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Takis Argyris

"Go figure... I still don't think I'd ever approach one of them, even if I was immune to poison..." Takis laughed. Snakes and spiders were two of the only things he was scared of."

Mei Rinsaku

"Yeah, definetely..." Mei said, smiling. He kissed Hisoka as he started to undress. (FADE. Or one more post, if you want to fade.)

Takis Argyris

Takis looked down at Cadius when he fell asleep. "Yeah... he doesn't get much sleep, from what he told me..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was, once again, staring at Hisoka once they had finished. He had a small smile on his face, but was completely silent.

Rocco gave a small smile. "what a sweet child......take care of him....people like him need to stay precious forever...." He laid down on the rock and sighed, wishing he had a lover.

Hisoka was slowly falling asleep, in a dozing state where he was oblivious to everything going on around him. He was tired.

Takis Argyris

"Yes, I'll try my best... but from what I gathered, he doesn't really leave this area much. So it shouldn't be too hard.." Takis sighed.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei kissed him and put his arms around him. "Damn..." was simply all he said, before he fell asleep.

Agui quietly observed the angel quietly, not even noticing the spider. He was too focused on finding the weak points of Pittoo. But then he looked back seeing the spider he just passed and now that you mention it Pittoo did walk around the spider. He looked back at Pittoo. "You like spiders?" He questions, seeing that Pittoo walked around that spider he either hated or liked spiders.

"yup.....i like the way they trap their victims, then slowly eat them" He said almost demonically, then laughed. Though as they walked by people, he moved his wings away so they wouldnt touch them. "whats your dorm room number?" He asked.

Orious blushed stopping and stared at him surprised at his lover's anwser. "Vampires don't age and if my illness gets better i will end up living longer than you... daisuke, I know this might be sudden but I want to be with you." He told his boyfriend and opened the cafe door for him getting them seated.

He sat in the table Orious got for them. "I want to be with you too." Daisuke smiled sweetly at his lover. And Daisuke was determined to make sure Orious does get better. He just knew he would. Daisuke was a healer in training. And he knew his "patients" always get better thanks to him. And Daisuke was sure his lover was going to get better too.
Takis Argyris

Takis looked down at Cadius while he slept. "Damn, he looks cute when he sleeps..." He muttered to himself. He had some... ideas, but waved them away and just decided to watch Cadi sleep.

Mei is just fucking passed out. xD  Probably won't be awake for a bit, except for some outside force... which I might bring in, mind you.

xD  Kay

Takis Argyris

Takis blinked and looked up for a second. "Oh yeah... class... I forgot about that... wait, he goes to class?" He looked around confused for a second.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei was still sleeping for a bit, when all of a sudden a loud bang came from the door. "Woah! What the hell?!" He jumped up(Covering himself, of course.) and looked towards the door. 

A guy with a cape came in, looking way too excited. The door was literally on the fucking ground burning. 


When he busted in, he stared at Mei for a second, then blinked. "Maldito ... mal momento?" He asked to Mei, looking between him and Hisoka.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei looked a bit flustered, and definetely embarressed. "¡Sí lo es! ¿Qué mierda haces aquí?" Mei yelled.


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Cadi groaned and accidentally bit Takis in his sleep.

Hisoka stood up, of course, butt naked. "what the hell?!" He looked at the guy and sighed. "friend of yours?" The demon actually had a sexy muscular body in the light. Mei probably didnt get to see it very well in the dark. ;)

Takis Argyris

"Woah, what the hell?!" Takis yelled. He yelled a bit quietly, as he knew Cadius was still sleeping, and he looked down at him. He removed his thumb from his mouth, before sighing and saying "Silly boy..."


He looked a bit surprised when Hisoka got up completely naked. "Woah, maldita sea. Esperaré un minuto mientras ustedes se visten..." He walked out.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei shook his head. "No, that was my brother... Heliodoro..." He got up and started to get dressed, yelling out into the hall "¡Heliodoro, espera un segundo!". Heliodoro yelled back into the room, "Mei, tienes mucho que explicar!"

Cadi licked his lips and his mouth had fangs in them.

