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"Alright. Then just the cat.   Got it. Here."  He gave him the money for the cat. He did say he'd at least get daisuke  one of the plushs.  He couldn't help but to smile a little that  daisuke gave him a kiss. He stretched looking around  at everything then looked at daisuke as he had got out his wallet. He tilted his head blushing noticing his boyfriend's figure from the back and smirked. Daisuke was extremely cute from this angle too and secretly he couldn't help but to look a little peak at that rear end of his boyfriend's. He looked to the side. "Well as for something to eat you can decide where you'd like to go."

He payed for the bunny and carried it around in a paperbag the cashier gave him. Daisuke wasn't aware of his boyfriend looking at his rear side. He looked at his lover with a confused look, tilting his head to the side slightly. He was unsure where Orious was lokking at but got over it seeing that he looked to the side. He shrugs. "I'm not sure where to eat.." He hasn't been in town for well.... His entire life. "How about a cafe here? Th-There is a cafe here.... right?"

(Here's the repost dear,,!!)

He payed for the bunny and carried it around in a paperbag the cashier gave him. Daisuke wasn't aware of his boyfriend looking at his rear side. He looked at his lover with a confused look, tilting his head to the side slightly. He was unsure where Orious was lokking at but got over it seeing that he looked to the side. He shrugs. "I'm not sure where to eat.." He hasn't been in town for well.... His entire life. "How about a cafe here? Th-There is a cafe here.... right?"

(Here's the repost dear,,!!)


Orious nodded. " There's a cafe a few shops down actually. " Orious anwsered looking at his boyfriend with his violet eyes tilting his head. He was kind of glad he didn't catch him looking at his fine behind because he had a feeling it might set him off. He really enjoyed being  with daisuke and honestly Ori would rather him not ruin things since he had feelings for daisuke. He smiled taking his hand and smiled. "Shall we,beautiful?"
Orious nodded. " There's a cafe a few shops down actually. " Orious anwsered looking at his boyfriend with his violet eyes tilting his head. He was kind of glad he didn't catch him looking at his fine behind because he had a feeling it might set him off. He really enjoyed being  with daisuke and honestly Ori would rather him not ruin things since he had feelings for daisuke. He smiled taking his hand and smiled. "Shall we,beautiful?"

He nods and smiles at his lover. Daisuke really liked Orious, he didn't want to mess anything up with him. Orious wasn't his first lover but he was Daisuke's first kiss. His previous lover just didn't work out. The girl just thought they couldn't be. Not that Daisuke minded. He was the type of guy who only wanted what's best for those he cared about. And if he wasn't the best for her then he wouldn't be bitter about it. 

But that was then and this was now. Daisuke was with someone who thought he was good for him. Or that's what Daisuke hoped.
He nods and smiles at his lover. Daisuke really liked Orious, he didn't want to mess anything up with him. Orious wasn't his first lover but he was Daisuke's first kiss. His previous lover just didn't work out. The girl just thought they couldn't be. Not that Daisuke minded. He was the type of guy who only wanted what's best for those he cared about. And if he wasn't the best for her then he wouldn't be bitter about it. 

But that was then and this was now. Daisuke was with someone who thought he was good for him. Or that's what Daisuke hoped.

Daisuke was not orious' first love either, he had a few true lovers over the years but they all died. When orious started getting ill he excepted his fate and he still did now. Though daisuke made him think a little when he had wanted Ori to get better. He tilted his head to look at his lover as they walked together. "... daisuke, if you were offered immortality..would you accept it? Like... You wouldn't grow old and die...." He asked suddenly.
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Est smiled and kaid on him, whispering his words of love before losing himself in the warm wave of lust.


Bilal gave a small smile. "i do apologize....i tend to pass out at the smell of blood....since it was trapped in this room it was even more intense"

"LET GO!" His sheild blasted the other male back, cutting him up in a lot of places. (actually, he wouldnt even be able to hug him xD  his force field blasts every one back who tries to approach him. I am pretty sure it is 32 inches all around him)

@Astaroth Suzumiya*

Pittoo looked at him ."good answer....lets go" He started walking at a fast pace, purposely of course. This by deserved a little payback.


Rocco smiled. "im kidding.....so what do you guys do for a living...?"

Hisoka smiled. "maybe something naughty?"

Takis Argyris

"Well... it changes, for me. I've moved around the world my entire life, every year usually." Takis explained. He decided to omit that he was a criminal, as he figured it wouldn't have been the best thing to say as an occupation.

Mei Rinsaku

"Ya know, I thought you'd say that..." Mei laughed. "We can do whatever you want. Besides, you picked me up... can't exactly run. Not that I'd want to, of course."

Daisuke was not orious' first love either, he had a few true lovers over the years but they all died. When orious started getting ill he excepted his fate and he still did now. Though daisuke made him think a little when he had wanted Ori to get better. He tilted his head to look at his lover as they walked together. "... daisuke, if you were offered immortality..would you accept it? Like... You wouldn't grow old and die...." He asked suddenly.

The small male looked a bit surprised but the same time curious about the sudden question. He decided not to question it yet, he had to answer first. And so he did. "Well.. Living forever sounds great but at the same time awfully lonely.... Seeing everyone and everything you love fade away when you are to stay....." Daisuke said looking around a bit before looking straight into his boyfriend's eyes. "But," He began to say. "If I were to have someone to spend forever with.. Then I wouldn't hesitate to say yes." Daisuke squeezed Ori's hand a bit, not in a harsh manner but somewhat in a reassuring way. "Why do you ask?"


