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Takis Argyris

Takis looked over at him. "Is... something wrong? You seem distraught..."

Mei Rinsaku

"You're so fucking lucky he doesn't know English... I am too though... I mean... I can at least tell you how sexy you are..." Mei laughed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Mei, no sé lo que estás diciendo, pero no creo que me guste ..." He sighed towards Mei.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei just rolled his eyes and said, "Está bien hermano, sólo estábamos diciendo que estamos felices de que estés aquí ..." Basically, Mei was just lying to him about what they were saying.

Azrael panic and take out the melting ice and grab him as he ran to the pool and he got down macking his cloths wet "wwwoooo cold cold cold!!!"  . He then take bibal and put her down the cold water gently 

Jason woke up and look around "the kid? " he ask as he sat up and look around "nurse were is thd kid?" 

Aurelion look at him and smile "its alright.. go to sleep est and take a rest u need it" he said with a smile

Cadi shook his head. "im fine...."

Hisoka laughed and hugged Mei tighter.


Bilal shivered and his body cooled off fast. He slowly opened his eyes. "hmm?"

"he is being punished for hurting you..." She said quietly.

Est shook his head and smiled. "i think i have slept enough...."

@Astaroth Suzumiya*
Takis Argyris

"Okay... but don't lie to me again..." Takis said, holding his hand.

Mei Rinsaku

"Mmm..." Mei sighed happily. He looked up at Heliodoro, then back at Hisoka. "Since we were talking about it... holy shit, you're sexy when you're naked..." He laughed.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro watched them with a wary eye, but didn't object. Even though he was obviously a bit pissed still.

He had another guilty expression, he bit his lip afterwards and looked down. "sorry....i....might be.....a vampire..."

Hisoka got turned on by him saying that. "you are cute when you are....your little butt is so plump and sweet..." He licked his lips again.

Takis Argyris

"Yeah, I thought so..." Takis sighed. "Still doesn't change anything. I mean... I've dealt with some crazy ass shit, nothing really disturbs me at this point." He laughed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei giggled a bit at Hisoka's last line. "Hey know, we can't let him know what we're doing... and getting me turned on isn't exactly helping..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked a bit suspicious at what they were saying, but didn't intervene yet.

"well......my stepfather let a bunch of vampires.....do things to me....so it was always a possibility....i-im so sorry...." He teared up.

"well..." He nudged his lower half against him, proving that he was turned on too. His you know what was hard. "i am too....we may have to kick him out real quick or round two..."

Takis Argyris

Takis squeezed his hand reassuringly and looked at him. "You don't have anything to be sorry for... it's okay..." He hugged him to try to comfort him.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei raised an eyebrow at him. "Damn... I want to, but the chances of it happening are low..." He looked at Heliodoro for a second, before looking back to Hisoka. "We can try... I really wanna... but I don't think it'll happen... at least, for now."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro noticed the two getting closer and said,  "No tienen ideas inteligentes ahora..." 

Mei Rinsaku

"Si quieres que sea honesto, es demasiado tarde"... Mei said. He was only responded with a sigh from Heliodoro. "Whatever... he'll leave eventually anyways..."

Cadi hugged him back, as soon as he did, his vampire instincts took over and he bit his neck.

Hisoka huffed, annoyed. "we can do what we want...."


gtg charge my comp, may or may not be back on)
Alright, cool.

Takis Argyris

Takis flinched at first when Cadius bit him, then just sighed. "Ya know, I really feel like I should've seen that coming..."

Mei Rinsaku

"Again, he has to leave eventually... hopefully soon. I want you again..." He whispered.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked at his watch and something on his phone. He put it away and said to Mei "Necesito salir pronto ... Tenía que hacer algo mientras estuve aquí como parte de un acuerdo para que me quede un poco fuera del trabajo..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked up with a mixture of surprise and happiness. "¿Oh enserio? Eso es una lástima ... quiero verte más. Asegúrese de que sigue cayendo." He looked up at Hisoka. "He said he needs to leave soon... speak of the devil." He grinned.

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After about a minute of taking blood, Cadi stopped with a gasp. He pulled back and looked at him with horror filling his eyes. "im so sorry!!!" He scooted far away from him. "i-im a monster..." The amount of blood Cadi took would probably just make Takis dizzy.

Hisoka grinned. "hey....im the only devil that needs to be here."

Kennedy was walking past the dorm, the government man grabbing his arms. "You need to go back to the base....the boss need to do another experiment..."

He shook his head. "i have school! im tired of being an experiment.....tell him to fuck off and go experiment on-" Kennedy was tasered and he gasped before falling over out cold. 