Hisoka dug in his ear with his pinkie finger then sighed, walking out of the room. "want me to go retrieve him?" Yes he is still naked.

Takis Argyris

Takis watched him do this, and saw his strange teeth. "Huh... weird..." He went to lick the blood off his hand where Cadi had bitten him, but realized there wasn't actually any blood there. He looked at Cadius, a bit confused and a bit suspicious.

Mei Rinsaku

"Hisoka!" Mei yelled quietly, pulling him back. "One, he didn't leave, he's right outside. Two, you're still naked! Put some clothes on, if you're gonna go see my brother..." He laughed.

Cadi sat up slowly and opened his now red hues. "you look.....so tasty..." He whispered out. His stepfather always did weird experimental shit on him and turned him into a partial vampire.

Hisok looked at him and put his clothes back on. "right....what does he want anyway?"

Takis Argyris

Takis cocked his head at him. "Tasty...? Did you turn into a vampire or some shit? Your eyes are fucked up and you have fangs..."

Mei Rinsaku

"I don't know... I haven't seen him in years..." Mei said as he shook his head. "Of course, this wasn't really the way I was expecting to meet him..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro knocked on the door and experimentally peeked in. When he saw that they were both dressed, he walked back in and looked pointedly at Mei. "Mei ... hace tanto tiempo que no te veo ... tienes mucho que explicar. Especialmente él." He huffed, pointing to Hisoka.

Mei Rinsaku

"Lo sé ... pero si voy a ser honesto, era lo que parecía ..." Mei explained. He looked back up at Hisoka. "He only speaks Spanish... he won't be able to understand you..."

Cadi leaned foreward and licked Takis neck before opening his mouth, ready to chomp down.

Hisoka smirked and poked the brothers cheek before flopping on the bed and blowing a bubble of the gum in his mouth.

Takis Argyris

"Woah, hold up," Takis said, grabbing his face and moving it up so he could look him in the eye. "I'm guessing I was right...?"

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¡Oye! ¡No me toques! ¿Qué estabas haciendo con Mei?" Heliodoro yelled, jumping back and engulfing his fist in fire.

Mei Rinsaku

"Calma, hermano ... esto es Hisoka, mi novio ..." Mei said, moving over to him and holding his arm. "Como dije, no puedo negar lo que viste ... estábamos ..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

"¡¿Qué?! Mei, ¡estás en la secundaria! ¡Lo mataré, lo juro por Dios!" Heliodoro yelled. He tried to attack Hisoka, but Mei was holding him back by his arm. 

Mei Rinsaku

"If you can't tell, he's... angry..." Mei said exasperatedly to Hisoka.

Cadi glared at the food before him, losing all his sense. "stop resisting...."

Hisoka smirked. "its okay....i hooked my bungee gum on him just in case he did something like that" His hair changed from blue to red and he smiled demonically at the brother. A massive wave of power rolled off the demons body.

Takis Argyris

Takis continued to placate Cadius by holding him back. "No... no, I don't think I'll stop..." He sighed.

Mei Rinsaku

"Hisoka, don't fuck up my brother..." Mei sighed. "He's just... very, very protective..."

Heliodoro Rinsaku

Heliodoro looked down his arm when Hisoka did that. "¿Qué mierda? ¿Es un demonio o algo de mierda?" He said confused. He continued to struggle against Mei for another second, before sighing and giving up. He looked at Mei and said, "Aún no estoy de acuerdo con lo que hiciste ..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei softly held Heliodoro's arm. "Sé hermano ... pero ahora soy mayor ... Puedo tomar mis propias decisiones sin ti ..." He said lightly.


Cool, later bro.
He sat in the table Orious got for them. "I want to be with you too." Daisuke smiled sweetly at his lover. And Daisuke was determined to make sure Orious does get better. He just knew he would. Daisuke was a healer in training. And he knew his "patients" always get better thanks to him. And Daisuke was sure his lover was going to get better too.

A waiter came over and placed down two menus. "I will be your server, I will be back to get your order..." he said and walked off. orious looked at his menu before looking up at daisuke with those Violet eyes of his. He rested his chin on his hand. "Daisuke.." he murmured.

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