.

"Gracias...eres una buena persona..." He rolled over and coughed a bit.

Takis Argyris

"Eh, you don't really need much education anyways." Takis sighed. "I pretty much stopped mine at fourteen when I joined the army, and I turned out fine."

Mei Rinsaku

"Well... you're probably a bit worse than me," Mei said, grinning and stretching. He jumped(But not out of the bed this time) when Heliodoro walked in again.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro walked back in and looked at them. It took him a second or two to comprehend, but he figured out what they had done... again. "Dios jodido maldito! ¡Me fui por diez malditos minutos, y ustedes se follan!" He yelled, throwing his hands up and walking back out.

Mei Rinsaku

"Förbaske mig..." Mei sighed, cursing in Swedish. "No te sorprendas ..." He yelled out to Heliodoro.

Cadi smiled and looked around the tank for any signs of life, there was none. "we need to gather merman all around the world here....that would be nice...."

Hisoka smirked and stuck his tongue out at him childishly and held Mei closer.

Takis Argyris

"I wonder how many there are though? That would be pretty badass though, a merman sanctuary..." Takis grinned. "I think he said they've only found him and another though.. and the other one isn't a merman now..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¡No te burles de mí! ¡Vístete para que te patee el trasero!" Heliodoro yelled.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his head at him. "No, no lo harás hermano. Ya te dije que tengo edad suficiente para tomar mis propias decisiones." He kissed Hisoka, if only to piss Heliodoro off more. Which worked.

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Takis Argyris

"I dunno... I mean, they're kinda creepy. Not Rocco, at least, but some of the stories I've heard about merfolk are pretty fucked up..." 

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Dios jodido maldito!" Heliodoro yelled, igniting his fist and jumping towards Hisoka. 

Mei Rinsaku

"Tech Protocol 48-B" Mei said, and the parts of the mask he had taken off extended the bars from across the room to clothesline Heliodoro in his tracks.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¡Mierda!" Heliodoro said, falling to the ground clutching his face. "¡Su máscara es una mierda!"

"really? i couldnt imagine any of them being scary" Cadi laughed a little.

Hisoka busted up laughing.

Kennedy was found by the government and couldnt bring himself to call out for Heliodoro. He bit his lip and walked with them after getting punched in the stomach for misbehaving.

Takis Argyris

"I dunno... just something seems off about them... like, how does their anatomy even work? They have gills and lungs... I just think they're weird..." Takis said

Mei Rinsaku

Mei grinned and looked at Hisoka. "Ah, the powers of technology..." Mei laughed, leaning his head on Hisoka's shoulder.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Mierda santa..." Heliodoro groaned. "Mei, te conseguiré por esto ..."

"i think they are beautiful" Cadi smiled cutely.

"right?" Hisoka was so happy he could take Mei again.

Of course the guy had to open his mouth as they passed Mei's dorm. "what te hell were you thinking Kennedy? the boss is furious....you are in so much trouble..."

Takis Argyris

"I mean... they're very graceful, just kinda creepy..." Takis said. He looked over at Cadius and grinned at seeing his smile. "You look cute as fuck when you smile," Takis laughed, kissing him.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro heard someone mention Kennedy outside. He glanced at the door for a second, then looked back at Mei. "Espera un segundo ... Necesito ir a hacer algo. Te patearé los traseros más tarde." He said, walking out.

Mei Rinsaku

"No te dejaremos hermano..." Mei called after him as he shut the door.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro closed the door behind him and looked at the agent and Kennedy. "Oye, oye! ¿A dónde vas con él?" He yelled after them.

Cadius blushed darkly before closing his eyes and kissing back.

Hisoka smiled. "bye~"

Kennedy looked back at him and just shook his head. "No...." The government rested his hand on his gun just in case.

Takis Argyris

Takis looked at him and grinned when he had pulled away from the kiss. "I know exactly how to make you blush..." He laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei sighed as he watched Heliodoro close the door. "It's nice seeing him again, but I wonder... I thought the government killed him? I watched them shoot him in the stomach..." He scrunched up into a ball.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro noticed the gun and shook his head. "Las balas no harán nada. Deja al chico en paz, o te juro que te mataré ..." He growled, igniting his fist.

Cadi puffed out his cheeks. "so cruel~"

"really? wow...wonder how he got out of that one..." He thought.

The man pulled the gun and started shooting at him.

Kennedy gasped. He heard him say bullets dont effect him, so he hoped it was true.

Takis Argyris

"Ah, whatever," Takis laughed, stretching a bit. "Hell, it's too easy. I can either kiss you or talk about sex. Either of 'em work."

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah... I guess I'm glad. Except when he walks in after we just have sex and makes a fit..." Mei huffed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro stood there getting shot, staring him down and not saying anything. Once he had ran out of bullets, it was clear the bullets had hit him, as there were several clear bullet holes. Slowly, magma started to seep out from the walls of the holes and grow back into skin and flesh. Once they had healed, Heliodoro turned into a three headed hellhound and jumped the agent, completely fucking him up.


Cadi gasped and looked away. "you tease too much!"

Hisoka nodded. "sorry to say....but he is annoying..."

Kennedy cried out and was in total shock. He then got out of shock and yelled at Heliodoro, his yell blasting him back, but not doing any harm. He crawled over to the bloody dead government man. "T-Takaba...." He cried when he saw he was dead and laid his head on his bloody chest. "Ahhhh!!!" He cried hard then looked at Heliodoro. "i told you no!!" He was all bloody now. Kennedy stood up and ran off, crying still.


gtg im chilled to the bone my fingers are stiff :/  
Takis Argyris

"Yeah, I know. But it was true." Takis laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah, I know... but he's the only family member I even have alive. I just have to live with it..." Mei sighed. "But at least he can't do anything when he's gone..." Mei laughed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked at the agent's dead body without a hint of remorse or regret. He simply stared at the corpse as Kennedy ran off. He remembered being forced to watch the horrific things they did to Mei. Having to watch his whole family die, for no reason. The carelessness with which they destroyed people's lives. He refused to feel guilty about this. He walked to Hisoka's door, and waited for a second. He opened the door slowly, still as a hellhound, and crept in so that he couldn't be seen.


xD  Alright, later bro.
"H-Hey wait! There's nothing to be embarrassed about!" Agui really didn't mean to do any of this. Well he technically did but he didn't mean to make Pittoo cry! Great. Agui felt like an ass again. He chose to run after the angel, quickly catching up with him. "Wait up!"


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