Takis Argyris

Takis just shook his head and sighed. "It's fine... I've had far worse happen to me anyways. Trust me, blood is nothing to me at this point. I've had loads of it taken already..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei grinned. "Hell, I can't lie..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro was about to say something else to Mei, before he heard a thump outside. "Uno momento, por favor," He said, walking outside. He noticed Kennedy on the ground, and started yelling. "Woah, ¿qué diablos ?! ¿Quién diablos hizo esto?" He looked up at the government agent, and noticed he had a taser. "Amigo, ¿qué demonios hombre ?! ¡Es sólo un cabrón! ¡¿Por qué harías eso?!" He noticed Kennedy looked a lot like Mei, and a slow rage started to build up. "Estoy cansado ... del puto gobierno golpeando la mierda de los niños!" He ignited his fist and jumped the agent, pummeling the motherfucking shit out of him.

Cadi shook his head. "i cant believe i did something like that to you....."

Hisoka laughed, then watched the spanish boy walk out. "oh? getting involved with that Kennedy isnt a good idea....your brother could be in danger..."

The government official ended up passing out with a bloodied face and burnt.

Kennedy slowly regained consciousness. "wha-" He winced cause his body was still being affected.

Takis Argyris

Takis just shook his head. "It's fine... I mean, if you are a vampire, you do need blood..." He moved back over to Cadius and turned into a dragon.

Mei Rinsaku

"I'm sure he'll be fine... he's really tough... I think he cage fights, if I remember..." Mei sighed. He shook it off and smirked. "So... are we gonna?"

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro got up and kicked the agent's unconscious body for good measures, before looking down at Kennedy. "Eh... Chico ... ¿estás bien?" He didn't think he'd be able to understand him, but he figured it was worth a shot.

Cadi looked at him. "i still feel bad...."

He laughed. "wow....thats actually pretty cool..."

Kennedy tilted his head cause he didnt know spanish, but he has picked up a few words. "m-muy bien...." He slowly sat up, but his arms wiggled and he fell again.

He was surprised to see Pittoo threaten someone with a sword. Yep. Agui definitely was interested in this guy. Well he made it to his dorm. "Yeah. I would like to know your name." This angel never gave his name nor did Agui. 

Takis Argyris

"Don't... it's fine..." Takis said, kissing his cheek. "Again, if you are a vampire, it's fine. It's just normal."

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah... I don't think I'd have the balls to do it..." Mei laughed. He looked up at Hisoka and smiled, grabbing his butt. "Second devil entered the room..." He teased.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"Ah ... bien ... ¿cómo te llamas?" He asked as he extended an arm to help him up.

Cadi gave a small smile. "thank you..."

"oo la la..." He pinned him and kissed his ear lovingly and teasingly.

"Gracias.....um....Kennedy..." He took his hand and slowly stood, but leaned against him for more support.


gtg now xD  babysitting! grrrrrrr
"I'm Agui." He said loud enough for the angel to hear. "And will I ever meet you again Pittoo?" Agui wanted to know this, he had to know if he'd ever meet this very interesting angel again.


(Dang have fun babysitting!)
xD  Later bro

Takis Argyris

"Well, of course..." Takis laughed. "It's not like I'd hate you forever for it. Again, I've had a lot worse happen to me than just getting bitten."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei laughed a bit at Hisoka. "Pfft... so silly..." He giggled, kissing Hisoka.

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked down at him. He had a feeling he didn't quite completely grasp Spanish, but at least he could understand him a bit. "Umm ... ¿eres un estudiante aquí? ¿Tienes un dormitorio?" He asked, looking around.

Daisuke smiled at the waiter kindly then happily glanced at the menu. He then looked up at his boyfriend who murmured his name. The smile was still on his face as he gazed into Orious' velvet eyes. "Yes?" Daisuke asked softly. Honestly soft is one of the few tones Daisuke had. It was rare for him to use a rough tone or an enraged one to anyone. It was just in his nature.

"Will you spend immortality with me?" He asked suddenly due to what he asked earlier while they had been walking. He had leaned over staring at his boyfriend with a serious look. He definitely hoped daisuke would accept. 
"Will you spend immortality with me?" He asked suddenly due to what he asked earlier while they had been walking. He had leaned over staring at his boyfriend with a serious look. He definitely hoped daisuke would accept. 

He chuckled lightly at Orious then leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Of course!" Crap. Too loud. Daisuke blushed slightly in embarrassment over his volume. He covered his face with his hands for a good 5 seconds before uncovering his face and slumping in his chair. "I-I mean of c-course.." 
He chuckled lightly at Orious then leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Of course!" Crap. Too loud. Daisuke blushed slightly in embarrassment over his volume. He covered his face with his hands for a good 5 seconds before uncovering his face and slumping in his chair. "I-I mean of c-course.." 

Ori grinned slowly. "Je'taime.. daisuke." He murmured in his boyfriend's ear kissing his ear. He then glanced back at the menu one last time as the waiter came over asking for their order. "I'll have tea and the blt club.."orious said and closed his menu passing the menu over. Orious had no need to eat but he liked it and mostly ate for the taste. He even loved to cook. The waiter glanced at daisuke. "And for you sir?"
Azrawl look at him while he hold them in the water "are u alright?" He ask him

Jason stand up "no this cant be." He said as he ran outand the bandage around him breaks 

Aurelion smile and kiss him "mee too" he chuckle and sit up


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