Agui glared at the Angel. He was fully aware of Pittoo walking fast on purpose. And he didn't like it, especially with all the bags and luggage Agui had to carry and drag around. "Slow down will you?" He then groaned a bit, aware that that comment may have sounded rude and knowing this little angel, he wouldn't be let off the hook by doing that. "Please?" Agui added a bit loudly, as if he disliked saying that word. Because of this his lisp was a bit more noticeable. Dang it.

Pittoo stopped and looked at him with a smile. "oh i like hearing that out of your mouth...." He was behind him in a blink of an eye and whispered in his ear. "say it again and i will be a good boy~"

Takis Argyris

Takis looked down at Cadius sadly for a second, before looking back up at Rocco. "I'm trying to do something about it... We're gonna try and leave when I have to go..."

Mei Rinsaku

Mei yelped when Hisoka started to run. "Geez, slow down... excited much?" He teased.

Agui was just about to start back up with the snarky comments until something happened. Pittoo's sudden whisper happened. That whisper made Agui get the shivers. Which was a rare event seeing that Agui was mostly fire and flames. He couldn't help but even go a tad red because of this. But Agui had to stay strong, don't submit to this guy. Or at least put up a bit of a fight. "Please.." Agui murmured silently. It was more of a mumble than a murmur honestly. Not even a mouse could hear that.

Rocco looked at him sadly as well. "things will work out....you will see"

Cadi nodded. "yeah.....i hope..."

Hisoka laughed. "very!"


"what was that~ i couldnt hear you....louder" His mouth was practically on his ear, and he smirked, knowing the other male was probably uncomfortable.

Takis Argyris

Takis nodded and looked back down at Cadius again. "He's right... It'll be fine..." He whispered, kissing him.

Mei Rinsaku

"Mhm... God damn Hisoka... So dirty..." Mei laughed.

Correct. Agui was uncomfortable. But he was still unsure whether it was the good kind or the bad kind. Was there even a good kind of uncomfortable? The red on Agui's cheeks were not going away. In the matter of fact the shade of that red was only getting deeper and deeper, making it more noticeable and giving it more of a time to fade away. "P-please..!" Crap he stuttered. But the good news was he did say it louder, a lot louder actually. Agui was unsure why he said it that loud. Was it due to irritation? He was feeling too uncomfortable? Who knew. Because Agui, the one who said it in that volume didn't have a clue. But he sure knew one thing, he was embarrassed as fuck. This was not what he planned to do on his first day here. Not planned at all. 

Cadi looked unsure, but nodded anyway, wanting to believe him.

"im not dirty....im naughty" He smiled as he made it to the room.


Pittoo trailed his finger along the other males jawline before walking on, slower this time. "do you need help carrying your things?" He looked at him and gave the cutest damn smile possible.

Takis Argyris

Takis looked back up at Rocco. "I'm actually from Greece... complications drove me from there..."

Mei Rinsaku

"Such a difference..." Mei laughed. He reached behind them and closed the door, looking back up at Hisoka.

Takis Argyris

"Australia... don't think I'd ever want to move there. I've heard some creepy ass stories..." Takis shuddered.

Mei Rinsaku

"Of course..." Mei said.  "Besides, it ain't like you're the only person who gets these thoughts..."

And then the smile appeared. If Agui could, he would have covered his blushing face right now. He tried to sigh the embarrassment off (though it stuck to him like glue) and continued walking. "... Nah." Agui needed to get back at this angel. But he needed to figure it out. "Wouldn't want to give you a lot of trouble by carrying this stuff." That was a lie. Agui wanted to give Pittoo all the trouble. Not like he hated this small angel. Because he totally didn't he was actually quite interested in him. He was the only one who can somewhat match Agui or even give him the shivers. Agui wanted to find Pittoo's weak spot. He already knew he was sensitive about his face but Agui needed to find a weak spot wherein Pittoo was more flustered than sad.

Pitto gave a nod and flapped his wings just to stretched them, he walked out, quiet, but inside he was laughing his ass off. The small angel stopped mid stride and looked down at a spider, instead of killing it, he walked around it.

Takis Argyris

"Well... I remember a particular story about a dude finding their sink full of Brazilian Wandering Spiders... nasty bastards, they are. Amazingly poisonous." He said. And yes, that is an actual story.

Mei Rinsaku

"Not what I meant... I get those thoughts about you..." Mei laughed, hooking his arms around Hisoka.

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The small male looked a bit surprised but the same time curious about the sudden question. He decided not to question it yet, he had to answer first. And so he did. "Well.. Living forever sounds great but at the same time awfully lonely.... Seeing everyone and everything you love fade away when you are to stay....." Daisuke said looking around a bit before looking straight into his boyfriend's eyes. "But," H e began to say. "If I were to have someone to spend forever with.. Then I wouldn't hesitate to say yes." Daisuke squeezed Ori's hand a bit, not in a harsh manner but somewhat in a reassuring way. "Why do you ask?"


Agui glared at the Angel. He was fully aware of Pittoo walking fast on purpose. And he didn't like it, especially with all the bags and luggage Agui had to carry and drag around. "Slow down will you?" He then groaned a bit, aware that that comment may have sounded rude and knowing this little angel, he wouldn't be let off the hook by doing that. "Please?" Agui added a bit loudly, as if he disliked saying that word. Because of this his lisp was a bit more noticeable. Dang it.


Orious blushed stopping and stared at him surprised at his lover's anwser. "Vampires don't age and if my illness gets better i will end up living longer than you... daisuke, I know this might be sudden but I want to be with you." He told his boyfriend and opened the cafe door for him getting them seated.

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